Hi,my name is Paula Sandjian. I'm a grade nine student at Bishop Whelan High. On this web site I will be presenting a project on soil erosion and its effects on our earth. The way I plan on following this project is to do general research using library resources as well as internet services. As a class we always look into gazettes for the latest information on i.e,earthquakes,tornadoes,etc.
The project is going to be studied at three different angles. First of all I will do a research study concerning soil erosion,its effects,possible solutions to conserving it and facts about the world wide problems caused by soil erosions. Considering that many of the geohazards are interlinked, as a class we will incorporate the case studies and make observations on each topic,as well as working together. This brings me to the second part of the project. The case study that I will be researching on concearns golf courses and the pesticides and chemicals used on the course to keep the grass in good condition. This in turn causes problems and increases soil erosion,as well as it is a damage to human health and increases groundwater pollution. The third part is to actually experiment soil erosion. From this experiment I will take pictures of the model and display them on the web.
I hope this web site will supply you with interesting information and will be of easy use to you.
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EROSION AS A WORLD WIDE PROBLEM A survey was done and it was said that hundeds of millions of acres of land were destroyed. Induced erosion is a major world wife problem. In the US only, 280,000,000 acres of crops were damaged. All the countries have this one problem in common, which is the fact that agriculture and food crops have been ruined. CONSERVATION Conservation means the saving of soil. Soil consetvation helps farmers profits go up as well as it lowers the cost of foods. It helps us keep a cleaner land , and a cleaner water supply. It helps the wildlife and the fishes. To conserve soil it first depends on the land contour, then the type of soil and the climate. One method is to use a good crop rotation and soil treatment. Contour tillage is also a good application. It reduces soil losses almost by fifty pertcent. All the furrows are then leveled.