Happy Holidays! Hey, it's another Christmas webring. The Fun Christmas Webring to be more precise. What's it for? Christmas pages of course, Christmas rules!. You got one? If you do, and you want to join the ring, then just fill in the stuff below. Oh, there's some rules: (1)Must be a Christmas page, (2)Must be "G" rated...kids will be looking at this stuff, so it has to be pretty clean. Other than that, the ring is pretty open...I'm not exactly picky.
Here's what you do to join:
1. Fill in the below form..it's pretty easy.
2. Cut and paste the html fragment you get in your email to your page with the correct ID number and email address into. CLICK HERE for the HTML fragment in case you lose your email one.
3. I go to your page, check it, and if all is in order, you're in the ring.
Pretty simple eh? Well, maybe not, but if I can do it, I'm sure you can do it too. Joining or not, have a Happy Holiday everyone!
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