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A to Z Links

Angel Crafts

On The Wings Of Angels
Paper Angels Web Site
Angels & Dolls by Judy
Town & Country Crafts
Angel Quotes
Crafty Lady Boutique Shopping Mall
Features, by Nancy-Sharon
Pennies from Heaven

Antiques and Collectibles

International Sewing Machine Collectors Society
Antique FAQs
Antique Sewing Machine Museum
Antique Sewing Machines
And Old Buttons
Antique and Collectible Buttons


Basket making:Common Threads Fiber Art Store
HOMEWORKS by janie
DW Baskets
Just Patterns..Idea Magazine for Basketmakers
In Season Herbs & Baskets
Basketmaker's Web Page


Beadwork Choker
Beads-n-Rocks by Berrie
Pamela’s World of Beads
Bead Works
Bead Books
Beyond Beadery
The Bead Garden..books
InTouch Publishing Guide to Beadwork
Beady Eyes
Beady Eyes New Site..Coming Soon--
Bead Net
Beadwrangler Allee Level 3-Sewing Machines

Bread Dough

Salt Dough Sensations
McTainsh Family Page


And Old Buttons
Audrey's buttons Boutique
Durango Button Co.
JHB International, Inc.
The Button Emporium
Antique and Collectible Buttons
Audrey's Button Boutique
Mountain Gate Ceramic Buttons
Button Discussion Group
Button Exchange
Buttoneer:when you don't want to sew
Buttons, Etc.
Fashion Buttons
Buttons Etc.
Buttonsmaine-Your source for buttons, thimbles, beads, buckles, and more!


Missy's Candles
Heavenly Scent Candles
The Wax House Candlemaking Supplies
Candle Making
Lynden House International Candle Making Supplies

Bath and Beauty/candles:Angelworks


Cards to Send

123 Greetings
50’s and 60’s Card Shop
Amused Cards
Blue Mountain Cards
Free Virtual Cards
Internet Card Central
Kellog’s Card Shop
Mail-a-Meal Gourmet
Virtual Flowers
Virtual Vacation

Cards to Make

Stone Ginger Press: Quilting Notecards
Crafter Creations, Ltd. Greeting Card Blanks and accessories


Crafty Lady Boutique Shopping Mall
Maine Made Blueberry Ceramic Gifts
Arealles Ceramics: Old World Santas & Southwestern
Duncan Enterprises
SDSU Ceramics Web Site
Ceramicas Online


Chat/forums: Australian Sewing List


Polymer Clay Central
Lynelle's Mostly Polymer Clay Links List
Carrianne's Polymer Clay Page
Porcelain & PolymerDolls by Edna Bridges


Sewing and Craft Related Clipart

Some of these have just a few that could be used as sewing and craft related, some are just fun, some look like fabric, some are just cute!

Crafter's Showcase
Favorite Links
Free Cool Graphics
Images Bullets Balls
MST Book
Old Fashioned
Victorian 2
Wendy’s Fashionable
Color Sampler

Collectors, Sewing Machine

Clay and Shelly’s Sewing Machines
Antique Sewing Machine Oddities Page
Antique Sewing Machine Resource Guide


17th Century Costuming
Baroque Costumes

Craft Bulletin Boards

Doll bulletin boards:

Info exchange: Antique Dolls
Wanted: Antique Dolls
For trade: Antique Dolls
For sale: Antique Dolls
Info exchange: Vinyl Dolls
Wanted : Vinyl Dolls
For trade : Vinyl Dolls
For sale : Vinyl Dolls
Info exchange: Porcelain Dolls
Wanted: Porcelain Dolls
For trade: Porcelain Dolls
For sale: Porcelain Dolls
Hard Plastic Dolls
Cloth Dolls
Ginny Dolls
Composition Dolls
Paper Dolls
Dolls for sale
Teddy Bears
Miniature Dolls
Other Bulletin Boards

Cross Stitch

Cyberspace Doll and Teddy Bear Show

Craft Fairs

Original Sewing and Craft Expo
PACC Convention

Creative Needlework Festival
Festival Network Online, Thousands of events !
Internet Craft Fair
The Crafts Fair Online
Craft Shows
The Gifted People’s Country Fair

