Talk to me, God
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Talk to me, God

Early in the morning of October 6, 1998 my saintly mother went home to glory.
Here is my tribute to her.
This page will tell you how she fostered
the faith in me which shaped my life.

Updated February 19, 2006.

Back to Traute's with links to her other webpages


NOTE: More stories of spiritual and emotional healing can be found at: Healing Hug

Learning to Hear God's Voice

Experiences from my life.
It is my prayer that they will inspire you to learn to hear God's voice clearly.

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or reproduced without the author's written permission.
You are, however, welcome to pass on or link the URL of this page.


Conversations with My Heavenly Father

I am not satisfied just to talk to God. I expect him to talk to me, in fact, I expect him to talk to me first. He is my father. My earthly father talked to me long before I learned to form words.

My Mother's Wisdom

Childlike Logic

A Modern Hannah

A Mother's Training

Trusting Divine Protection

My little Hand in My Father's Big Hand

My First Reward for Trust

My Call to Be a Teacher

"He shall have whatsoever he says"

"Before they call, I will answer"

Get off this mountain!

". . . and underneath are the everlasting arms"

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