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Hou Research Lab at UMass Dartmouth

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I. Publications In Peer-Reviewed Journals (* Corresponding Author)

37. Xuejing Hou and Harvey J.M. Hou* (2012) Roles of Manganese in Photosystem II Dynamics to Irradiations and Temperatures, Front. Biol., (Doi: 10.1007/s11515-012-1214-2)

36. Lien-Yang Chou, Rui Liu, Wanshu He, Ndi Geh, Yongjing Lin, Emily Y.F. Hou, Dunwei Wang*, and Harvey J.M. Hou* (2012) Direct Oxygen and Hydrogen Production by Water Splitting Using a Robust Bioinspired Manganese-oxo Oligomer Complex/Tungsten Oxide Catalytic System, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 37, 8889-8896

35. Harvey J.M. Hou* (2011) Manganese-based Materials Inspired by Photosynthesis for Water-Splitting, Materials, 4, 1693-1704

34. Harvey J.M. Hou* (2011) Water Splitting with Sunlight Inspired by Photosynthesis, Environ. Res. J., 6, 51-69

33. Harvey J.M. Hou* and David Mauzerall* (2011) Listening to PS II: Enthalpy, Entropy and Volume Changes, J. Photochem. Photobiol. B, 104, 357-365

32. Zi Wei, Clyde W. Cady, Gary W. Brudvig, and Harvey J.M. Hou* (2011) Photodamage of a Mn(III/IV)-oxo Mix Valence Compound and Photosystem II Complexes: Evidence that High-Valent Manganese Species is Responsible for UV-induced Photodamage of Oxygen Evolving Complex in Photosystem II, J. Photochem. Photobiol. B, 104, 118-125

31. Rui Liu, Yongjing Lin, Lien-Yang Chou, Stafford W. Sheehan, Wanshu He, Fan Zhang, Harvey J.M. Hou* and Dunwei Wang* (2011) Water Splitting by Tungsten Oxide Prepared by Atomic Layer Deposition and Decorated with an Oxygen-Evolving Catalyst, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 50: 499-502

30. Fan Zhang, Clyde W. Cady, Gary W. Brudvig, and Harvey J.M. Hou* (2011) Thermal Stability of [Mn(III)(O)2Mn(IV)(H2O)2(Terpy)2](NO3)3 (Terpy = 2,2':6',2"-terpyridine) in Aqueous Solution, Inorg. Chim. Acta, 366, 128-133

29. Fan Zhang, Zi Wei, Peter Jeranyama, Carolyn DeMoranville, and Harvey J.M. Hou* (2011) A Significant Loss in Photosynthetic Activity Associated with the Yellow Vine Syndrome of Cranberry, HortScience, 46, 901-907

28. Zi Wei, Peter Jeranyama, Fan Zhang, Carolyn DeMoranville, and Harvey J.M. Hou* (2010) Probing the Mechanisms of the Yellow Vine Syndrome Development in Cranberry: Shade Effect, HortScience, 45, 1345-1348

27. Harvey J.M. Hou* (2010) Structural and Mechanistic Aspects of Mn-oxo and Co-based Compounds in Water Oxidation Catalysis and Potential Application in Solar Fuel Production, J. Integr. Plant Biol., 52, 704-711

26. Harvey J.M. Hou* and Thomas P. Sakmar* (2010) Methodology of Pulsed Photoacoustics and Its Application to Probe Photosystems and Receptors, Sensors, 10, 5642-5667

25. Harvey J.M. Hou*, Gaozhong Shen, Vladimir A. Boichenko, John H. Golbeck and David Mauzerall* (2009) Thermodynamics of charge separation of photosystem I in the menA and menB null mutants of Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 determined by pulsed photoacoustics, Biochemistry, 48, 1829-1837

24. Harvey J.M. Hou and David Mauzerall (2006) The A- to FA/B Step in Synechocystis 6803 Photosystem I is Entropy Driven, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 128, 1580-1586

23. Elsa C. Y. Yan, Manija A. Kazmi, Ziad Ganim, Jian-Min Hou, Douhai Pan, Belinda S. W. Chang, Thomas P. Sakmar and Richard A. Mathies (2003) Counterion Switch in the Photoactivation of the G Protein-Coupled Receptor Rhodopsin, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 100, 9262-9267

22. David Mauzerall, Jian-Min Hou, and Vladimir A. Boichenko (2002) Volume Changes and Electrostriction in the Primary Photoreactions of Various Photosynthetic Systems: Estimation of Dielectric Coefficient in Bacterial Reaction Centers and of the Observed Volume Changes With the Drude-Nernst Equation, Photosynth. Res., 74, 173-180

