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Here are some PLI applications
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This page provides some examples of PLI applications so that you do not need to re-invent the wheel while writing your first PLI application.

Over the years, PLI has evolved and now has two existing versions - PLI1.0 and PLI2.0. When most of the simulators support only PLI1.0, PLI2.0 gives much easier interfaces to deal with. This page provides examples from each versions to start you on the ramp. For an introduction to PLI, click here. To write PLI routines, you should have a good working knowledge of C and, of course, Verilog.

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Example of PLI2.0 Gururaj Kulkarni of Mindtree Consulting, India unveils his code coverage tool and shows you how to write it.
Example of PLI2.0 You have got coding style ? We have got PLI application that checks it. Contributed by Gururaj Kulkarni of Mindtree Consulting, India.
Example of PLI1.0 A brief Bus Functional Model (BFM) of 8051. Contributed by Sayed Sohail of Mentor Graphics.)
Example of PLI1.0 Find out a design hirarchy. Written by Paul Campbell of Verifarm Inc.
Example of PLI1.0 How to convert Intel Hex format to a format that $readmemb/h understands. From the Library of Parameterized Modules (LPM) webpage.
Example of PLI1.0 Doing UNIX stuffs in Verilog.
Example of PLI1.0 How to disable timing checks selectively. (Contributed by Andi Carmon of Orckit System, Tel Aviv, Israel).
Example of PLI1.0 Getting Xs again ? See the strength information of a net and its drivers.
Example of PLI1.0 This example shows how to read and modify memory element.
Example of PLI2.0 Detecting those annoying Xs at the beginning of the simulation.
Example of PLI1.0 Using VCS PLI1.0, this code shows how to get the values of plusargs. (Contributed by Chris Spear of Viewlogic Systems Inc.)
Example of PLI1.0 This example shows how to implement math.h functions as system call. (Contributed by Chris Spear of Viewlogic Systems Inc.)
Example of PLI2.0 This example shows how to do the same thing as above using PLI2.0. Compare this example with the last one and find out yourself which version of PLI you like better. (Contributed by Steve Meyer of Progressive Logic Inc.)
Example of C models This is an article from EDN on how to write C model and how they can cut your time-to-market.
Example of C models An MS thesis on how to write a PCI C++ model without using any simulator. With a few modifications, this model can be integrated with a commercial simulator. (Designed by: Udi Finkelstein)

Vineyard Research Inc.