![]() Quantum Mind 2003 Consciousness, Quantum Physics and the Brain March 15-19, 2003, Tucson Convention Center and Leo Rich Theater
Could quantum information be the key to understanding consciousness? Could consciousness enable future quantum information technology?
The nature of consciousness and its place in the universe remain mysterious. Classical models view consciousness as computation among the brain's neurons but fail to address its enigmatic features. At the same time quantum processes (superposition of states, nonlocality, entanglement.) also remain mysterious, yet are being harnessed in revolutionary information technologies (quantum computation, quantum cryptography and quantum teleportation). A relation between consciousness and quantum effects has been pondered for nearly a century, and in the past decades quantum processes in the brain have been invoked as explanations for consciousness and its enigmatic features. Critics deride this comparison as a mere "minimization of mysteries" and quickly point out that the brain is too warm for quantum computation which in the technological realm requires extreme cold to avoid "decoherence", loss of seemingly delicate quantum states by interaction with the environment. However quantum computation would surely be advantageous from an evolutionary perspective, and biology has had 4 billion years to solve the decoherence problem and evolve quantum mechanisms. Furthemore recent experimental evidence suggests quantum nonlocality occurring in conscious and subconscious brain function, and functional quantum processes in molecular biology are becoming more and more apparent. Moreover macroscopic quantum processes are being proposed as intrinsic features in cosmology, evolution and social interactions. Following the first "Quantum Mind" conference held in Flagstaff at Northern Arizona University in 1999, "Quantum Mind II" will update current status and future directions, and provide dialog with skeptical criticism of the emerging paradigm.
Center for Consciousness Studies, The University of Arizona; The Fetzer Institute; The YeTaDeL Foundation; Mind Science Foundation; The Samueli Institute for Information Biology; School of Computational Science, George Mason University
Website maintained by Jessica Rafka |
A Dark Matter Model of Consciousness
Ruquist, PhD
Yanniru Foundation
79 Rice
An axion condensate,
a likely constituent of Dark Matter,
may be the medium of non-local consciousness,
and may as well be the ‘pilot wave’ medium of Bohm
In this paper, the
principal message is the medium, not the model. However, having presented the
argument for consciousness embedded in Dark Matter, we mention its consistency
with a model of consciousness presented at this conference (QM2003) and also
discuss two relevant models from the internet.
1. BEC media posited for
Assuming a material world,
the non-local properties of consciousness (see below) suggest that it must
exist in a macroscopic coherent quantum medium, called a Bose-Einstein
Condensate (BEC) that is meters in extent and perhaps global. Known
BECs such as super-fluids and superconductors only exist near absolute zero. To
explain consciousness the BEC medium must exist at room temperature.
The presumption of a BEC
medium to explain our visible, waking or physical consciousness underlies both
the early Frolich/Marshall (where the medium is a coherent field of membrane
dipoles) and the more recent Penrose/Hameroff microtubule-medium model. Both
models require metabolic excitation to a state of thermodynamic non-equilibrium
(see Hagan, QM2003), consistent with a physical consciousness that can
turn off and turn on, as in sleeping and waking.
Some such model is perhaps
the best explanation of waking consciousness. However, such models are
local in nature, confined to the human brain and probably even microscopic
aspects of the brain. Because of the non-local nature of some forms of
consciousness, another medium is needed, one that might even explain
consciousness in the sleep state. A secondary medium would also serve to integrate
the perhaps microscopic processes of physical consciousness.
