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Welcome to my What a Cutie-patootie Rosie Page! Hi, my name is Robdogg. Although a huge Rosie fan, this site is privately owned and is in no way affiliated or sponsored by "The Rosie O'Donnell Show", Warner Bros., or their affiliates, sponsors or broadcasters. This fan page is dedicated to the Queen, Rosie O'Donnell (love ya Ro!) and The Rosie O'Donnell Show. Here you can find out about upcoming guests, go behind the scenes for lots of information about the show, learn more about our sister-friend, Rosie-the Queen of Nice, and find out some of Rosie's favorites. You'll also find some of my favorite links. Just click on a link below, you Cutie-Patootie! So come inside and look around and let me know what you think, don't be shy! And join my new Rosie Bulletin newsletter and receive e-mails about Rosie and the show, join today! Don't forget to sign my Guestbook, located at the bottom of this page!

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Robert A.K.A. Robdogg.
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1999 Robdogg Productions. All Rights Reserved.
You Gotta Luv It 3.....©1997, Marty Fancher/KeyTrax Productions