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Last updated: 11/01/2004

Welcome to RiverRatMike's (Parker Strip on the Colorado River) page.

On this page, you will find various pictures taken at the Colorado River on the world famous Parker strip in Parker, Arizona U.S.A. This is where I spend my vacation time, in the summer and winter months, with my friends. I now live in Lake Havasu City, Arizona with my girlfriend in our new home. I'm only 33 miles from the river house in Parker, AZ.

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Sundance On The River/Night Club


Click here: 80 New Photos! Memorial Day at the river house - May 21st to May 28th 2003. Another awesome time! The weather was great. Between 106 and 114. Was a little warm, but perfect for the river. Hope you enjoy the photos......

Click here: 63 New Photos! Another incredible trip. Went to a air show at the Parker airport, when to Swansea Ghost Town, and the river level was down 12FT!!! Jan 9th - Jan 13th 2003

Click here: RIVER HOUSE PHOTOS THANKSGIVING 2002! This trip had it all! I caught a fish, a dog jumping off the high dive, a huge beaver, lighted boat parade, dirtbikes, dangerous lightning, pouring rain and more!! Check em out!

Click here to view the photos from the trip to the river house Oct 25th - Oct 28th 2002

Photos at the river house, September 6th to the 8th 2002. On Saturday morning at the river house Sept 7th at 8:30am, there was a incredible rain, lightning and thunderstorm that came right over the top of us at the river house Saturday morning. There was a lightning strike not more that 100ft from me while standing on the porch watching and recording it with my cam-corder. The thunder was ear piercing and I caught the whole storm on video tape. This was something I had never experianced before. Never have heard lightning so loud! It was incredible!!! I now have three MPEG videos now online. Use windows media player to open them. May take up to 5 minutes to download with a 56K dial-up connection. High speed connctions should not take no longer than 1 minute to download. If you can't open them, right click on the file then (save target as). Double left click the links below to view and hear the incredible lightning and thunder I captured! Check em' out!!!

Click here: A lightning strike that struck about a 100ft from me. It was incredible!!! (Watch the light from the lightning on the palm tree on the right. You'll get the idea on how close this lightning strike was!) Super loud clash thunder included. September 7th 2002 (801K : 14 Seconds)

Click here: A lightning strike that struck into the trailer park across the river! Loud thunder included. September 7th 2002 (501K : 15 Seconds)

Click here: Another lightning strike across the river. September 7th 2002 (1.00MB : 18 Seconds)

Click here: A lightning flash less than a mile away and very loud thunder. November 29th 2002 (920K : 20 Seconds)

Click here: Pouring rain and another very close lightning strike and very loud thunder. November 29th 2002 (1.83MB : 25 Seconds)

Click here: A double shot of lightning across the river on the California side. November 29th 2002 (468K : 13 Seconds)

Click here for photos from the trip to the river house Memorial Day 2002!
Labor Day weekend at the river house photos. August 28 to September 3rd

Here is a picture of the most beautiful sunset I have ever seen on the Colorado River. I took this picture with my 35mm camera on December 31 1997 (New Years eve). The picture turned out awesome! Take a look. Below are also some other beautiful sunsets that I captured on my Sony High-8mm video camera and my Sony Mavica digital camera.
Sunset picture 1 11/24/2000
Sunset picture 2 11/26/2000
Sunset 1998
Sunset 1998
Sunset 1998
Sunset July 1st 2000
Sunset Jan 1st 2001
Sunset Jan 1st 2001
Sunset Dec 30th 2001
Sunset March 17th 2001
Sunset March 17th 2001
Sunset March 17th 2001
Sunset Nov 21st 2001
Sunset Nov 21st 2001
Sunset Nov 22nd 2001
Sunset Nov 23rd 2001
Sunset Nov 23rd 2001
Sunset Nov 25rd 2001
Sunset Jan 1st 2002
Sunset Feb 15th 2002
Sunset Feb 15th 2002
Sunset Feb 17th 2002
Sunset March 22nd 2002
Sunset March 23rd 2002
Sunset March 24th 2002
Sunset March 25th 2002
Sunset March 25th 2002
Sunset July 5th 2002
Sunset July 6th 2002

