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Fight Censorship! FAQ

Written by Taniwha & Violet, with some helpful corrections by White Cat, and Polly Ester 99. Ian Burry helped make this HTML version of the FAQ.
This FAQ was the FAQ before the official one was finished. The official FAQ is very long and has a lot more info, but we keep this FAQ around because it's good for quick reference for questions that really are "Frequently asked".

          1.  What type of discussion is allowed in
          2.  What is The Samurai Pizza Cats?
          3.  Who is allowed to post in


          1.  Who made the Samurai Pizza Cats?
          2.  How many episodes do the Samurai Pizza Cats have?
          3.  What company owns the Samurai Pizza Cats?
          4.  What channel/station shows The Samurai Pizza Cats?
          5.  I’ve heard that there are CD’s for the this true?
          6.  I’ve heard that there is a Samurai Pizza Cats game, 
              is this true as well?
          7.  Are there any toys/merchandise for sale?
          8.  Are there any SPC/KNT comic books?


          1.  Who are the main characters (The good guys)?
          2.  Who are the bad guys?
          3.  Who are the supporting Characters?
          4.  How old is ____?
          5.  Who does the voice of ____?


          1.  Is there and official site?
          2.  Are there any other major sites?
          3.  How many sites are there?
          4.  Is there a mailing list?
          5.  What about Newsgroups?
          6.  Internet Relay Chat (IRC) 
          7.  Newsletters


1.  What type of discussion is allowed in

All discussion related to the popular anime The Samurai 
Pizza Cats is allowed and encouraged in this Newsgroup.  
SPAM, however, is not permitted and strict actions will 
be taken. 

2.  What is The Samurai Pizza Cats?

The anime cartoon The Samurai Pizza Cats is based on the 
original Cat Ninden Teyande (Cat is often spelled Kyatto or 
some similar spelling, which is the way is sounds written in 
Japanese kanji, fans often refer to the show as "KNT") 
anime series.  It is set in the city of Little Tokyo.  
Their are three main characters, who 
are cats, that appear in each episode.  They own a popular 
pizza emporium aptly named Pizza Cat's.  Besides making
pizzas all day, they are also crime fighters who are called 
into action in just about every episode.  Because a certain 
villain, Seymour 'Big' Cheese, is wrecking havoc on the city 
and trying to replace the Emperor and take over the city.

3.  Who is allowed to post in

All fans of the Samurai Pizza Cats/ Cat Ninden Teyande are 
welcome as long as they follow proper "Netiquette".


1.  Who made the Samurai Pizza Cats?

The show was originally made by Tatsunoko Studios, Japan as Cat 
Ninden Teyande, often referred to by fans as "KNT" (there are several 
variations of the romanji spelling). It was later bought by Saban and 
dubbed into English, French, German, Spanish, & Hebrew (Dubbed, not 
translated, new scripts were written to go with the animation). 
You can read more about Cat Ninden Teyande at

2.  How many episodes do the Samurai Pizza Cats have?

There are 54 episodes of KNT, 52 were redubbed into SPC 
episodes by Saban

A.  USA lost episodes

Due to censorship, there are only 40 episodes aired in the USA.  
The missing episodes are:

       Gender Bender Butterflies
       Pizza Cat Performance Review
       All You Need is Love
       Polly's Magical Flute
       Big Cheese's High Definition TV
       A Mission in Manhattan
       Kung-Fu Kitty Contest
       Gone with the Ginsu [sic]
       A Little Bit O' Luck
       The Cheese who Stole Christmas
       Quake, Rattle & Roll
       The Cats Cop Cartoon Careers

B.  Canadian lost episodes

Canada missed the following episodes because they were’t included 
in the package of episodes sent to Canada.  They lucked out and 
only missed 4 episodes.  The episodes are:

       Those Transforming Felines
       The Case of the Bogus Billionaire
       The Big Cheese's I.Q. Corral
       Drummin' Up Trouble With a Big, Bad Beat

3.  What company owns the Samurai Pizza Cats?

Current owners of the Samurai Pizza Cats is Saban International. 

4.  What channel/station shows The Samurai Pizza Cats?

SPC is not currently being shown in the USA or Canada, or the UK. 

There is an effort to get the show back on the air. You can help by 
visiting these pages;

  Samurai Saving Time

  Save Our Samurai

5.  I’ve heard that there are CD’s for the this true?

Yes, it is true, but it is Cat Ninden Teyande (the Japanese 
version) instead of Samurai Pizza Cats.  For more information 
on it, go to
These CDs are out of print and about impossible to find.