Craft Ideas

Mary Wales Loomis Make Your Own Shoes
Handcrafters Village
Jana's Craft Connection
Sherrie's Kounty Kraft Korner
Unii's Plastic Canvas Pages
Bluebonnet Village Craft Network
Craft and Hobby Information, Reports and Projects!
Handcrafters Village
Craft Central - Crafts and Jewelry Gifts Mall
Renuzit Crafts
Kat's Crafts
The Great Craft Ideas Page

Craft Malls

Internet Mall
New Mexico Craft Mall
Biggest Little Craft Mall
Arts & Crafts InternetMall
4th Street Craft Mall
All Shopping On-Line Network
Debby's Cyber Craft & Gift Mall USA
Shop! MarketPlaceMall
Coomer's Craft Mall
The Craft Mall
CraftMall USA
The Professional Crafter

Craft Newsletters

Floral Design Newsletter

Craft Stores

Al's Artistic Innovations
Hobby Lobby
Ben Franklin's Crafts
Hobby Lobby
Ben Franklin's Crafts

Craft Shows

Aleene's Creative Living

Discovery Channel

home of: 'Interior Motives','Lynette Jennings' Housesmart', and 'Home Matters'
Click on 'Discovery Channel', then type in "house" or "crafts" for a viewing schedule of upcoming shows

Craft Swaps

Swappers and Collectors Pages


By The Hook
Crochet/Mining Co.
Crochet 'N' More
hugg'ems collectibles
Wonderful World of Crafts
Yarn Lady Home Page
Crochet Partners
Internet Textiles Site
Textile and Embroidery Resources
Yarn and Stitches, Inc.
Needle Web
Crochet Guild of America
Internet Arts and Crafts: Stitchers Source
The Doll Crochet Parlour
Crochet Hats For The Homeless
Crochet Memories
Crochet Patterns
Wonderful Stitches
The Needleworker
Needle Web
Mary's Craft Corner
Beverly's Crafty Crochet Corner

Cross Stitch

Stitch n' Time
Dreams Come True Crafts & Gifts
Infoseek net Search Results: Cross Stitch
Counted Cross Stitch, Needlework, and Stitchery
Yarn Tree
GiGi's of Alma Cross-Stitch Home Page
Cottage Creek Cross Stitch
Wonderful Stitches WWW
Free XS Charts
Anne Powell Ltd.

Dolls and Dollhouses

Leprechaun's Cache, Red Bank,NJ, dolls, doll lines, doll repair
Primrose Lane Patterns- "the doll clothes you wish you could wear, and now you can"
WoodenDollhouse FurnitureCreative Doll

My Dolls
The Reiki Shop
Affordable K.C. Gifts - Hot Site!!!
Features, by Nancy-Sharon - Angels/Santas/Dolls
hugg'ems collectibles
Sylvia’s Creations: African-Americana Dolls
TLC Doll
Doll Web
The Doll Page
Works of Art: Doll Clothes and Matching Girl’s Outfits
The Doll Crochet Parlour
Buttercup Doll Clothes
Shy Kids Dolls Class at Crafty College
June GoodnowDoll Artist
Nancy's Delightful Dollies
June Goodnow's Doll Artist
Works of Art..Doll Clothes
Karen's Kreations Cloth Doll Patterns
The Doll Mall
Tia Valeria's Ceramic Dolls
Doll Photo Album & Sewing Fun!

Dried Flowers



Dreams Come True Crafts & Gifts
Told In A Garden-Embroidery Patterns
Embroidery by Nerd World
Bead Embroidery
Emroidery Business New Online
Basic Embroidery Tips

Embroidery, Ribbon

Embroidery, Computerized Machine

Machine Embroidery:
Tashambra's Menagerie of Fun:Machine Embroidery
Machine Embroidery:< a href="">Amazing Designs
Machine Embroidery Thread:Sulky

