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My Archives

Greetings,The man you see before you is I,Malcom Velonese,and I extend my hospitality to you all! I do hope that the appearance hear isn't too dull...I've just moved in you see and will tell you all about due time that is! *smiles* Until then feel free to stop by my Club and stay awhile,but if you do I'd ask that you abide by the laws of Elysium...meaning no fights are to break out in my club and you,like everyone else there,will respect each other enough to leave each other alone. But like I said ...all are welcome! If you should enter Broadview I would encourage you to present yourself to Prince Vladimir as is custom to new comers.....Enjoy! The mention of and use of TopCow,Crusade,and White Wolf studios is in no way meant to infringe upon their copyrights in any way and is purely used in a game money is made here, just really like their stuff! And to give credit where credit is due I've included links to their respected pages
This Ring of the Night site owned by Jerome.
This The Ring of the Night site owned by midnightx.
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The Sites and Characters of my life

Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
The finest pics and the best comics around,The Top Cow Home Page
Crusade's Home Page. If you love Shi like I love her then this is the place for you!
The woman Malcom Velonese is sweet on!! Kirsten
Club Gehenna, Malcom's joint
Home to Wallaby Jones,Outback king and well respected Street Fighter
Dominique's home and a friend of Malcom's
Jade's Haven...enter if you dare!
Broadview by Night
More about Malcom Velonese
Yet another of the family, Tomas Velonese