21. Jian-Min Hou, Vladimir A. Boichenko, Ying-Chun Wang, Parag R. Chitnis, David Mauzerall (2001) Thermodynamics of electron transfer in oxygenic photosynthetic reaction center: a photoacoustic study revealed a similarity to bacterial reaction centers on electron transfer in photosystem I in both volume change and entropy, Biochemistry, 40, 7109-7116

20. Jian-Min Hou, Vladimir A. Boichenko, Bruce A. Diner, David Mauzerall (2001) Thermodynamics of electron transfer in oxygenic photosynthetic reaction center: volume change, enthalpy and entropy of electron transfer in Manganese-depleted photosystem II core reaction centers, Biochemistry, 40, 7117-7125

19. Vladimir A. Boichenko, Jian-Min Hou, David Mauzerall (2001) Thermodynamics of electron transfer in oxygenic photosynthetic reaction center: volume change and energy storage in primary photosynthetic processes in the intact cells of cyanobacterium Synechocystis PCC 6803, Biochemistry, 40, 7126-7132

18. Jian-Min Hou, Dominique Dejonghe, Ji-Xiu Shan, Liang-Bi Li, Ting-Yun Kuang (2000) Orientation of pigments in the isolated photosystem II sub-core reaction center complex: A linear dichroism study, J. Integr. Plant Biol., 42(12), 1211-1214

17. Sushma Naithani, Jian-Min Hou, Parag R. Chitnis (2000) Targeted inactivation of the psaK1, psaK2 and psaM genes encoding subunits of photosystem I in the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803, Photosynth. Res., 63, 225-236

16. De-Chuan Peng, Jian-Min Hou, Ting-Yun Kuang, Chong-Qin Tang, and Peisung Tang (1999) Photoinduced damage of the photosystem II primary electron donor P680: a high performance liquid chromatographic analysis of pigment content in D1/D2/cytochrome b559 complex under photoinhibitory conditions, J. Integr. Plant Biol., 41(12), 1307-1311

15. Yao-Dong Chen, Jian-Xin Chen, Jian-Min Hou, Hui Chen, Qi-Yuan Zhang, Liang-Bi Li, and Ting-Yun Kuang (1999) Dynamic studies on primary reactions of the PS II particles and core complexes by femtosecond absorption spectroscopy, J. Integr. Plant Biol. 41, (7) 700-705

14. Jian-Min Hou, Ting-Yun Kuang, Yao-Dong Chen, Tong Ye, Kun-Yun Yang, Yan Cui, Chong-Qin Tang, Shui-Cai Wang, Xun Hou, and Peisung Tang (1998) Kinetics properties of primary reaction of the photosystem II reaction center using the time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy with 470-fs time resolution, J. Integr. Plant Biol., 40: (8) 715-720

13. Jian-Xin Chen, Jian-Min Hou, Hong-Hao Zhang, Ting-Yun Kuang, and Qi-Yuan Zhang (1997) Nanosecond time-resolved spectroscopic study on the photosystem II reaction center D1/D2/Cyt b559 complex, Chinese Sci. Bull., 42(12), 1315-1319

12. Jian-Min Hou, Ting-Yun Kuang, Tong Ye, Yan Cui, Kun-Yun Yang, Shui-Cai Wang, Chong-Qin Tang, Xun Hou, and Peisung Tang (1997) Studies on the kinetics of the charge separation and the energy transfer in the photosystem II reaction center, Chinese Sci. Bull., 42(4), 337-340

11. Yao-Dong Chen, Yi-Chun Guan, Jian-Min Hou, Chong-Qin Tang, Shui-Cai Wang, Xun Hou, and Ting-Yun Kuang (1997) Study on the energy transfer kinetics between the light-harvesting system and reaction center of photosystem II, J. Integr. Plant Biol., 39(4), 372-374

10. Jian-Min Hou, Ting-Yun Kuang, De-Chuan Peng et al (1996) Photoinduced damage of pheophytin a and its protective role for the photosystem II reaction center against photoinactivation, Progress in Natural Sciences, 6(4), 489-493

9. Suqin Sun, Shubin Zhao, Weiqin Lu, Xinyao Hu, Jianmin Hou, Tingyun Kuang, and Jian Zhu (1996) Study on the secondary structure of PS II RC proteins in the photo-inhibited course by FTIR and computer-aided analysis, Spectroscopy and Spectroscopic Analysis,16(4), 25-27