Piero Scaruffi from his site
“The fascination with
Bose-Einstein condensates is that they are the most highly ordered structures
in nature (before their discovery by Albert Einstein and Satyendranath Bose,
that record was owned by crystals). The order is such that each of their
constituents appears to occupy all their space and all their time: for all
purposes the constituents of a Bose-Einstein condensate share the same
identity. In other words, the constituents behave just like one constituent
(the photons of a laser beam behave just like one photon) and the Bose-Einstein
condensate behaves like one single particle. Another odd feature of
Bose-Einstein condensates is that they seem to possess a primitive form of free
2. Evidence for
non-local consciousness
A host of experiments
reported at this conference (QM2003) verify the existence of some form of
non-local consciousness, at least out to ten meters. Separate papers by Standish,
Germine, Thaheld, Richards, Kozak and Wackermann
(lead authors) report (i) EEG and MRI correlations in the brain of a human
receiver with the (ii) visual stimulus of an isolated sender some ten meters
away. We say that this form of consciousness is invisible as the
receiver is not aware of the sender or the sender’s transmissions. Neither is
the sender aware of what is being transmitted.
Wallach and Bell separately report placebo effects
in control groups that they explain as non-local consciousness. Lake, Vekaria
and Hurtak separately report human healing at a distance, and Agadjamian
reports adaptation of insects to promote survival that he attributes to
non-local consciousness. Concurrent Session VI is devoted to a discussion of
Non-locality. Many of the presentations at this conference claim that non-local
consciousness can only be understood as a form of EPR entanglement
indicating a BEC medium outside the human body, as well as in it.
Suggestive of plant
consciousness as well as non-local consciousness, Chouinard at this
conference reports micron plant movements from distant human intention, and Schwartz
reports enhanced seed germination from human intention. In addition, Aranbura
reports effects on electromechanical devices. It seems that the receiver need
only be electrical in nature. That supports anecdotal evidence that some humans
can will lights to turn off. It seems that the BEC medium must be able to
interact actively with physical media, rather than just being a passive
reflection of it.
3. Subjective evidence
for non-local visible consciousness
Less rigorous, but with
greater implications than the above experiments, are the reports by Lommel,
and also Britten, of Near Death Experiences (NDE) of patients
surviving cardiac arrest. One of five of the surviving patients had NDEs. The
most common NDE involved an Out-of-Body Experience (OBE) where the
patient observes (i.e. visible consciousness) doctors working on his or her
body from a distance. Also the patient often obtains a life review of some
sort. Less often the patient reports conversation with deceased loved ones or a
preview of the future during NDE. If true, this means that consciousness in the
secondary medium can be visible and that it may contain a storage of
information as well as intelligent beings.
One might think that OBE
data would be instructive and conclusive regarding the need for a nonphysical
medium. However, most of the data are anecdotal. A small
amount of rather inconclusive OBE data is discussed by Charles Tart on
the site www.paradigm-sys.com/cttart/sci-docs/ctt97-ssooo.html,
which however contains an extensive bibliography of OBE literature. A
significant omission in this bibliography is the work of Brazilian physician
Waldo Vieira at the International Instiute of Projectology, reviewed on www.spiritweb.org/Spirit/obe-iipc.html. The site discusses the origins of ghosts and
how to heal them; and refers to descriptions of 60 OBEs.
The subject of ghosts
is rarely discussed as a form of non-local consciousness as it is seemingly too
controversial and at least very subjective. However, they are a common
experience for many. Sonny Ayran presents a rather complete description
of the various manifestations of ghosts on the Internet site:
He describes ghost
manifestations as basically orbs (one inch diameter spheres containing a
central matrix and two outer layers), with less frequent sensings as vortices,
mists, apparitions, audio ghost recordings, odors, cold chills and touching. He
points out that ghosts must absorb physical energy [or at least excite physical
particles] requiring active coupling mechanisms to be detectable in the
physical realm, as they are with IR photography.
4. Remote Viewing, a
form of non-local consciousness
Although not really covered
in this conference, it seems that some of the best evidence in support of a
nonphysical consciousness is found in experimental investigations of mind-based
Remote Viewing (also called remote perception or anomalous cognition). The experiments
conducted at Stanford Research Institute (see Putoff and Targ,
Proc IEEE 64,1976) and later at SAIC, were funded by the CIA and DIA in
response to similar work in the USSR.
