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The Egyptians lived more than 5000 years ago and founded one of the oldest civilizations in the world, It was a great trading nation and empire and was known for its pyramids, sculptures , temples and paintings. Agriculture was the basis for this civilization. It flourished in the Nile Valley under a succession of pharoahs from c3200BC to 332BC. So much is known about them , because their hot, dry climate preserved lots of things they made. The walls of their tombs were decorated with paintings, showing scenes of their everyday life. Egyptian men and women were very fashion conscious and adorned themselves with colourful cosmetics, flowers and jewellery. Both the men and women wore eyepaint, rouge and lipstick. Archaelogists have found wigs, mirrors combs and face creams. They wore gold necklaces, bracelets, rings and other jewellery from gold that was mined along the Red Sea. These gold charms were worn to ward off danger and to bring good luck. People were buried with their possessions. Furniture, chariots, and food have been found in their tombs.

Brick making

In ancient times, towns flourished along the river banks of the Nile and Egypt was one of the richest countries in the world. Most of the country now is barren desert cut in two by this mighty river. The Egyptians farmers lived along the higher ground along the banks of the Nile. Every year the Nile flooded and the rich deposit of silt that was left, was good for crop growing. The flood waters originated from the snow in Ethiopia and flowed into the Nile. Their diet included wheat and barley as the main crop, melons beans, grapes, onions, garlic, figs, dates and leeks. The ancient Egyptians had their farming year very well organised.
  1. THE FLOOD SEASON - from mid July - mid November. The fields were flooded in july and there was no work, some egyptians relaxed while othere worked on schemes ,like the pyramids.
  2. THE GROWING SEASON mid Nov- mid March. Work on the land began as the flood waters subsided. The farmers scattered seed by hand and used their animals to tread in the seed. Later the crops were weeded and watered.
  3. THE HARVEST The crops were harvested in March and April, and were assessed by the tax man. The tax men calculated how much the crop would yield and how much should be given to the king
  4. SUMMER Irrigation channels were repaired and new ones dug before the next flood. This was done before the ground was too hard and dry. Another cycle begins!!! The Aswan dam now provides irrigation all year round.