Summer Picnic ... Summer picnic will be held August 12, 2000 Saturday at Admiral Baker's Field in San Diego. Besides karakanan, other activities such as sports and parlor games are planned for that day. All members and friends of members are encouraged to attend. Each family is requested to bring in their favorite dish and drinks (soda and/or water). See you there!
New Officers Elected ...
Penafrancia Update
....Tinambac Association of California will
sponsor the fifth day (Sep 1, 2000 Friday) of the nine-day novena/Mass
in honor of NUESTRA
SRA DE PEÑAFRANCIA in preparation for the Peñafrancia Fiesta
celebration which will be held at the Peninsula, Lake O'Neill, Camp Pendleton,
California on Sept 16, 2000. Various Bikol organizations are sponsoring
the novenas and Mass which will be held at St. Mary Catholic Church, 8th
St, in National City, California starting at 7:00 PM. Dates and sponsors
Send any comments/suggestions/contributions to: