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Pooh's Backstreet Boys page

Last updated: Today.. euh! I mean July 30th 1998
I first start doing this site on December 7th 97 **A day to remember!!!*


This is my page on a group I really love and I know lots of persons does (Okay, we have to admits lots of girl but sorry, we just can't help ourself!) The Backstreet Boys

These fives hunks:






Make my heart skip a beat everytime they're around!!!

Anyway I'll do my best to make this page as different as possible. Hope you'll enjoy every single part of it.


Okay, I just start doing this page so it's still under Construction real big one. And I guess that in a certain way it'll always be. So enjoy:

Everyone .. today.. on May 4th.. Brian Thomas Littrell is being operate...
we... all of u out there... gotta pray for him to get better and that everything went right.. :)
I'm sure he'll get better soon.. just in time for the show they are doing in montreal on August 23.. where I am going :) and to all the other :) GET WELL SOON B-ROK.. WE BELIEVE IN YOU


U all :) is it that hard to sign the guestbook ???

If you want to make my page " Your home " it's easy.. by the way making my page your home means when you'll enter on your server like Netscape or Microsoft explorer the first thing to appear will be mah page.. ok .. so first of all you go in "Options", then in " Generals preferences" in "Appearance" and then in " browser start with : " you click the "homepage location and you write :

Or to bookmark my page just go in " Bookmarks" and then "add to bookmark"

It's Nick birthday on January 28th... He'll turn 18... Hey! Maybe he'll have a great party with everyone.. I'm sure he will... So if you wanna wish him an Happy Birthday, just go there... So HAPPY BIRTHDAY NICK, BEST WISHES FOR YOUR 18 YEAR( OKAY IT'S 19, BUT ANYWAY YOU GOT THE POINT!!!) *luvs ya lots*

Leave a little wish for Nick's birthday

See other's wish for Nick

Hey.. it's my birthday in 12 days.. wanna wish me some luck or whatever.. well yes :) then go there THANKS :) and as a gift can you puh lease sign the guestbook :)

Peeps!! If you got MIRC or IRC **which is the same thing** Come to mah chat there.. it's #kaos_and_me .. hope to cya there :)

I just wanna say that everyone in here that have ICQ.. can you puh lease let me know.. :) thanks :)

Backstreet Boys on the net.... check it out here.

Wanna leave a little note for Brian.. For him to get better faster??? Here's the place ...

The guys

NEW ONE All of them, in picture

Guys.. Come and see this.. It's a story we all be writing 'bout Backstreet Boys ok?

Lyrics about their songs...

NEW ONE Some quiz about the GUYS

NEW ONE And then the fun part: Rumors

NEW ONE Wanna win an award from me :)

Hey I finally have a banner.. wanna take a look at it.. 2 put it on your page??

People.. You GOTTA look it's new :)

People.. You GOTTA look it's new :) You've gotta look at that :) Believe me

Some interviews.. You don't wanna miss :)

NEW ONE YOu have some questions come get the answers here :)


the award I receive :) thanks:)

Info when you have join my webring


there you can say or qet an anwer to what ever :)

Here a story Nick wrote..


Hey I know you all want them on Oprah..

I need your help people.. and it's purely BACKSTREET BOYS

You wanna find out where they are around the world.. here

New .. look at this it's a new poll :)

You think you are THE fan well check it out :)

NEW ONE Da chat ....

What u wanna say to them..

finaly my wav.. new :) Here are the cool WAVE ever

this is 2 the backstreet's fan :)

NEW ONE Some surveys now..

U met them or not... Got a dream u wanna share?

Send a Backstreet's ecard to some1

Some fun fact about the guys, taken from some magazines or not..

my thanks

Then here is my and others concert review...

Here's a little about myself

Here are my little one

My little friends :)

here are all the webring i attend to... My webring. is not on here.. so join my webring it's the one just after the line there :)

Sign My Guestbook Guestbook by Lpage View My Guestbook

If you would like to join my Backstreet's Boys mailing list. Just enter your email addy and press **JOIN**. My mailing will let you know of news and updates on what Backstreet Boys are doing, or will be doing. Or anything else. If you join my email list you'll get an email who'll tell you how to make your adress work on the mailing list.
It's possible for everything not to work. If that's where you're at just send me a mail with mailing list as the subject and your email addy .

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Okay! Now before people start asking or sending me things for the BSB... I'm NOT RELATED to them okay??? So please don't send me things for them... But I'll try to make something big to send them.. But not now.. But prepare yourself though it's coming... and it's gonna be real BIG!

Ok you all.. hey.. I think the add don't there said it all :) You need a cd.. stop looking.. it's right there.. so click and you'll find everything you need:)

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