July 4th weekend 2002 at the river house! I was there with my friends from July 2nd to July 7th. We all had so much fun! Check out the photos below!
My girlfriend (Heather) all ready to leave to the river house July 2nd 2002
The girls having fun up at Parker Dam
This photo turned out awesome! Me my girlfriend and all my friends up at the sandbar across from Sundance
Rich, Tish, and Rocque
Me and my beautiul girlfriend, Heather with a incredible sunset in the background at the river house
Anne, Monique and Jon
Another of Heather and I with a sunset in the background
Mark with a clay Indian head
Me Jon, and Heather with a awesome sunset in the background
Jon, Anne Heather and Tish getting ready to jump off of the dock
The girls holding up a American flag on the dock
Heather and Sheryl with a cool sunset in the background
I took this photo at a gas station prior to leaving the river. It's a 40 foot boat with dual outdrives and 2 big block V8's. I estimate a boat like this must cost $125,000! I wish it was mine!!!!

Below are 12 photos I took when I was out at the river house. March 21st to March 25 2002
Mark and his 1998 Yamaha YZ400F, on our way out to the Mineral Wash near the Bill Williams river.
Mark doing a wheelie on his Yamaha!
A beautiful huge pond near the Bill Williams river
My dirtbike (left) and Mark's dirbike (right). Photo from Bill Williams river
A photo of me and my 1984 Yamaha TT600 with the Arizona desert in the background
Mark and his 1998 Yamaha YZ400F
Beautiful clouds over the covered the sky over the Colorad River one afternoon
A rainbow appeared in the distance in this photo
Beautiful storm clouds filled the sky on afternoon at the river.
Mark and Julie, with the Colorado River in the background
Very dark clouds filled the sky one afternoon over the river house
Me and Heather with a cool sunset behind us

Below are a few photos I took of our trip to the river house for New Years 2002. We had a blast and stayed for 5 days!
Dwayne, starting a 4 and a half hour palm tree cutting project in back of the river house. This palm tree was badly growing into the power lines and needed to be cut down!
Dwayne, fooling around with a palm tree branch and my brother (Mark) standing on the right
Dwayne cutting the last of about 200 palm tree branches
Our HOT New Years outdoor fire we had going
Mark about ready to launch a potato out of the potato launcher
A cool sunset I captured when I was driving home (hwy 62) 01/01/2001

Here is a photo of my 1985 Kawasaki 550 Jet Ski. I take it with me every time I go to the river. It's alot of fun to ride!

Below are 17 photos from the river house trip on Memorial Day weekend 2001, May 24Th To May 28th. Me and all my friends had such a great time. All the photos turned out awesome!

Me and Andrea on the dock at the river house
Dwanye and LaDona
A beautiful sunset one late evening
Carla, Rocque and Rick
Joe's boat with his jetavator shooting up lots of water
Another angle of Joe's boat
Me and Andrea at the Parker sandbar
A group picture of my friends at the Parker sandbar
Another photo of my friends at the sandbar having lots of fun!
Mark giving Rachel a piggy back ride at the sandbar
Andrea, Mark and Anne

Here are some photos from my trip to the river house. I was there for six days with my friends on Dec 27th 2000 to Jan 2nd 2001. I had a great time!

The river looked like glass one early morning
The campfire in front of the river house
This is what the front of the river house looks like
The side of the house looking towards the river

Here are some pictures from my Labor Day 2000 weekend trip with my friends out at the river house. We all had a blast. Check em out! They turned out great!!! August 29th - September 9th

Matthew and Jenelle both doing flips into the river at the same time
A beautiful sunset one late evening
Castle Rock located up river near Parker Dam
Another close up of Castle Rock
My brother (Mark) getting some serious air on his jet ski

These pictures where taken at the river house between May 25th and May 30th, Memorial Day 2000.

A boat spraying up alot of water.
The guys with their power squirt guns.

Below are six pictures from my trip and tour to the mighty Hoover Dam on the Colorado river on, Friday 09/29/2000
Hoover Dam: picture 1
Hoover Dam: picture 2
Hoover Dam: picture 3
Hoover Dam: picture 4
Hoover Dam: picture 5
Hoover Dam: picture 6

Here is a picture of a fireworks show that went bad. The fireworks show was about 3 minutes into it, when a huge fireworks ground explosion that happened on July 4th 1999, at the Blue Water Casino on the Colorado River. I captured the whole explosion on my video camera. It was awesome!

Here's a picture of Rod's 1982 Bahner 19 ft jet boat. It has a very strong 454 Chevrolet engine in it and Berkely jet pump. Rod's doing a speed run, going by the river house with me brother (Mark) riding passenger.

Pictures (one through six) are of Parker Dam in Arizona. Pictures (one though four) where taken in 1983. There was alot of snow melt in the Colorado Rocky Mountains, in 1983, and caused a huge amont of water to start flowing down the Colorado River. All five of Parker Dam's flood gates where open for days, causing a huge flood along the river banks of the Parker strip. Picture (five) was taken on Memorial day weekend of 1998. It is of Parker Dam when it is in normal operating condition. Picture (six) was taken on September 8th 1998. This is a picture of the back side of Parker Dam, where Lake Havasu ends, and the Parker strip begins. Take a look!
Parker Dam picture 1
Parker Dam picture 2
Parker Dam picture 3
Parker Dam picture 4
Parker Dam picture 5
Parker Dam picture 6

Here are a couple of pictures of my brother Mark jumping his 1990 Kawasaki Jet Ski 440. He always gets good air on his jet ski.
Jet ski jump picture 1
Jet ski jump picture 2

Here is a picture of my friends just kicking back on a hot summer evening at the river house. This picture was taken on Memorial Day 1998.

Here is a picture of all my friends that came out to the river house to party on Memorial Day 1998. There where about 20 people there that weekend.

Here is a picture of me and my friends at a Mexican resturant in Parker, Arizona. There where over 20 of us there that night.

My friend Tim, caught this fish during the day. This fish is called a Blue Gill. He was so proud when he caught it.

Here is a picture of my brother's new 1998 Yamaha YZF 400 motorcycle on the dock at the river house.

Here are some pictures of (Ray) jumping his jet ski, taken Memorial Day weekend 1999. I got some really good shots of him jumping. Take a look!
Jet ski jump
Jet ski jump 1
Jet ski jump 2
Jet ski jump 3
Jet ski jump 4
Jet ski jump 5

Here is a picture of my friend Joe's boat and about 10 people on it, enjoying some cold drinks and some fun on the river up at Parker Dam.

Here is a picture of friends Rottweiler jumping off of a high dive dock at the river. Here is another back shot of Harley jumping off of the high dive. This Rott is the most outgoing dog I have ever seen, and will just do about anything! The picture was taken on Labor Day weekend 1998. Take a look!

Here is a picture of the Road Runner floating bar on the Parker strip. This bar attracts hundreds of people on the big holiday weekends. The picture was taken on Memorial Day weekend 1998.

Here is a awesome picture of Copper Canyon on Lake Havasu. This picture is a off of a postcard I got. The picture was taken on Labor Day in 1994. Thousands of people having fun and doing some serious partying.

Here is a picture taken on Memorial Day weekend 1995 of me and my friends having some cold drinks and fun in the sun on the dock at the river house.

Here is a picture of my friends having chips and dip, that my friend Tim made on the dock at the river house on Memorial Day 1995.

Here is a picture of the river house located in Parker, Arizona right on the Colorado river. This is the place where me and my friends spend our vacation in the summer and winter months. Here is another picture of the river house , taken on Memorial Day 1998.

Click here to see my crashed F4 Phantom fighter jet pictures, that is located near the Colorado River, in Arizona.

Also check out my Swansea ghost town page that is located 30 miles east of Parker, AZ

N E W S F L A S H!!!!
This white trash loser, (Tommy) is 86ed from ever coming to the river house again!

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