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Save SPC Coalition

I want you
for the S.S.P.C.C.!

The Save the Samurai Pizza Cats Coalition is only for Die-Hard Extreme fans of SPC that will do what ever it takes to get the show back on TV, and promote and support SPC Fandom. Only people who can be counted on to do more than what is expected of the average fan need apply! Not every SPC fan has the time and/or devotion to be in the SSPCC, that's OK, I don't expect everyone to join, only a few of the most fanatic that can be depended on when there is work to be done. For everyone else, please continue to support Samurai Saving Time

Ten people who speak make more noise than ten thousand who are silent. - Napoleon
Here's what you need to do-

1-Writing a letter to Saban is helpful, if you haven't, then get to Samurai Saving Time-Saban Contact for the address to write to them, a one sentence letter saying "Please bring back 'Samurai Pizza Cats' " is all you need. That's easy. If you live outside the USA, it's also your best thing to do until you find the right TV station to bother.

2-If you live in the USA, or anywhere that gets the Fox Family Channel, you need to be writing to them with the message form or email at least once a month.

3-If you live outside the USA, I need you to help keep look for ways to help promote SPC where you live, so Samurai Saving Time can better support fans in your country.

4-Everyone who can get to this page can get to the newsgroup one way or another and participate there. The Links page has links to help you get there.
If you have access to the AOL Cartoon Network World, you should participate there too. Go to the message boards, in the "HQ" area, there is "Pizza Cats & Other Toon Cats".

5-Spread the word of SPC! Keep the lesser fans interested, bring the bigger fans to join us, make the people who never watched it wish they could see it. Do this by chat, web pages, posting messages in boards and newsgroups, and any other way you can think of. Help other fans to do the same.

6-We now have some neat logos, those of you with web pages will be allowed to display the logos. (if you want to design one, go ahead, we can have a couple different ones, but they should say " Save SPC Coalition" or "SSPCC" on them somewhere.

7-If you don't mind getting mail, join the SPC mailing list, just send e-mail to and put "Subscribe" in the subject box. This will keep you up to date on any news.

As a member of the SSPCC, you may occassionally be called upon to work on projects to help promote the show as situations arise for us to be able to help.

Write me to join mail.