Remote Viewing has gone
mainstream with the 27 January 2003 US News & World Report article on CIA
spying. The US News article reports
that funding was forthwith after two separate human receivers, given latitude
and longitude of an USSR site, described an arrangement of buildings that was
later confirmed by spy photography. In the subsequent research, rigorous
scientific protocol was used and the results were positive, leading to medals
of honor for a few well trained experts. This suggests that the BEC medium is
global in extent.
As an aside, Remote Viewing
(RV) is not the same as OBE. In RV the subject remains awake and very attentive
to some remote object. The images obtained are shadowy and not easily
recognized, being reflective of an internal structure; and the claim is
that anyone can be trained to perform RV.
OBE, on the other hand, is an altered state of consciousness in which
the subject appears to be unconscious (asleep), but the subject himself or
herself feels awake, separated from his or her own body, and able to travel
elsewhere. In this state, the environment appears distinct and external
surfaces are seen rather than internal structure. In both cases the subject
experiences visible consciousness.
5. Galactic distributions of Dark
Dark matter has been indirectly
detected from astronomical observations. Analysis using Newton’s gravitational
theory of the motion of stars, galaxies and galactic clusters, and also
analysis using Einstein’s theory of the bending of light around these
collections of stars, all indicate that the amount of dark matter (matter that
is invisible for our telescopes) is at least 10 times the mass of the
visible (star-like) matter in the universe. Presently it seems clear that Dark
Matter has the same large-scale distribution as galactic clusters and
super-clusters, except that the Dark Matter ‘halos’ extend somewhat beyond the
visible galaxy and often overlaps several galaxies. Dark Matter ‘halos’ are
usually but not necessarily spherical. The exact shape of galactic Halos is
being actively researched. For example, the Milky Way Halo appears to
incorporate its satellite galaxies.
The candidate constituents
of dark matter are: axions, wimps, neutrinos, black holes, brown dwarfs and
large planets. No single candidate has sufficient mass except possibly axions
or wimps, neither of which has been as yet detected; whereas the other
candidates are known to exist. Wimps
(Weakly Interacting Massive Particles) are theoretically predicted in the
super-symmetric theories. Axions
are predicted in the Grand Unification Theory (GUT) and are thought to be the
reason why neutron electric dipole moments are zero.
6. Cosmic Axions
Cosmic Axions were
generated in the Big Bang. They differ from all other Dark Matter candidates in
that they were (presumably) created in primordial symmetry breaking processes.
All the other candidates were created in thermal processes and have thermal
velocities, including the thermal axions presently being created in the sun.
Cosmic axions are then unique in that they essentially are fixed in space. They
seemingly have no inherent initial motion or momentum. They are at or very
close to the temperature of absolute zero.
They are therefore referred
to as cold dark matter and are often called the cosmic axion field, a
coherent Bose-Einstein Condensate (BEC) that surrounds and permeates galaxies.
Superconductors and superfluids like Helium at near absolute zero are also
BECs. At these temperatures electron or atom wave functions have macroscopic
(millimeter+) extension. As wave function extent depends inversely on the mass
of the particle, and the mass of an axion is one billionth that of an electron,
the axion wave function extends well beyond the earth. The axion fluid must then be a BEC at room
temperatures, and perhaps even at solar temperatures. If the scaling to infinitesimal
mass holds up, thermal as well as cosmic axions behave coherently over
global scales.
Yet they are extremely
numerous. If they are a major constituent of dark matter, there must be more
than a 10 trillion axions for every proton and neutron in the universe.
If the symmetry breaking process produced cosmic axions before matter and
anti-matter recombined, then the number of axions is comparable to the number
of photons in the universe.
According to physicist John Cramer, "Axions have a
geometrical resemblance to an electric and a magnetic field oriented parallel
to each other. In theory, this property can be exploited to convert axions into
photons (radio/light/gamma-rays) through the use of intense electric and/or
magnetic fields. If cosmic axions were converted to photons, their estimated
mass-energy would make electromagnetic microwaves like those used in home
microwave ovens.”