6.  I’ve heard that there is a Samurai Pizza Cat game, is this true?

Yep, but it is Cat Ninden Teyande as well.  For more info, go to

7. Are there any toys/merchandise for sale?

Some were made for KNT in Japan, but they are hard to find, nearly 
impossible in the US & Canada. KNT toys not sold in
Japan were sent to the UK while SPC was playing there.
For more information, see

8. Are there any SPC/KNT comic books?

Yes, in North America there is the difficult to find "Saban Power 
House" Comic book which sometimes features a SPC story.
From Japan there is a very nice KNT manga (Japanese comic book)
with over 100 pages of the cats. You can find out more about it at

There are also very many "Do-jin". "Do-jin"="Created by 
Independence", that is, not commercial.  Do-jin is generally
Animation & Manga-Comic products what are made by a few
people as their hobby. There are well over 100 KNT do-jin 
that were published in Japan, but they are difficult to come
by outside of Japan due to the small print runs. You can see
some samples of KNT Do-jin at$file/books.html


1.  Who are the main characters (The good guys)?

There are 4 main Pizza Cats what work at the emporium.

A.  Speedy Cerviche (the spelling of Speedy's last name has 
been the subject of great debate, this spelling was confirmed 
by Andrew Thomas, producer of the English version of SPC, 
although he has also spelled it "Ceviche" at times. If you are 
using either of these spelling, you're right.  Other "official" 
spellings include "Cevichi", used on the SPC toy packaging, 
and "Service", used in the Saban comic book.) 

Speedy is the main character of the show and is the leader 
of the cats and is seen dressed in white.  He wields the 
magical Ginzu swords as a weapon and uses them on a 
regular basis.  The Ginzu sword is also used to signal the 
Supreme Catatonic.  As well as the Ginzu sword, Speedy 
also uses ninja throwing stars.  
He is most often seen delivering pizzas and leading the cats
into battle.  Speedy is in love with Lucille and constantly
fights against Guido for her. In the last episodes he falls 
in love with Polly.

B.  Polly Ester (Polly's last name has also been debated 
"Esther" is the original idea for the name, but it's "Ester" 
on the scripts for the show, so both spellings are correct)

Polly is the female fighter of the group and is usually seen in 
a red & pink outfit.  She is very quick to anger and often bashes 
the slackers on the head with frying pans.  She has a magical 
flute, a short sword, razor sharp claws, and heart-shaped love 
bombs for weapons.

C.  Guido Anchovy (also spelled "Anchovie")

Guido is the 'Romeo' of the group and often takes time out from 
delivering pizzas to flirt with the women of Little Tokyo.  Guido is 
also the tallest of the group and wears blue armor.  
Guido’s weapons of choice include a parasol (The Sun Spot 
Umbrella, which can be used as a shield and also for 
hypnotizing enemies) and throwing darts.  Like Speedy, Guido 
has his heart set on Lucille.

D.  Francine

Francine is the last of the pizza cats. She stays behind and takes 
care of the pizza parlor while the cats are gone. Although she is 
not a fighter, she is very important, for she is the only one who 
understands how to launch the cats into action and call in 
reinforcements when the cats get into trouble.  
Although she is often a 'Second Banana' when compared to 
others, she is a valuable resource to the cats. Francine wears a 
green kimono with a cat bell pattern.  Francine's last name is 
sometimes given as "Manx" on some web pages, but this name 
was just made up, and was not used in the show.

E.  The B-Team

The B-Team (A.K.A the rescue team) is called into action when Speedy,
Polly, and Guido are in trouble.  The B-Team includes General Catton,
Meowzma O'Tool, Spritz T. Cat, and Bat Cat.  Each of these cats 
represent an element (Catton=Fire; Meowzma=Earth; Spritz=Water; 
Bat Cat=Air). 
Like the Samurai Pizza Cats, each member of the B-Team runs a pizza
parlor in the suburbs of Little Tokyo.

F.   The New York Pizza Cats

These are much like the Pizza Cats, but live in New York.  They are:

	1.  The Sundance Kid (speedy's counterpart)
	2.  Deedee (Polly's counterpart)
	3.  Cosmopolitan (Guido's counterpart)
	4.  Abagail (Francine's counterpart)

They appear in A Mission in Manhattan (not shown in the US) and
have made an appearance (very brief, you'll need to use your VCR 
in slow speed or pause to see it) in The Great Comet Caper Part 2, 
near the end when they quickly drive past in a jeep..

2.  Who are the bad guys?

A.  Seymour 'Big' Cheese

Just as his name suggests, Seymour is the leader of the ninja crows.  
In most episodes, he has a giant robot built and sends it (and in 
most cases) Bad Bird to cause havoc in Little Tokyo.  Although he 
often steals his ideas from his accomplice, Jerry Atric.  
In Cat Ninden Teyande, Seymour’s character is a fox while 
in Samurai Pizza Cats he is a rat (go figure...).

B.  Jerry Atric

Jerry Atric is the leader of the Ninja Crow clan, who is very loyal to
Big Cheese.  Jerry helps Seymour plan for his attacks.

