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justSmokey's Hideaway!

double click on symbol to hear sound if soundwav does not load
This site is under construction whenever I get a chance, come back often. Thank you.
Welcome to justSmokey's hideaway.
Thank you for visiting my website. I hope that you enjoy your time here.
The links below will take you through the site. Enjoy your tour.
If you have enjoyed what have seen here, or have some ideas about ways that I can make it better, send me an email, and I will see what I can do to make it more interesting.
UPDATED: June 27, 1999

The To-Do List

  • Eat
  • Sleep
  • Dance
  • Be Merry

Check it Out

Who is justSmokey anyway?????
Family and Pets, page 1
Family and Pets, page 2
My Interests and Hobbies