8. Tong Ye, Yan Cui, Jian-Min Hou et al (1996) Measurement of subnanosecond time-resolved fluorescence spectra of PSII reaction center from higher plants, Acta Photonica Sinica, 25(1), 1-6

7. Jian-Min Hou, Ting-Yun Kuang, De-Chuan Peng, Chong-Qin Tang, and Peisung Tang (1995) Observation of one pheophytin a molecule not associated with primary photochemistry in the isolated photosystem II reaction center D1/D2/Cyt b559, J. Integr. Plant Biol., 37(5), 405-408

6. Ting-Yun Kuang, Jian-Min Hou, De-Chuan Peng, Chong-Qin Tang, and Peisung Tang (1995) Light-induced damage of pheophytin a molecule in the isolated photosystem II reaction center D1/D2/Cyt b559 complex, J. Integr. Plant Biol., 37(5), 401-404

5. Jian-Min Hou, Xiao-Xia Gao (1994) Voltammetric study on nickel (II) complex of meso-tetra(4-N- methylpyridyl)porphyrin in aqueous solution, Chem. Res. Chinese Univ., 15(8), 1136- 1139

4. Jian-Min Hou, Xiao-Xia Gao (1993) Studies of Voltammetric behavior of cobalt(II,III) complex of meso-tetra(p-sulfonatephenyl) porphyrin in aqueous solution, Chem. Res. Chinese Univ., 14(9), 1222-1226

3. Jian-Min Hou, Xi-Jie Yu, Nan-Qiang Li (1992) Voltammetric study of Eu(III) at o- phenanthroline Nafion polymer film electrodes, Chinese J. Anal. Chem., 20(12), 1431-1434

2. Nan-Qiang Li, Jian-Min Hou, Bai-Feng Liu, Shao-Jun Dong (1991) Rare earth chemically modified electrode: electrochemical behavior of europium (III), Chinese J. Anal. Chem., 19(12), 1373-1378

1. Xian-Zeng Ye, Jian-Min Hou, Xiao-Xia Gao et al (1991) Voltammetric behaviors of adrenaline and its Be(II) complex, Chinese Chem. Lett., 2(9), 731-734

II. Publications In Books (* Corresponding Author)

21. Harvey J.M. Hou* (2012) Probing the Thermodynamics of Photosystem I by Spectroscopic and Mutagenic Methods, In "Thermodynamics," Ricardo Morales-Rodriguez Ed., Intech, ISBN 979-953-307-836-5, accepted for publication

20. Harvey J.M. Hou (2012) Manganese in Natural and Artificial Photosynthesis, In "Manganese: Chemical Properties, Medicinal Uses and Environmental Effects," Shu Tian Gan and Hui Rong Kong Eds., Nova Science Publishers, Chapter X, pp. 1-22

19. Harvey J.M. Hou* (2011) Harness Energy from the Sun by Splitting Water Using Mn-oxo or Co-based Catalytic Systems to Mimic Photosynthesis, In "Solar System: Structure, Formation and Exploration," Matteo de Rossi Ed., Nova Science Publishers, Chapter 3, pp. 1-18

18. Harvey J.M. Hou* (2011) Recent Advances in Cranberry Stress Physiology, In "Recent Progress in Medicinal Plants," Amani S. Awaad, Geetanjali Kaushik, J.N. Govil Eds., Studium Press LLC, USA, Vol. 31, pp. 89-110

17. Harvey J.M. Hou* (2011) Enthalpy, Entropy, and Volume Changes of Electron Transfer Reactions in Photosynthetic Proteins, In "Application of Thermodynamics to Biological and Materials Science," Mizutani Tadashi Ed., Intech, pp. 93-110

16. Lien-Yang Chou, Wanshu He, Xuejing Hou, Joy Patel, Aaron Rasposo, Harvey J.M. Hou* (2011) Yellow Vine Syndrome of American Cranberry: A Mechanistic Assessment, Proceedings of 15th International Congress of Photosynthesis, Springer, in press

15. Xuejing Hou, Lien-Yang Chou, Harvey J.M. Hou* (2011) Deconvolution Analysis of Photoacoustic Waves of Electron Transfer in PS I of menG Null Mutant of Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803, Proceedings of 15th International Congress of Photosynthesis, Springer, in press

14. Wanshu He, Lien-Yang Chou, Ndi Geh, Robert Mulkern, Harvey J.M. Hou* (2011) Catalytic Mechanism of a Bioinspired Mn-oxo Olgomer/Tungston Oxide System in Water Splitting and Its Relevance to PS II Water Oxidation, Proceedings of 15th International Congress of Photosynthesis, Springer, in press

13. Harvey J.M. Hou* (2008) Identification of the Degradation Products Involved in Bacteriopheophytin Photodamage of the Photosynthetic Reaction Centers from Rb. sphaeroides by Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry. In: Photosynthesis: Energy from the Sun, J.P. Allen, B. Osmond, J.H. Golbeck and E. Gantt Eds., pp. 1473-1478, Springer.