Cactus Punch Embroidery Digitizing

Thread Pro's sew zone

Thread Artist Designs
The Perfect Hooper

Embroidery Direct

Embroidery design software:In Stitches
Cactus Punch: Embroidery Digitizing
Gunold: Embroidery Supplies
Melco Embroidery Systems
StitchPoint: computerized sewing
Thread Images: embroidery digitizing
Elaine Rieck: Pfaff
Glynda Black: Pfaff
Ken Gordon: Viking
Steve Garee: New Home
Susan Truitt: Viking


Polish Art Center Egg Decorating
Unique Egg Art by Danetta Burnette


Marble-T Fabrics
Beacon Fabric & Notions
Jehlor Fantasy Fabrics
Children:The Secret Workshop
Blanks Fabrics
CAT Wall's fabric store directory
Cloth of Gold
Creative Bird Accessories
Dharma Trading Co.
Care: Fabric Care
Fabric Companies
Fabric Drape
Fabric Imaging, Dyeing
Fabric Land
Fabric Stash quilting
Fabric Store Directory
Fabric in USA
Softwear Productions, Inc.The Fabric Depot
Silks:Thai Silks
Hancock's of Paducah

Fabric Barn

Leather/suede:Leather, Suede Skins Inc.

Fabric:RJR Fasion Fabrics

Performers:Murielle Roy & Co.
The Sewing Studio
Sawyer Brook Distinctive Fabrics
Kites/Banners:Kite Studio
Quilting:Quilts and Other Comforts
Batiks Etcetera



Bay Area Fabric, Yarn, and Needlework Stores List
The Fabric Club
Blanks Fabrics: also sells fire-retardant coating
CAT Wall's fabric store directory
Cloth of Gold
Creative Bird Accessories: fun fabrics with bird prints
Dharma Trading Co.: blank fabrics and dyes
Fabric Care
Fabric Companies: listing of manufacturers and addresses
Fabric Drape
Fabric Imaging, Dyeing
Fabric Land
Fabric Stash:quilting
Fabric Store Directory:get a $5 coupon
Fabric in USA
G&S Dye and Accessories Ltd.: fabrics and dyes
HCFabric: dictionary of home furnishing fabrics
Jeffrey Thomas Fabrics, Inc.: some neat tapestries
The Kirk Collection: antique fabrics, quilts
MichFreeNet: mail order sources
Pine Lake Fabrics : quilting fabrics
Scrap Peddler: quilting fabrics
Sew Easy Fabrics
Textile Dictionary
Weavercraft Encyclopedia: very complete
Burda, too
Custom Pattern Maker: designing software
Elizabeth Lee Designs: for breastfeeding mothers and their babies
Fashion Fit: personalized
In Cahoots!: wearable art
Dress Shop 2.0: designing software

Fabric Stores

Jenny's Sewing Studio
The Fabric Cottage
The Cotton Boll
Hancock Fabric Warehouse
Fabri-Centers (JOANN)
Fabric Stores
Beverly’s Crafts and Fabrics
Carver's Cloth Shop: fabric and notions
Clotilde: notions, books
DWCdesigNet: listing of some suppliers
Foothill Fabric & Sew On: mostly quilting
Frostline Kits
Herrschners: some quilting supplies
In the Beginning: quilting supplies
Lydia's: heirloom supplies
MacPhee Workshop
Martha Pullen's: heirloom supplies
Nancy's Notions: notions, fabrics, books, patterns
Phinney Fabrics: notions, books
Sarah's Sewing Supplies
SewBaby!: children's fabrics, patterns, notions
Sew City: under construction, but looks promising
The Sewing Place
Southern Traditions: heirloom supplies
Textile Outfitters, Inc.: outdoor fabrics, patterns, notions
Thread and Thimble: quilting

Fashion for Inspiration

Prison Blues
The Gap

CJLutx Fashion WWWeb Page
The Fashion Page
The Fashion Wire
Firstview: look at designers' collections
Gemma Kahng
Geoffrey B. Small
Grace Grinnell
Hao Tran
Nicole Miller
Paul Smith
Take Me Black
W &L T


