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Books Related To Afghan Women Issues

Compiled by Hekmat Sadat

Amnesty International Annual Reports Online 1993-2002

Amnesty International. Afghanistan : grave abuses in the name of religion. New York, N.Y. : Amnesty International, 1996.

Amnesty International. Women in Afghanistan ; pawns in men's power struggles. New York, N.Y. ; International Secretariat, 1999.

Amnesty International. Afghanistan : the legacy of human suffering in a forgotten war : compilation document. New York, NY : Amnesty International USA, 1999.

Armstrong, Sally. Veiled Threat: The Hidden Power of Afghan Women. Toronto: Penguin/Viking, 2002.

Bailleau Lajoinie, Simone. Conditions de femmes en Afghanistan. Paris : Conditions sociales, 1980.

Benard, Cheryl. Veiled Courage: Inside the Afghan Women's Resistance. Doubleday And Company. 2002.

Brown, A. Widney. Afghanistan, humanity denied ; systematic denial of women's rights in Afghanistan. New York, NY. ; Human rights Watch, 2001.

Christensen, Hanne. The reconstruction of Afghanistan: a chance for rural Afghan women. Geneva : United Nations Research Institute for Social Development, Report 90.3. 1990.

Delloye, Isabelle. Des femmes d'Afghanistan. Paris : Des Femmes, 1980.

Doubleday, Veronica. Three Women of Herat. London : J. Cape, 1990.

Dupree, Nancy Hatch. Seclusion or service : will women have a role in the future of Afghanistan? New York, N.Y. : Afghanistan Forum,1989.

Ellis, Deborah. Women of the Afghan War. Connecticut: Praeger, 2000.

Gross, Nasrine Abou-Bakre. Qasarikh-i Malalay ya khatirat-i avvalin lysah'i dukhtaran-i Afghanistan. Virginia: Kabultec, 1998.

Knabe, Erika. Frauenemanzipation in Afghanistan. Meisenheim am Glan : Hain, 1977.

Latifa. My forbidden face : growing up under the Taliban : a young woman's story. In collaboration of Shekeiba Hachemi ; translated by Linda Coverdale. New York : Hyperion, 2001

Lindisfarne, Nancy. Bartered brides: politics, gender, and marriage in an Afghan tribal society. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1991.

Logan, Harriet. Unveiled: Voices of Women in Afghanistan. Regan Books 2002.

Rahimi, Fahima. Women in Afghanistan. Liestal: Stiftung Bibliotheca Afghanica, 1986.

Rahimi, Wali M. Status of women : Afghanistan. Bangkok : Unesco Principal Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, 1991.

Shakib, Siba. Afghanistan, where God only comes to weep. London: Century, 2002.

Skaine, Rosemarie. The women of Afghanistan under the Taliban. North Carolina: McFarland, 2002

Zoya. Zoya's story: an Afghan woman's struggle for freedom. In collaboration with John Follain and Rita Cristofari. New York, NY: W. Morrow, 2002.