Reference: http://mist.npl.washington.edu/av/altvw05.html
7. A Mathematical Theory of (Axion) Consciousness
A theory of consciousness, proposed by Russian researcher Boris Iskatov
is discussed on http://www.spiritweb.org/Spirit/religion-eq-science.html. He derived a mathematical quantum theory (from
transformations of the Dirac and Schroedinger equations) of an information-energy
field Y residing in a “global gas of micro-leptons”
having several levels of particle masses between 10^-40 and 10^-30 grams.
Axions predicted by GUT are about 10^-5 eV or 2x10^-38 grams, so that it is
likely that microleptons are actually the axions of dark matter. The equations
are copied here from the above site for the sake of completeness.
A Y=0; A' Y'=0;
where the operators have the form:
A=2h^2V + i2h d/d t-U; A'=2h^2V - i2h d/d t-U.
Here: Y denotes the
probability density wave (the wave function); V, the Laplace operator; U, the
potential energy density; and h, Planck's constant.
The equations of this theory can be solved to obtain
the quantum hologram. Some rather exotic solutions are also claimed.
Strong signals in this medium travel at the speed of light. But weak pre- and
post-signals can travel much faster than the speed of light, and there are also
so-called (very weak) anti-signals that allow for the investigation of the
past. We expect that the weak signals are due to BEC effects and the
strong signals relate to physical particles. Coupling to the physical world is
not discussed.
The experimental work of Russian Anatloy Ohatim
is also reviewed on the above site. He claims to confirm the existence of the microlepton
gas experimentally using an instrument, the aurometer, for measuring these
effects. He suggests that all information produced by the material world
is embedded in the microlepton gas. This includes human thoughts, which
are said to be “propagated by the lightest particles”. This information
exists in the form of holograms and comes in units called “eidoses”.
Ohatim discusses such effects as the half-life of eidoses (holograms) based on
particle mass. Particles with less mass have longer lifetimes. Ohatim also
discusses how humans influence the cosmos from their generation of good or
bad eidoses.
8. A Non-mathematical Model of Axion Consciousness
The only model that explicitly states that
consciousness exists in an axion BEC residing in Dark Matter is
by Father Jerome: http://go.to/QUFD.
To quote him:
” I do so identify the basic and necessary Particle
of Universal Consciousness as being the Quantum Axion Particle, a
microcosmically quantum unit of four predominantly differing
"flavors": a Positive Particle of positive half-integer spin;
a Negative Particle of negative half-integer spin; a Positive
Particle of positive integer spin; and a Negative Particle of
negative integer spin.”
Briefly the model of consciousness is that Cooper-pair
layers of positive and negative half-spin axions couple to the “corporeal”
physical brain on one (metaphorical) side, and to an “incorporeal”
higher self or soul composed of half-spin axions on the other. The incorporeal
layer is said by Jerome to be a living, sentient life-form. The actual coupling
mechanism to the brain is also incorporeal, i.e. not chemical or
electrical, consistent with Bohm theory below.
The above site is a rather interesting read. It
presents a very extensive and self-consistent explanation of almost everything
in human life: physics, neurophysics, psychology, sociology and theology. For
example, ”Such a Cooper-pairing is the result of the incursion of
negative consciousness “, which is described as a Jungian veil and
attributed to Lucifer.
Much of the material presented is the result of what
might be called ‘direct revelation’. Father Jerome claims a D.Sc. in Quantum Physics and a D.Th. in theology from a 40,000-year-old
institution that is not of this world. His site material is a translation from
the terminology used in that institution into modern scientific terms. To quote
him, “Using existing and known textbook science and principles, QUFD
presents a never-before-seen philosophical formulation and incorporeal
(Spiritual) context for Albert Einstein's long-sought-after Unified Field
Theory of the quantum forces.” QUFD (Quantum Unitary Field Dynamics) is his
theory of Bose-Einstein Condensates. One reservation is that half-spin axions
are not likely to exist except perhaps in Cooper-pairs.