Crafter's ShowcaseFREE WEB PAGE
Crochet/Mining Co.Free patterns
Crochet 'N' MoreFREE Crochet Patterns/FREE Subs. to Newsletter
Craft Central - Crafts and Jewelry Gifts Mall Free Projects
CraftMall-USAfree ads
Country Roots FREE Angel Giveaway/FREE Ads
Free Stuff For Crafters
More Free StuffFor Crafters
Free Stuff For Crafters
Free Stuff For the Holidays

Frequently Asked Questions

Antique Machine FAQs
Fabric Storage FAQ
Textiles FAQ: Part 1 of 2
Textiles FAQ: Part 2 of 2
Textile-Related Books FAQ: Part 1 of 3
Textile-Related Books FAQ: Part 2 of 3
Textile-Related Books FAQ: Part 3 of 3
Underwire and Bra FAQ's


National Archives and Records
Shirley Hornbeck
This & That..Pam Yates Genealogy Page



For a more complete list, go to:
Internet Shopping/Premade Crafts Links
Lace Haystack
Maine Made Blueberry Ceramic Gifts
Printz Charming
Stitches by Grandma
Shays Holiday Cottage
Hodge Podge of Gifts - Over 300 pictured crafts!!!
The Hand Crafted Company
The Handmade, Homemade Toy Shop Catalog
Ewenique Boutique of Crafts
Country Roots
Dreams Come True Crafts & Gifts
video The Pennsylvania Arts and Crafts Emporium
Virginia Beach Crafters Mall
Affordable K.C. Gifts
Crafty Lady Boutique Shopping Mall
Crafts An' Tiques online Craft & Gift Mall
Craft Central


Southern Perennials & Herbs
Herbal Delights
Kathie's Herb Page
Algy's Herb Page & BB
Wellington FragranceWholesale Oils & Herbal Products

Home Decorating

Decorating Ideas: patriotic window panel
Detroit News: chair slip


Martha's Sewing Room : heirloom
Needlecrafter's Computer Companion: some book excerpts
RAGS: magazine of book reviews--site has links
Sew Beautiful: heirloom sewing magazine
Sew Creative
Sew Far So Good: sourcebook and info
Sewing & Craft Expo
Sewing Files: misc sewing, crafts info and files
American Sewing Guild
Benchin': help review sewing software
Clip Art
Crafting for the 90's: they do a good bit of sewing
Hard-to-Find Needlework Books
Made-to-Measure Magazine: uniform sources
The Agent: sourcebook
America Sews with Sue Hausman

Kid Fun

Kite Studio
Sewing Fun for kids using computer and video!
Kid's Fun
Jessica..Courtney..Haley and Codie's Kid's Pages
A Girl’s World:This on-line interactive magazine is written by girls for girls ages 7 to 14
Aunt Annie’s Crafts Page:Kids can find an ever-growing list of rainy-day projects
Berit’s Best Sites for Children:This site is divided into four kid-friendly sections: Just for Fun, Serious Stuff, Kids on the Net and Creatures Great and Small Gordon’s Entomological Home PageJust as educational as an ant farm but without the potential for a disastrous "breakout"
Microsystems’ Route 6-16:The creators of a "V-chip" for young Web surfers field a site for kids with over 3,000 links classified into three areas: Play, Schoolwork and Parents & Teachers
The Big Busy House:The Big Busy House is the Web site for HarperCollins Children’s Books
The Compleat Bellairs:What Web site roundup would be complete without mentioning a link to spooky stories
The Exploratorium:The Exploratorium is a San Francisco museum known for its interactive hands-on exhibits
Superkids:Unbiased review of educational Software and services
Beanie Babies Home Page:Kids can play Beanie Babies games, write to other Beanie Babies collectors, and get all the dirt on every Beanie Baby that ever existed
You Rule School:"It’s all recess, all the time!" proclaims the banner on this site
Xplore Kids:a grab bag of unexpected treasures
Cyberkids:Cyberkids’ goals are to create a world-wide youth community, to give kids an interactive place to express their creativity, and to create a sharing, caring space
Yahooligans:To use Yahooligans, kids just type in keywords, and, in seconds, up pop kid-appropriate sites
Sports Illustrated for Kids:Kids can play games in which clues talk and move; enter contests to come up with funny captions for funny photos; and sort out morphs of their favorite athletes
IllusionWorks:Are your eyes playing tricks on you? Check out surreal figures and objects


