Welcome to Stormangel Mountain!
Welcome to Stormangel Mountain!

Beware of falling concepts!
For the moment, this page is bare bones. But as soon as I get into HTML and all of this, it will grow and grow until I control the universe!!! Ha ha ha!

My name is Jessie Davis, and I am the Stormangel!
I will be your host here at Stormangel Mountain.
I'm an avid role-player and heavily collect comic books (or at least used to collect heavily back when I had the money)
I am working on breaking in as a comic book writer and my biggest goal is to write Thor, one of my favorites.
I'm 24 (almost) and happily married to my beautiful wife Carey (also known as Sharp) who is six months expecting with our first of many children to be raised to conquer the world!
I also belong to a Mailing list for Marvel Super Heroes Role-playing Game. My buddy Hogan runs it so e-mail Hogan and say,
"Stormangel sent me and I want to join!" You'll be glad you did! We have some great talks in there!
Some of Stormangel's main interests to appear on this page!
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individual to have visited Stormangel Mountain since Sept. 12 of 1997.
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Make sure you e-mail and let me know what you think! I want criticism, good and bad!
Email: mcmurrey@lightspeed.net