From the perspective of explaining both local and non-local human consciousness, the purpose of this conference, the essential ingredient missing from both the Iskatov’s theory (7) and Jerome’s model (8) is the coupling mechanism between an axion condensate and the human brain.
This missing ingredient is compounded by the fact
that despite strong efforts the so-called axion particle has yet to be
detected. Refer to the recent paper http://xxx.lanl.gov/abs/astro-ph/9801286,
written by just about every prominent theorist and experimentalist in axion
research, which offers this conclusion:
“We report the first results of a
high-sensitivity (10^{-23} Watt) search for light halo axions through their
conversion to microwave photons. At 90 percent confidence we exclude a KSVZ
axion of mass 2.9 x 10^{-6} eV to 3.3 x 10^{-6} eV as the dark matter in the
halo of our Galaxy.” Authors: C. Hagmann,
D. Kinion,
W. Stoeffl,
K. van Bibber,
E. Daw,
H. Peng,
Leslie J
Rosenberg, J. LaVeigne,
P. Sikivie,
N. Sullivan,
D. Tanner,
F. Nezrick,
Michael S.
Turner, D. Moltz,
J. Powell,
and N. Golubev.
Note that the experiment covered a spread of axion
mass outside of the spread indicated by Iskatov for micro-leptons. But
more to the point, from the experimental and observational data presented at
this conference, we must conclude that some sort of pervasive, global (at
least) quantum coherent medium must exist, and the most likely candidate is an axion
condensate. It would then appear that the next essential step is to
determine coupling mechanisms between the condensate and the physical brain.
10. A Bohmian Model
Paavo Pylkkanen in the talk Consciousness
and our concept of reality reviews Bohm pilot wave theory. An aspect of his
talk directly relates to the coupling problem, e.g., “The problem of mental
causation, or the problem of how could mental states (as non-physical states)
possibly influence the course of physical processes without, for example,
violating the energy conservation laws. Bohm and Hiley’s ontological
interpretation of quantum theory suggests that an entirely new kind of energy
operates in situations where quantum theory is required, an energy best
understood as ‘active information’.”
In Bohm theory, see http://members.aol.com/Mszlazak/BOHM.html,
this active information exists as ‘pilot waves’ (i.e. like wave functions). Fundamental particles such as
electrons then react to pilot wave information. There is no wave/particle
duality. They both exist at the same time and have definite locations in space
and time. [For example, pilot waves solve the double slit paradox by instantly
knowing what the environment is and then guiding the photon or electron through
the proper slit. Experiments indicate that when information is extracted as to
which slit the particle passes through, the interference pattern disappears,
even if the information is extracted without the use of force.]
To a materialist, what seemingly is missing from this
approach is the medium in which the ‘active information’ exists.
I propose that pilot waves exist in the axion condensate of Dark
Matter. Cosmic axions form global BECs that instantly react to all changes
in the environment- just what Bohm calls for. The axion condensate provides the
dynamic landscape that particles flow through.
As discussed by Bohm in the above link, each physical particle is sufficiently complex to extract
information from the axion condensate as to where it should go. That seemingly
solves the axion/brain coupling problem. But the question remains as to how the
particles get propulsion to change course- perhaps also from their inherent
complexity. If so, such particles can both sense the pilot waves and change the
direction of their movement- a primitive form of free will.
As farfetched as that may seem, the reader is
reminded that essentially the same thing must happen in the frictionless flow
of electrons as Cooper-pairs through superconductors. Somehow the pairs move
around the obstacle atoms. So either there are unknown forces in the BEC of the
superconductor or the fundamental particles can sense the environment and
change direction without losing energy.
This is a poster paper presented March 17, 2003 at Quantum Mind 2003 conference held at the University of Arizona in Tuscan, Arizona