12. Harvey J.M. Hou*, Xinyu Zhang, Hongjie Liu, John Stevens, Evan Young, Traci Lien, Emily Dempsey, and William Ettinger (2005) Photodamage of one bacteriopheophytin molecule in the photosynthetic reaction center from Rb sphaeroides. In: Photosynthesis: Fundamental Aspects to Global Perspectives, A. Van Der Est and D. Bruce Eds., Vol 1, pp. 501-503, Allen Press

11. Jian-Min Hou, Ting-Yun Kuang, De-Chuan Peng, Chong-Qin Tang, and Peisung Tang (1998) Photoinduced damage of the photosystem II primary electron donor P680: a high performance liquid chromatographic analysis of pigment content in D1/D2/cytochrome b559 complex under photoinhibitory conditions. In: Photosynthesis: Mechanism and Effects, G. Garab Ed., Kluwers Academic Publishers, Vol III, pp. 2119-2122

10. Yao-Dong Chen, Jian-Min Hou, Kun-Yun Yang, Chong-Qin Tang, Shui-Cai Wang, Xun Hou, and Ting-Yun Kuang (1998) Studies on the PSII particles and core complexes using femtosecond absorption spectroscopy. In: Photosynthesis: Mechanism and Effects, G. Garab Ed., Kluwers Academic Publishers, Vol I, pp. 289-292

9. Ting-Yun Kuang, Jian-Min Hou (1997) Structure and function of photosystem II reaction center D1/D2/Cyt b559 complex from higher plants. In: The Advances in Life Chemistry, Yu-Feng Zhao Ed., in press (invited review article)

8. Ting-Yun Kuang, Jian-Min Hou, Pei-Sung Tang (1996) Structure and function of photosynthetic reaction center. In: Plant Physiology and Molecular Biology, Xiang-Yu Wu Ed., pp. Chap. 13 (invited review article)

7. Jian-Xin Chen, Qi-Yuan Zhang, Jian-Min Hou, Ting-Yun Kuang (1996) Primary process in photosynthesis. In: Trends in Natural Sciences during the early periods of 21 century, Chinese Science Press, pp. 188-191

6. Ting-Yun Kuang, Jian-Min Hou (1996) Photochemistry in photosynthesis. In: The Frontiers in Modern Chemistry, You-Qi Tang Ed., in press

5. Jian-Min Hou, Ting-Yun Kuang, Tong Ye, Kun-Yun Yang, Shui-Cai Wang, Xun Hou, and Peisung Tang (1995) Dynamics studies on the primary photochemical reaction in the isolated photosystem II reaction center by time-resolved absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy. In: Photosynthesis: from Light to Biosphere, P. Mathis Ed., Kluwers Academic Publishers, Vol I, pp. 523-526

4. Chong-Qin Tang, Kun-Yun Yang, Jian-Min Hou, Ting-Yun Kuang and Peisung Tang (1995) Magnetic circular dichroism of photosystem II reaction center complex. In: Photosynthesis: From Light to Biosphere, P. Mathis Ed., Kluwers Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Vol I, pp. 675-678

3. Ting-Yun Kuang, Jian-Min Hou, De-Chuan Peng, Chong-Qin Tang, and Peisung Tang (1995) Photoinduced damage of the pheophytin a and its protective role in the photosystem II reaction center against photoinactivation, In: Photosynthesis: from Light to Biosphere, P. Mathis Ed., Kluwers Academic Publishers, Vol IV, pp. 363-366

2. Jian-Min Hou, Ting-Yun Kuang, De-Chuan Peng, Chong-Qin Tang, and Peisung Tang (1995) A hypothesis: protective role of pheophytin a in the second electron-transfer branch against inactivation of the photosynthetic reaction center, In: Photoinhibition, Photoprotection and Crop production, C. C. Black, Z. P. Tu Eds, pp. 109-113

1. Ting-Yun Kuang, De-Chuan Peng, Jian-Min Hou, Chong-Qin Tang, and Peisung Tang (1995) Photodamage and multi-step protection function of PSII reaction center D1/D2/Cyt b559 complex, In: Photoinhibition , Photoprotection and Crop production, C. C. Black, Z. P. Tu Eds, pp. 13-16