C.  Bad Bird

Bad Bird commands the ninja crows.  He might have an IQ of -47, 
but he is still the best ninja crow (only second to his father, Super 
Bad Bird).
He can often match Speedy in battle.  Bad Bird is usually sent into
battle with one of Seymour’s robots and a battalion of ninja crows. 
Although Bad Bird is Speedy’s rival, he is really great friends with
him.  Many of Bad Bird’s actions foreshadows him becoming 
Good Bird.

D.  Ninja Crows

Ninja Crows are a group of crows that usually have to do the dirty 
work for Bad Bird.  They are not too bright and not properly trained 
for some situations they are put in.

E.  The Rude Noise

The Rude Noise is a group of four elite ninja crows. They consist of:

	1.  BadMax AKA Crow Magnon
	2.  Cannonball Battery
	3.  Mojo Rojo
	4.  Rony Guisemore

3.  Who are the supporting Characters?

There are many supporting characters in this cartoon. 

A.  Princess Violet (or Princess Vi for short)

Though Princess Vi is young, she is in control of Little Tokyo 
because her father has gone insane and her mother is always 
away.  She is very short tempered and will send everyone 
who angers her to Prisoner Island.

B.  Emperor Fred

Emperor Fred is the emperor of Little Tokyo as well as Princess Vi’s
father.  Since he is insane, his daughter Violet & the council have
command over the city. Usually the only thing he says is "Freeeed!" ,
he also likes to sing scat.

C.  Empress Fredia

Empress Fredia appears in a few episodes and is Princess Vi’s mother,
though she is hardly around.

D.  Lucille

Lucille owns a tea house in Little Tokyo.  Guido and Speedy often 
fight over her. 
When Lucille's emotions run high, she often launches a barrage
of small missiles from her hair & clothes (you kinda have to see it)

E.  Guru Lou

Guru Lou is the resident genius of Lil’ Tokyo.  He often makes 
inventions that often end up backfiring on their user.  
He was the one who found the Supreme Catatonic, a giant 
robot the cats sometimes use.

F.  Big Al Dente

Big Al is the cats' boss.  He is also a samurai as well as an advisor
to the royal family.  He often calls the cats and sends them on their

G.  Mama-san (AKA Mom Mutt) and her son

They appear in most episodes and make jokes as the Samurai Pizza Cats
fly overhead.

H.  Ruby

Ruby and Guido met one day after she was being followed by ninja 
Although she is not a main character, she has made multiple cameo
appearances on the show.

4.  How old is ____?

Princess Violet is the only character who's age is ever mentioned on 
the show (18).  All other ages you might find on the net are guesses.
Japanese fans of KNT questioned on the subject don't seem to 
know the ages either, it was never mentioned in KNT.

5.  Who does the voice of ____?
The credits of the show do not list who does what voices (most of the
voice actors probably played one major character and several minor 
characters)  By comparing their voices with characters they played 
on other shows where the names-characters are listed, a partial list
has been made.  The names with "?" are not confirmed.
Rick Jones-                  	Speedy
Terrence Scammel-		Guido
Dean Hagopian-		Big Cheese
Michael O'Reilly- 		Bad Bird? 
Mark Camacho-		?
A.J. Henderson-		Al Dente?, Guru Lou?
Sonja Ball- 		Polly
Pauline Little-		Francine, Violet?
Suzanne Glover-		Lucille  


1.  Is there and official site?

Neither Saban nor Tatsunoko have a web site for the show.

2.  Are there any other major sites?

Yes, quite a few fan made sites. Some of the best have won the 
Princess Violet's Supreme Pizza Cats Page award.  
They can be found at 

White Cat's link page at 
has a large list of web sites, big and small, rated for quality. 
It's probably the best place to find most of the known 
SPC pages.

3.  How many sites are there?

Over 100.  Most can be found at White Cat's link page

New sites pop up, and old ones disappear all the time, so it's hard to
say exactly how many there are.

4.  Is there a mailing list?

Yes, just send mail to with "Subscribe" 
as the subject 

5.  What about Newsgroups?

We have  The founder is White Cat. His web page
is at
This is the only SPC newsgroup, although the show is occasionally 
brought up in anime & "Furry" newsgroups.

6.  Internet Relay Chat (IRC) 

There are Pizza Cat channels on IRC.  For information on where to look, go to
If you have a PC and need an IRC 
client, you can find one at  
If you have a Mac,try searching on or autosearch

7. Newsletters
There is a Pizza Cats e-mail newsletter sent out monthly called 
"Pizza Cats Review".  
To subscribe, email and ask to
subscribe to Pizza Cats Review.  The newsletter is sent out in 
5 different versions; one that uses HTML for email systems which 
support that, and has an attached file (normally a picture), 
one with HTML and no file, one plain text with file, one plain text 
without file, and an extra snazzy one for people with AOL 4.0.  
Be sure to mention which you want.  (If your email can have 
hyperlinks and use different color letters, ect, 
it supports HTML)

Have an idea for the FAQ? Write to me!mail"

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