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undefined Kelly's Page

This site was last updated on: February 10, 2009. Newest Update(s):Edited text on main page.

Previous Update(s):Added a second picture page for both Alix and Wesley, added a picture page for Ellenore finally. Another picture page is up with recent pics of Josh and I on there. *gasp*

I'm 27, I have curly brown hair that just barely reaches past my ears thanks to a recent cut job I gave it. I also have blue eyes that change a little depending on my mood or what I wear. My name is Kelly, but usually get called Kells, or Liri especially by my husband Joshua.

Some basics about me, I'm married to Joshua like I previously mentioned. We have four sons and a daughter. Alixander who was born March 21, 2002, Wesley who was born December 26, 2003, Ellenore who was born January 3, 2005. Nathaniel who was born September 20, 2006, and Jonothan who was born January 24, 2008.

I LOVE video games (Mostly the Final Fantasy series), and puzzle type games. Though I do play the fighting ones as well.

I'm into using a computer (obviously), and have been doing so since 1995 or 1996.

I'm also really big on roleplaying. Right now I go into a chat room. Plus Joshua and I run a message board (hosted by proboards) called Terraphim Online.

Also making icons, and other such graphics for my use is another pass time of mine when I find any free time.

I read a wide variety of books, currently I really like the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyers, then of course there Earths Children series by Jean Auel, the Sword of Truth series by Terry Goodkind, the list goes on.

If you go down a little further you'll see the a drop down menu that has all of my sections linked right there. After being unable to log in for four years, there will be new pages added in the future, as well as pictures! Check back!

If there is anything else about me you want to know that I didn't cover, just send an email my way.