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San Diego Water Polo

Last updated 3/26/98
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Water Polo Pages

San Diego Boys High School Water Polo
San Diego Girls High School Water Polo
San Diego Club Water Polo....NOT YET READY!
United States Water Polo

Thank you for stopping by and showing your interest in San Diego water polo. On this page you will find up to date information concerning anything to do with San Diego water polo. Including summaries from coaches and referees meetings, links to speicfic areas of water polo in this county, week to week rankings of the high school programs, game scores and summaries, and listings of individual and team awards.

Hopefully, with your help, this site will become a useful tool for coaches, referees, players and parents. But it will only work if you help. PLEASE E-Mail me at the address below with anything you would like to share. Tournament announcements, game results and summaries, camp information...Anything. We then can immediatley post it on the appropriate page for all to read.

Bronze Camp:

We would like to thank all coaches and athletes who have registered with either the boys or the girls Bronze Camps this year. We have over 100 atletes participating in the boys camp, and over 70 athletes participating in the girls camp. With these kind of numbers we should be well represented in Colorado Springs later this summer. Good luck to all.

Mens Junior Team: Zone 9

Coaches and athletes please note: April 5, 18, at Mesa College, April 19 (scrimmage vs. Zone 7 @ NHHS), May 3, 17, 24 with sites TBA. Any coaching and evaluating assistance would be greatly appreciated by Fegan and Burgess. 13 Athletes, 2 coaches and hopefully 1 referee will travel to Colorado Springs end of May for National Jr.Team selection.
Thanks, Randy Burgess.
Questions or comments, Coach Burgess 619-522-8970 x 8,

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