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Clicking on the Image above will take you to
our Tulumello Family Tree pages

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Click on the photograph of Santa (Cipolla) and Peppino Tulumello below
to take you to our Photograph and History page

Santa and Peppino ( Ct1 )


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Webpage by Peter Tulumello
524 Buchner Road
Welland, Ontario - Canada
L3B 5N4

If you would like to contact me, please email me at:

The Webpage for our Cousins The Lo Bosco Family can be reached by clicking this photograph

CLICK ON THE IMAGE above to VIEW that Webpage

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The Tulumello Family is located worldwide including Sicily, Italy, Canada, USA, Belgium, England and countries in South America. I would like to extend a personal invitation to all Tulumello's to Contact me and provide me with information about their branch of the Tulumello Family. If you have compiled a Tulumello family tree of your branch, the authors of this Webpage would like to see it. Please send it to Peter Tulumello by way of email: If you have a website please link to our page!

Tulumello Family with origins Custom in Grotte, Girgenti, Agrigento, Sicily includes members of the Tulumello Family from all over the world. Family trees prepared with the help of Anna Rivituso and Felice Tulumello both of Sicily. Common names in the Tulumello family include Guiseppe, Pietro, Antonio, Vincenzo Tulumello and Calogero Tulumello. The Tulumello Family is located in Canada, Belgium, England and of course Sicily. This research site for the Tulumello Family would like to extend the family tree to include members from other regions, towns and cities of Sicily including Montedoro, Palermo, Siracusa, Agrigento. Also we would like to find the connection between the Buffalo, New York Tulumello Family and The Tulumello / Lobosco Family of Welland. As these Tulumello's are likely first cousins of Peter Tulumello, Joseph Tulumello, Michael Tulumello and Dr. Anthony Tulumello a Dentist in Welland Ontario. Vincenzo Tulumello - Vincent was also called Jimmy tulumello and he came to Canada through Ellis Island in New York City