Wool Works: the craft of knitting
Halcyon Yarn
Roses Knits:Software Tools for Fiber
Info for Knitters and Sources for Knitted Goods

Magazines and Books

Sewnews Books
Mary Wales Loomis Make Your Own Shoes
Mary Roehr Books and Video
Dressing Well
Sewnews Books
Sewing World: British magazine


CraftsBy Pat..Afghans..Blankets
A Pizzini's Treasures-Unique Rural Mailboxes
Handmade LightSwitch & Outlet Covers
CraftersMarket Birdhouses-Windchimes-Links
June Arts Co. HandCrafted Lamps
PatinacsHome Of The Quillow Lady
Wellington FragranceWholesale Oils & Herbal Products
Hane's Tees..Creating Custom Shirts
Styrofoam Site
Offray Ribbons

Museums and Exhibits

Sewing Machine collectors:
International Sewing Machine Collectors Society
Antique FAQs
Antique Sewing Machine Museum
Antique Sewing Machines
American Textile History Museum

Landscape Kimonos of Itchiku Kubota: to see it, register free
Lao Textiles Exhibition
Peabody Essex Museum: you have to see this shawl!
Profusion of Color: Korean textiles
Textiles Through Time: Museum for Textiles and many links



Needle Weaving

Needle Weaving By Ruth


Yarn Lady Home Page
Internet Textiles Site
Textile and Embroidery Resources
Yarn and Stitches, Inc.
Needle Web
Counted Cross Stitch, Needlework, and Stitchery
Internet Arts and Crafts: Stitchers Source
Mary Maxim
Ken's General Sewing Page
McCall's Patterns
The Sewing Room
Martha's Sewing Room
Softworld's Sewing Resource Guide
It's Sew' K
Sewing World
Lady Alisoun's Closet Reveal'd
The Needlearts
Needlework Resources

Newsgroups, Forums

Sewing World:a new forum

Notions and Supplies

General Supplies

Sew Ergo
Lasting Impressions
Children:The Secret Workshop
Treadle Art
Eastman Worldwide
Rowenta USA
Softwear Productions, Inc.
Mannequin:Cochenille Design Studio
Collars/dickies:Collars and Dickies by Audrey
Atlanta Thread and Supply
The Perfect Notion
Tracing Paper:Birch Street Clothing
Snaps:The Snap Source
Trim:Ginsco Trims
Craft Supplies and Fabrics--Wholesale Source Directory
Craft Supplies.Com
South Star Supply
Plaid Enterprises


The Belt and Button Connection
And Old Buttons
Audrey's buttons Boutique
Durango Button Co.
JHB International, Inc.
The Button Emporium
Antique and Collectible Buttons
Button Exchange
Buttoneer : when you don't want to sew
Buttons, Etc.
Fashion Buttons


Heirloom Woven Labels
ArtCo Inc.
Name Maker Inc.
General Label Mfg.
Charm Woven Labels


American & Efird,Inc.
Coats Thread
Coats & Clark: more thread
Jennifer Gail Threads: UK site for embroidery thread
Lacis: thread, trims, notions
Madeira Threads
Thread: example of antique trade card
Thread Fact
Madeira Threads (Pacific Harbor): better than the official site


Anne Powell Limted
Solan Scissors


Freebies!: or nearly free
Thistle Works Trim


American Home Sewing Council
American Sewing Guild (ASG)

Painting, One Stroke

Donna Dewberry--One Stroke Painting

Painting, Tole

Tole and Decorative Painting on the Web
Tole Painting in Papan
Tole Brush Wizards
Decor Delights
Tole & Decorative Painters Mailing List
Tole Patterns Online


Delta Online..CraftNet Village hooked to this site.

