The village of Kennedy has a range of businesses and services to
serve the needs of its citizens.
BUSINESSES: K.N.B Fine Foods - Looking after Kennedy's
grocery, deli, meats and fresh produce
needs. Owned & operated by Chris and Walter Hourd.
Liu's Family Restaurant - featuring traditional Chinese and
Western food. Take out is available. Owned
& operated by Jachael and Amanda Liu.
Kennedy Hardware - home improvements and housewares. Owned
& operated by Clair and Lorna
Bortolotto Shoe Service - boots, shoes, western goods, work
clothing and repairs. Bit bag manufacture.
Owned & operated by A. Bortolotto. Assistant is Joe Cornforth.
The Benny Hill Bar and Grill - Owned & operated by Ben
Kennedy Radio & T.V. - specializing in audio and video
sales and repairs. Owned & operated by Joe
Blue Heron Artwork and Framing - specializing in stained
glass art, framing and silver and turquoise
south-west jewelry. Owned and operated by Clarence and Curtis Bender
Henry's Shop - welding and machinery repairs. Owned &
operated by Henry Poirier.
Kennedy Agencies - Operated by Dianne Wilson.
Sue's Country Crafts - specializing in intricate crocheted
designs. Owned and operated by Sue Cummins.
SERVICES: Post Office: full Canada Post service. Postmaster
- Bonnie Kell. The Assistant Postmaster is Gail Barsi.
Banking: Plainsview Credit Union. Regional Development Manager
- Anna Meszaros.
Library: Southeast Regional Library, Kennedy Branch. Librarian
- Wendy Cancade.
Education: Kennedy High School. Grades 7-12. Principal -
Brenda Gardner-Daku.
Churches: United Church of Canada. Rev. Barbara Wilkins. Roman
Catholic Church. Father Joe Strohoffer.
Kennedy & District Sports Complex. Skating rink, horseshoe
Park: Heritage Park: children's playground, picnic shelter,
modern campsites.
Housing: Leisure Lodge (1978) - 10 seniors' housing units.
Leisure Plus Lodge (1981) - 6 units.