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List of Images

~Historical Echoes~

Echoes of a Pioneer Homestead

Echoes of a Heritage Farm

The Barn ~~~ The Bedstead

The Cultivator ~~~ Fence at Sunset

The Kitchen ~~~ Country Lane

~Businesses of Kennedy~

Liu's Family Restaurant

Amanda Liu, Jachael Liu

and Lawrence Liu


Coffee Break Time


Kennedy Hotel - The Benny Hill Bar and Grill

Ben Dubois


A. Bortolotto Shoe Shop

Armando Bortolotto

Joe Cornforth


Kennedy Radio & T.V.

Joe Raiwet


Kennedy Agencies

Dianne Wilson


Plainview Credit Union

Anna Meszaros

Dianne Shoemaker

Jean Sostorics

Colleen Daku

Karen Bourhis


Henry's Shop

Henry Poirier


Kennedy Hardware and Post Office

Clair Dorrance

Lorna Dorrance


Post Office

Bonnie Kell

Gail Barsi


Kennedy Car Wash

~Village of Kennedy~

Aerial view of Kennedy

Kennedy's Community Hall

Royal Canadian Legion Cenotaph


Village Office and Library

Mrs. Helen Gurski

Wendy Cancade


Kennedy & District Sports Complex

Kennedy Friendship Center

Residence of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Daku

Kennedy Trailor Park

Heritage Park Campground

United Church of Canada

St. Ann's Roman Catholic Church

Leisure Plus Lodge

Residence of Mrs. Jean Owen

History Book Presentation

Residence of Mrs. Aleta Dodd

Residence of George and Doreen Cancade

Horseshoe Arena

Residence of Mr. and Mrs. Pat Deshais

Oddfellows Lodge Hall (former)

Residence of Mrs. Jean Armstrong

Former Railway Station

Residence of Mrs. Mabel Tarka


~Floral Colors~

(Summer 1997)


The Daku Residence

The McQuitty Residence

Mrs. Delce Berglund Residence

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