Paper Crafts

Japanese TraditionalPaper CraftsBest Way Imaging Pergamano& Tarjeteria SupplierHandmade Paper
Collage Studio
Pondside Pulp and Paper
Paper Crafts Bulletin Board
Unii's Plastic Canvas BB
Pulp & Paper Newsgroup: misc.industry.pulp-and-paper
Electric Origami
Eric's Origami Page


Primrose Lane Patterns
Software:Pattern Master:Boutique
Great Copy Patterns
Children:The Secret Workshop
Suit Ability Equestrian Patterns
Sewgrand Patterns
Crafts:Southwest Decoratives
Birch Street Clothing
Christine Jonson Patterns
Orchid Jewels Patterns
Stretch and Sew Patterns
Wildly Wonderful Wearables
L.J. Designs
The Pattern Co.
Quilting:Quilts and Other Comforts
The Pattern Co.
Vintage:Harper House Vintage Sewing Patterns
Amazon Drygoods
Pattern Patch
Burda, too
Flash'N Fashion: patterns for 12" doll clothing (ages 7-11)
Just Sew Patterns
McCall's Patterns
New Look Patterns
PatternMaker: designing software
Personal Patterns: designing software
Burda, too
Flash'N Fashion: patterns for 12" doll clothing (ages 7-11)
Just Sew Patterns
McCall's Patterns
New Look Patterns
PatternMaker: designing software
Personal Patterns: designing software
Raymond's Page: info about pattern designing software
Simplicity Pattern Company
Stretch & Sew Pattern Company
Style Patterns
Symmetry: computer-aided apparel design
TLC Dolls: patterns for 18" doll clothing
Unique Patterns: personalized

Personal Sewing Pages

Andrew Johnson
Andy Nguyen: pattern-drafting instructions
Betsy Brazy: has phototransfer instructions
Charlene Anderson-Shea
Diane Close
Julie Page: owner of The Pages list
Laurel Blackett Miranda
Linda Koch
Margaret Minsky
Mary Beth Renze
Paula Milner
Randy Pausch: some really fun projects
The Sewing Room
Sheila Harden
Sheree McKee: extensive resource
Sylvain Bergeron
Welmoed Sisson

Personal Crafting Pages

Plastic Canvas

Plastic Canvas Projects

Photo Transfer

Photo Transfer Class at Crafty College
Betsy Brazy: has phototransfer instructions


Cammy's Quilling Corner


All American Pride
Quilts and Other Comforts



Refunder's Homepages
Online Forms & Coupons

Rubber Stamping

Rubber Stamping
Stamp Net Gazette




Angel’s Scrapbooking Site
Canadian Scrapbooking Site
Joscrappers’s Scrappin’ Good Page
Over 300 Scrap Links!!
Family Base.Scrapbooking
Frances Meyer Inc The ScrapbookLeader
Scrapbook Of The MonthClub
Computer Scrapbooking
RioGrande Traders/Stickers,Stamps,Rs Supplies Etc.
Say Cheese Scrapbooking Links
ScrapLink's Scrappin-Quiltin Forum
Too Too Cool Guys Scrapbooking BB.
Scrapbook Zone
Scrap Net
dMarie..Creative Scrapbook Headquarters
Creating Archival Scrapbooks
Scrapbooking Idea Network


Sewing Directory - Sewing
Sewing Machine Operators, Gender & Race
Search Austin Internet Yellow Pages
Ask Valerie--Decorating,Family,Homecare,Secrets,Kitchen Info & More..Newsletter--Searches
Crafts Across America
Crafts Trading Board
Festival Network Online
Hobby Search from A to Z
The Mining Company --Best of the Net Resource List
Yahoo's Craft Search
Links We Love
Craft Supplies and FabricsWholesale Source Directory
Craft CategoryPage
Craft Search
Mailing Lists Directory
Art Search..Crafts..Suppliers..Directories

Sewing Classes by Area

The Sewing Room
Fresno--D&J sewing center
Los Altos--Favrille: Sewing Concepts
Santa Cruz--Sewing Machine Repair Classes--California Academy
Pasadena--Sew Happy
Petaluma-- Quilted Angel
Poway--Zook's Quilters Online Almanac
Santa Rosa--The Place That Sells Sewing Machines
San Diego--Common Threads Store
Saratoga-- The Sewing Place
Oakland--Sequoyah Community Church Classes

Cullman--Handmades Sewing and Smocking Classes!