III. Abstracts In Peer-Reviewed Journals (* Corresponding Author)

7. Lien-Yang Chou, Ndi Geh, Sean Cederlund, Peter Jeranyama, Carolyn DeMoranville and Harvey J.M. Hou* (2010) "Yellow Vine Syndrome of Cranberry in Massachusetts: HPLC analysis of Xanthophyll Cycle," HortScience, 45, 484

6. Zi Wei, Fan Zhang, Lien-yang Chou, Peter Jeranyama, Carolyn DeMoranville, and Harvey J.M. Hou* (2010) "Yellow Vine Syndrome of Cranberry in Relation to the Nutrition Imbalance, Water Stress, and Photosynthesis," HortScience, 45, 485

5. Zi Wei, Fan Zhang, Peter Jeranyama, Carolyn DeMoranville, and Harvey J.M. Hou* (2009) "Spectrometric and HPLC analysis of yellow vine syndrome in cranberry in Massachusetts," HortScience, 44, 546-547

4. Fan Zhang, Zi Wei, Peter Jeranyama, Carolyn DeMoranville, and Harvey J.M. Hou* (2009) "In vivo chlorophyll fluorescence analysis of yellow vine syndrome in cranberry in Massachusetts," HortScience, 44, 554

3. Jennifer Sicuranza, Peter Jeranyama, Harvey J.M. Hou, and Carolyn DeMoranville (2009) "Shade effects on chlorophyll content and nutrient content of cranberry vines exhibiting yellow vine symptoms," HortScience, 44, 553

2. Harvey J.M. Hou* (2007) LC-MS and Photoacoustic Analysis of Type-II Reaction Center Photoinhibition, Photosynth. Res., 91, 306.

1. David Mauzerall and Jian-Min Hou (2001) Thermodynamics of charge separation in PS I and PS II, Biophys J., 80, 429A

IV. Manuscripts Under Review and in Preparation (* Corresponding Author)

4. Lien-Yang Chou, Xuejing Hou, Zi Wei, Joy Patel, and Harvey J.M. Hou* (2012) Impaired Xanthophyll Cycle in the Cranberry Leaves Exhibiting Yellow Vine Syndrome Revealed by HPLC Analysis, Anal. Chem. Lett., to be submitted

3. Harvey J.M. Hou* (2012) Photosynthesis and Yellow Vine Syndrome of American Cranberry, Agriculture, to be submitted

2. Harvey J.M. Hou* (2012) Probing Forensic Science by Photoacoustic Spectroscopy, Forensic Sci. Int., to be submitted

1. Peter Jeranyama*, Jenna Sicuranza, Harvey J.M. Hou, and Carolyn DeMoranville, Shade Effects on Chlorophyll Content, Gas Exchange and Nutrient Content of Cranberry Vines Exhibiting Yellow Vine Symptoms, HortScience, to be submitted

V. Master's and Doctoral Theses

5. Wanshu He (2012) Electrochemistry and Photochemistry of Bioinspired Mn-based Compounds Mimicking Photosystem II Water Oxidation, M.S. Thesis, UMass Dartmouth

4. Xuejing Hou (2012) Roles of Manganese in Photoinhibition of Acaryochloris marina and Deconvolution Analysis of Photoacoustic Waves of Photosystem I and Rhodopsin, M.S. Thesis, UMass Dartmouth

3. Lien-Yang Chou (2011) Mechanistic Analyses of Cranberry Yellow Vine Syndrome Formation and Bioinspired Manganese Oxygen-Evolving Catalyst, M.S. Thesis, UMass Dartmouth

2. Zi Wei (2009) Mechanistic Analysis of Photosystem II in Higher Plants Against Light Stress, M.S. Thesis, UMass Dartmouth

1. Fan Zhang (2009) Mechanistic Studies of Manganese-oxo Compounds and Photosystem II in Solar Energy Conversion, M.S. Thesis, UMass Dartmouth

VI. Inventions and Patents in Pending and in Preparation

2. Harvey J.M. Hou, Dunwei Wang, Rui Liu, Lien-Yang Chou, Yongjing Lin, and Wanshu He (2012) Mn-oxo oligomer/tungsten oxide catalytic system for solar water splitting, to be submitted

1. Harvey J.M. Hou, Gary W. Brudivig, Fan Zhang, and Clyde Cady (2012) Mn-oxo oligomer material in water splitting, to be submitted

Copyright 2012 by Harvey Hou