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BUENO? Friends/Funny Quotes
  • Friends
  • Funny Quotes


    What can I really say but, that I have some kickbutt friends. Check out their pages. You just might find something interesting.

    Jamie - She is such a sweet person.
    Marlene - One heck of a person.
    Monica - A great site with with original work.
    JaDeGirL - A nice site.
    Mindy - She has one heck of a page!
    Judy - She is a good poet.
    Aaron - His page is pretty cool... I guess.
    Chris - A look into SDSU.
    Ira - Kickbutt drummer.
    Robert S. - An excellent drummer. My old instructor.

    What was that again?

    Things said by people

    "I'm just gonna yell, okay? I'm yelling." Prof. of Life Science after finding out his mike does not work.
    "We pretty much screwed up these animals." - Prof. of Life Science.
    "The only reason for that is, don't hang around with losers." - Prof. of Life Science talking about study habits.
    "What are you talking about?" - Prof. Kelsey's reply to a question from a student.
    "...If you need to go to the bathroom before you turn in your paper." - Prof. Kelsey, on drawing a map to the Philosophy office.
    "What kind of crazy tones are the guys at Pacific Bell thinking of?" - Prof. Leonard on the Nokia rings.
    "You wake up in the morning and you take your epsilon." - Grant Karamyan, Math 131 TA.
    "Psiiii.... mmmmmm..... goood apples... apples." - Angela Russel, KKPsi FSU, to the UCLA Psi Chapter.
    "I wish we could take a picture of us. We're both sweaty." - Brieanne Martin.
    "I know it was you, Matt! You're not any taller than I am!" - Angela Russel on a short-joke made to her.
    "I'm f***** tired of holding my d!@& in my hand 'n shit while I watch you guys play." - Rick Hulsey, on Robotech RPG.
    "Don't get none of that immitation sh!t. It has to be Smuckers." - Benjamin Avena, regarding to strawberry preserves at VONS.
    "Well cumba-freakin-yah." - Jaime, from the Jaime and Danny morning show, 98.7FM.
    "Oh... forget it. You can raise your hand again." - PIC10A student, avoiding a question.
    "Wwwwelcome to PIC10A. My name is Mike Leonard, the instructor for this course and this is Lecture four. Nice to see all of you again." - Prof. Leonard at start of every lecture.
    "Oookay. Take... number... five." - Recording engineer.
    "She's a machine... What does she want?" - Prof. Leonard, regarding to Martha Stewart.
    "Oh hell yeah!" - Adriana Chavira, answering if she believes in God.
    *seriously* "Hey Jim, why don't you hype us up with a 'do this sh!t' or something." - Matt Altmire.
    "Hey Jim, are we gonna play grab ass?" - Chris Soto.
    "I don't like the way it feels in my mouth." - Bao Nguyen on Penne Pasta.
    "Let's F***** do this $h!t!!!" - Jim Sunabee. Or substitute march or drum in for "do."
    "...You know that all of you in Los Angeles are homosexual faggots." - Drunk OSU fan in a taxi cab.
    "I think we need to do it like the MARINES do it. We need to be self sufficient and better trained to handle the harder jobs. I just love how they do things and get them done." - Major General Colin Powell United States Army. Commander Joint Task Forces, Desert Shield/Storm.
    "Look! It won't stay up!" - Dave Krimsley.
    "Erected!" - Ryan Peller.
    "Everyone better stay put. You are all still legally mine." - Prof. Maha.
    "Please, speak, up for the life of me. I'm quite deaf, you know." - Prof. Maha.
    "Just turn 180 degrees, and out the door." - Prof. Maha, during Physics lecture.
    "Well I think Courtney Love is Hot!" - Jade, MTV stage hand, and ditz!
    "Did I hear you correctly? The loser fraternity?" - Scott, MTV stage crewman.
    "That's Band Fraternity, Jackass!" - Jacob "Log" Ballen.
    "Hey muther$@#!%&! Do you know this $#!%@& is! It's you $#!%@& daddy!" - PVT John Duran (ARMY) calling from Korea.
    "I can't help it if they need my services!" - Me.
    "You @#*% sucking &@$! $%!* !@#$&%" - Ira Crain.
    "Hey... Black Angus without the g!" - Philip Salas.
    "All I have to say is Hooters and Bowling!" - Eric Hallinan.
    "I'd like to suggest the thing of male escort." - Jason Lewis.
    "Are you a Thespian?" - Jay Fahlen.
    "Do you have a camera?" - Dave Douglas, question to Historian candidate.
    "I can lick my finger and talk on the phone at the same time." - Adriana Chavira.
    "How do you stimulate your hair follicles?" - Aileen Arellano.
    "How do I stimulate my what?!" - Me, reagarding to Rogaine®.
    "If we do that kind of show, (Downfall of Troy) Millions of people will die." - Gordon Henderson, UCLA Marching Band Director.
    "Eww! Your booty stinks." - Aaron Montoya.
    "We have to shoot you too." - Dr. Spiegel.
    "I see we're in the I'm-not-here-because-I'm-at-the-beach-even-though-it's-raining-outside part of the quarter." - Dr. Spiegel.
    "So we will only have males with cute names?" - Michael, during Russian class.
    "Thank you for mentioning I know Hussein. I don't know if that's a complement or not." - Jordinian State Official, during Poli Sci lecture.
    "Who is Monica Lewinsky?" - Yasser Arafat, answering reporters while leaving the White House.
    *Enthusiastic* "We need to do them too!" - Steve Kaufman.
    "Do you own a calculator?" - Tim Galion, question to a Treasurer candidate.
    "Tropical Beaver?" - Ira Crain.
    "Reflex Multiple Warhead!" - John Duran.
    "What language do they speak at your Starbucks?" - Poli Sci TA.
    "I'm not an animal!" - Jamie Alfaro.
    "If Kappa Kappa Psi were a twinkie, what would you fill it with?" - KKPsi Quarterly Test.
    "Where am I? I'm in China." - Dr. Spiegel, during lecture.
    "It's all Guera's fart." - Me.
    "You take away politics and religion, and all you are left with is sex." - Dr. Spiegel, during World Politics lecture.
    "Please bare with me, I'm a mechanical moron." - Dr. Spiegel.
    "I'm getting them done by tomorrow. I need to be in Vegas by Friday." - Prof. Ron Miech, about Final Exam grades (Wednesday of Finals Week).
    "It's like ritual suicide... with a graphing calculator... and the Barium Titinate crystal structure." - Me, making reference to the Material Science 14 Final Exam.
    "Order me a hamburger with no meat." - Annette Austin, at the Jack-in-the-Box drive thru.
    "I'm not the boy!" - Aaron Montoya.
    "Hello? I feel like someone is trying to talk to me on my headset." - Dr. Scott Bartchy, during History of World Religion lecture.
    "I feel like I'm going to be launched. Hello, Houston?" - Dr. Scott Bartchy, making reference to his new microphone.
    "God doesn't play dice." - Albert Einstein.
    "It's cool when my hand turns blue." - Rina Salcedo.
    "I was equivalent to your rank while in the Marines, a Private of the Mess Hall." - (Ret.) Seargent Major to (Ret.) Lt. Col of the Army.
    "Who's your daddy? Yes I am!" - Gordon Henderson, director of UCLA Marching Band.
    "Let me put USMC on your cast. You let Amy write her name." - GYSGT Alvardo (Marines).
    "Wowie Zowie!" - Ira Crain, at AMPM.
    *Chewing* "Um... Banana!" - PVT John Duran (Army).
    "That's why you put that sun blocking thingy." - Dr. Eric Bescher, in MSE 14 Professor.