Phoenix--The Quilted Apple
Tucson--Marbled fabrics

Manchester-- Manchester Sewing Center

Baker/Pensacola area--Ruth's Classes
Seffner-- Lace & Ribbon Etc.
Lantana--The Factory Online
Tampa,Brandon--Tampa Bay Sewing Center

Atlanta--Atlanta Sewing Center
Marietta--Ashby Sewing Machine Co.

Lisle--Dupage Sew& Vac
Paris--Lori's Pins and Needles
Chillicothe-- Sallie J. Russell Classes
Lombard--The Sewing Room

Pendleton--Ruth's Legacy Home

Clinton--Sewing Machines & More
Estherville--Heartland Americana

Overland Park--Harper's Fabrics
Maize--Maize High School Sewing
Wichita--Needle Nook

Metairie & Baton Rouge--Sewing Station

Marblehead--Sewing with Julia
Beverly-- Gordon Fabrics
Woburn-- Marie's Sewing

Dayton--The Quilt Block, Inc. Quilt Shop
Salisbury--Serger Classes,Jenny's Sewing Studio
Salisbury--Jenny's Sewing Studio

MICHIANA (north central Indiana and southern lower Michigan):
Classes at Erica's

Detroit, Mi. News--'Life skills' replaces Home Ec.
West Branch-- Kaye Wood's Quilting and Sewing Friends!
LaSalle--One More Bear
Interlochen--Spare Bear Parts
East Lansing-- Country Stitches
Saganaw--Applewood Farm Quilting Classes

Helena--Sue's Sewing Palace
Helena--Sue's Sewing Palace,Serging Classes

Lincoln-- The Silkery
Clinton Township--Senior Center Classes

Salem-- Audrey's Sewing and Vacuum Center

Albuquerque--Bob's Discount Sewing and Vac

New Jersey--Sewing and Tailoring Classes
Scotch Plains--Products - Cozy Corner Creations Quilt Shop, Fabric, Notions, Classes, Quilting
Red Bank--Leprechaun's Cache, dolls, doll lines, doll repair
Garwood--Sew and Show

New York City-- Pfaff Sewing Center
Poughkeepsie, Dutchess County, Hudson Valley,Red Hook--Sew and Vac
Kingston, Albany, Clifton Park--Altomari Sew/Vac Centers

Charlotte-- Sewing Bird Fabrics, Threads
Chapel Hill--The Cotton Boll
Greensboro, High Point-- Guilford Technical Community College

Columbus--Graceland Sewing Center Classes
Niles--Viking White Sewing Center

Portland & Auburn--The Sewing Network

Montoursville-- Stere Sewing Machine Center
Lancaster--AAA Vacuum and Sewing
King of Prussia--Steve's Sew and Vac Center
Doylestown-- Byrne Sewing Connection
Doylestown and Philadelphia-- Byrne Sewing Connection - Classes

Rivergate Sewing Center
Knoxville--Best Sewing and Vacuum

Beaumont--Sew Special
Houston--A & J Sewing Depot
Austin--Gemfabric Home Page
Denton--Tips and FAQ from Denton Sewing Center
Odessa--VCC Sewing Classes
Fort Worth--Fort Worth/Metro Fabric Stores
Dallas--Dallas Area Fabric Stores
San Antonio-- NEISD Community Education
Lewisville--The Sewing Room
Knoxville--Best Sewing & Vac.

Virginia Beach--A Different Touch

Seattle--Quality Sewing and Vacuum Centers
Tacoma--Quality Sewing and Vacuum Centers
Seattle--C.H. Holderby

Diane Gaudynski's Workshops

Caulfield South, Vic.Dragana Edwards School of Fashion & Design
Heidelberg, Vic-.-- Knitwit--The Rag Shop
Adelaide, Sa.--PFAFF Dealers

Calgary,Alberta--TheFabric Cottage Clothing Classes
Sewing Classes
Fergus, ON.--Scissors and Saw
Red Deer, Alberta--Spools Sewing Shop
Victoria,BC--SAWYER'S Sewing Classes

