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Snazzy's Den

<bgroundsrc="/ca/snazzyfem/images/welcome.wav"> My name is Cindy and I am a chat addict...


A little song my son likes.

I have been chatting since January 1997 and love it. I am 40 years old, married with two wonderful kids. I adore them. I have several hobbies such as tole painting, photography, reading, designing and sewing my own clothing. The latter is the reason for the nickname, not because of my looks *grin*

I have no idea why it suddenly came to me to do something crazy like set up a homepage. I figure I have finally gone off my rocker... but what the heck. If I'm going to go then I may as well go high tech. LOL

I have a very talented daughter. She enjoys sketching for me. I am always impressed by the talent she is exhibiting. She is able to look at a picture and sketch it well. I have chosen my favorite pictures for my page. I do hope that you enjoy them as much as I do.

Sarai's Sarai's

And now for a picture of my children. I would like to introduce you to Jamie who is 15 and Sarai who is 13. They both have exceptional marks in school and are doing their work in french immersion. Jamie has recently started his first job and sharing it with my daughter. A mom couldn't want more from two great kids. Thanks for being so terrific. Mom loves you dearly.

Jamie and Sarai... you have to love them.

I wish to give thanks to my dear friend with all of his patience while I set up my homepage. It sure wouldn't have looked this good without all the time and patience that you have spent with me working on it. My true gratitude and love to you my friend.

I wish to share a few pictures of Peggy's Cove. I took the pictures some time ago. I hope you enjoy them

Peggys Cove.. this by a professional photographer

Peggy's Cove - Part two

And also sign my guestbook on next page.

Last updated on 6th September, 1998.