Timberlea--Trudy's Sewing Room Classes

Sewing Classes Online

The Sewing Connection
Sew Tech
You Can Make It Inc.
Islander Sewing Systems
Common Threads Online sewing classes
Kids Kits Online
Marilee's Crafts Links
Julie Wegelin's Sewing Cellar
Sew 'n' Sew
Cherith Brook Basic Sewing Classes
Umagine Learning Center
Art C Sewing Studio
Julie Wegelin & the Sewing Cellar
Clotilde on the Web!
Sew-Tech Sewing Classes
Tina's Fun Sewing Classes
Sandra Betzina Online Sew Perfect Tips

Sewing Machine Companies

Gailee's Featherweight Info
Machine Salvaging : for flooded machines
Man-Sew Corporationindustrial machines
Sewing Equipment Warehouse:industrial and home use machines
Sewing Machine Exchange
Sewing Machine Store
Sewing Studio
Singer Featherweight
Universal Sewing Supply for industrial sewing
Elna USA
Antique FAQs
Antique Sewing Machine Museum
Antique Sewing Machines
Janome New Home
Singer Industrial Sewing Machines
Antique Sewing Machine Resource Guide
Bernina Fan Club
Consew Industrial Machines
Pfabulous Pfaff Pfan Club
Sewing Equipment Warehouse-- industrial and home use machines
Sewing Machine Exchange
Sewing Machine Store
Sewing Studio
Sincere's Sewing Books-- history and reference manual for older machines
Singer: includes their publications
Taree Sewing Centre: features Janome Memory Craft 9000
Viking Husqvarna
A & J Sewing Depot
AMF Reece Specialized Sewing Equipment
Supplies and Equipment for Professional Sewers
Ashby Sewing Machine
A-1 Vacuum and Sewing
About Jenny's Sewing Studio
Machines Allyn International Corp.

Sewing Projects

Clever Creations: sewing plaque
Decorating Ideas: patriotic window panel
Detroit News: chair slip
Tip of the Week: generallymore crafts-related


Information about Sewing
Tip of the Week: generallymore crafts-related
Vy's Sewing Page
Softworld's Sewing Resource Guide..and more


Smocking Arts Guild of America
Softworld's Sewing Resource Guide: internet links
Virtual Threads
Weavercraft Encyclopedia: sewing terms


Soapmaking Recipes

Stained Glass

Stained Glass Warehouse
Stained Glass Quarterly
Glass Creations by Carole


Stencil Designers On The Web
Brass Stencil & Accessories Craft Page


Tatting Bug

Teddy Bears

Bear making supplies Jennifer’s Cyber Teddy site

TV Shows, Sewing and Crafting

TV Shows, Sewing and Crafting
'Aleene's Creative Living' TV Show's website
'Sewing With Nancy' TV Show's website
Sewing Today: PBS show from Vogue/Butterick


Victorian 2
Wendy’s Fashionable
Victoria SharpeVintage Headwear & Accessories


Creating Dreams with Pearls and Lace


Northeast Wood Products-Custom Woodworking & Crafts
Southwestern Woodworking
rec Woodworking Faqs
W5 Woodworking on the Web
Wood World..Main Menu
Woodworking Catalog
Creative Woodworks of Maine
Wood Magic
QualityWood Products
ArtisticIntarsia Wooden Designs By Rainbow
D&NWooden Wonders
Wood N Things General Store




X-mas Craft Sites

A Christmas Celebration
All Season & Holiday Ornaments Bulletin Board
Christmas BB
Christmas! Christmas! Christmas!
Christmas.ComChristmas Links On The WWW
Christmas Market.Com
A Country Christmas
Crafty College
DeLong Farms-- Christmas Trees, Garlands, Wreaths & More
The Finest Christmas Sites in the Whole Wide World
Internet Craft Fair's Christmas Page
Linit Starch-N-Crafts Ideas Site
Martha By Mail
Other Holiday Sites
PCIS Kid's
Perfect Present Picker
Reader's Digest Crafts & Home Projects
The Santa Lady
Seasonal Crafts
Shop D Net
Winter Festivals From The Past & Present