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The Smoking Gun.


Evidence of Forgery to Documents

Contained in the following pages are documents I obtained from WestCorp Financial Services (WFS Financial) during the course of the civil suit I initiated in 1996. After examining these documents which my lawyer was able to acquire from WestCorp through interrogatories, I noticed that some of the dates didn’t correspond and signatures were missing. One such document, a Deferment Authorization form dated 5/26/95 bore a forged signature of my name. I never authorized this payment deferment nor did I sign it. The signature on the form somewhat looked like my signature but what was peculiar was the spelling. My name was misspelled. I couldn’t understand why WestCorp would do this unless it was an attempt to hide the previous deceptions in my account payment history. I had once previously made a deferment payment to WestCorp and that was in February of 1994. I received a Deferment Authorization form in the mail, signed it, and sent the form along with a payment in January of 1994. WestCorp claimed that they never received the payment and called several times saying that I needed to make the payment by 2/15/94, which I did. I decided to make the payment in person at the Tarzana branch on the 15th. I received a receipt for my payment, which I also signed and that was it. Somehow and for some reason WestCorp submitted to my lawyer a copy of the form I had sent to them in January of 1994, the one they said they never received. As far as the double deferment payment that I never authorized, I had no receipt or record of such a payment until a statement came in the mail after the car was repossessed. It seemed very strange that anyone would pay a fee to defer a car payment that was on time anyway only to have his or her car repossessed five days later. I couldn’t figure out what the Downey branch used to reference my signature when I sent my checks to the Santa Ana payment-processing center. It became apparent what had taken place when I examined some of the other discovery items received from WestCorp. A copy of a letter I had sent to the Downey branch was stapled to another letter I had sent to Downey on a different date. On the back page was a signature of mine that very closely resembled the forged signature. I placed the two pages on top of each other, held it up to the light and the signatures almost matched I turned the documents over to the Downey Police and filed a complaint. I received a letter some weeks later from the Downey Police stating that the District Attorney couldn’t prosecute the case because the Branch Manager, Ann Bush, who apparently was the last to put a approving signature on the document had moved out of the state to Colorado. Apparently, to me that is, the last to give an approving signature was S. Gregory from the Glendale branch. I was again told that my only recourse for justice was to take the matter to the civil court.

On page two is the document that was forged by the Downey branch employees which approved a double deferment for my account. This would allow the payments for 1/27/95 and 2/27/95 to be deferred and making the next due date 3/27/95 for a fee of $220.98 even though, as I proved in court, my account was not delinquent.

Page three shows the same document with another signature on it that of Steve Gregory from the Glendale branch of WFS.

Page four is another Deferment Authorization form that does not have my signature on it but does have an approval signature of a WestCorp employee on it. Note the dates on the document. The date of deferment is 2/15/94, installment deferred 2/20/94, next due 3/20/94 and matures on 10/20/97.

Page five is another Deferment Authorization submitted by WestCorp in response to form interrogatories. This one bears my legitimate signature on it yet there is no approval signature. It also has my pre-printed name and address on it and the dates differ from the version found on page four. The date of deferment is also 2/15/94 but the installment deferred is 1/20/94, next due 2/20/94, and matures on 9/20/94.

Page six is the receipt that I signed and received when I went into the Tarzana branch (#158) on the due date for deferment payment

Page seven is the last page of a signed letter that I had sent to the Downey branch of WestCorp. It closely resembles the forged signature except for the misspelling of my last name of course.


Downey Police Investigation Report

The following is a police report taken by Downey Police where Michael Amrein, Dennis Craig, and Ann Bush perjure themselves when telling their account of how and who signed the Request for Payment Deferrment document was signed. At no time in my life have I ever stepped foot in to the WestCorp Downey Branch. Furthermore, of the three Amrein, Craig and Bush I have only seen Dennis Craig and that was only during judicial proceedings. What the employees of WestCorp (Wachovia) neglected to explain was the reason that the document was forged. Not because I couldn't make a payment for that month but because they were almost caught by the Department of Corporations during an investigative review into the payment accounting of my loan. They held payment checks I sent so as to try to force a repossession and by doing so the account balance didn't correspond with payments I made by sliding an envelope with a copy of a letter and a check for a payment to my account under the door of the WFS Tarzana Branch. To make sure there would be no doubt whether or not a payment was made to my account I video taped the event as proof. They had no choice but to finally deposit what they thought was an "undocumented" payment for fear of being exposed. Recorded phone conversations I had with WestCorp employees revealed the truth as to my allegations to the Department of Corporations. This too was covered up when the Department of Corporations closed the investigation because they said the evidence I had submitted (recorded phone conversations)was not obtained legally. WFS employees claimed they did not give permission to record these conversations. Coincidentally, is was the same day that the Department of Corporations recieved documentation which clearly showed WFS employees at the Downey Branch had prior knowledge, as did I, that phone conversations between WFS and I were being recorded. By that time WFS was no longer under the jurisdiction of the Department of Corporations. However, these documents and recordings which were allowed as evidence in the civil suit I filed against WestCorp, still exsist and will be available. The reason I believe that Wachovia Westcorp WFS has harassed me for such a lengthy time is to discredit, disable, and discontinue my effort to bring to light the truth of the matter that they indeed had "cooked the books". If indeed the harassment had ended after the lawsuit had ended I would not have continued my efforts to expose the illegal accounting as well as the dispicable collection tactics and inhumane methods of intimidation. I had tried to "call a truce" by requesting that WFS or any of thier associates make contact with me in ANY manner. At that point WFS initiated another offensive to turn the tables of the Flaherty v. WestCorp decision which addressed the issue of accelerated payments and proper credits regarding an "Add on Loan", where significant gray area exists being exploited by WFS. What makes the harassment tactics employed by WFS so insidious is the fact that in any event should my allegations get some kind of legitimate attention, who would believe it! That is, take it on face value as being the truth. Without thoroughly investigating all of the allegations there is really no way that a fair and impartial assesment of the facts involved could be considered valid. Obviously, the Downey Police did not exercise due diligence in thier investigation. If, as claimed by WFS, I did sign the document in question at the Downey Branch, both Ms. Bush or Mr. Amrein would have been able to or at least would have been able to come close to identify me from either a line up or from a set of pictures. The Downey PD never even asked them to give a physical description of me. The Downey Police, after questioning the employees of WFS Downey Branch, never gave me an opportunity for rebuttal regarding the statements made by those employees claiming that I signed the document in question in person in the WFS Downey Branch office or if I had any other documentation to the contrary of their claims. Furthermore, the statements made by the WFS employees to police contained in this report prove that either they lied to police, perjured themselves in court, or both. The statements contained in this police report are contrary to those found in a declaration of WFS employee Dennis Craig filed in Los Angeles Superior court.

Because of this the whole incedent appears to be much to do over nothing. At the time this was the only bona fide document I was in possession of that proved criminal activity by WFS. Not having the resources to properly investigate and prosecute on my own I had to rely on public officials to help me. Knowing that this was just the tip of the iceberg and if properly investigated by law enforcement, it would prove that the testemony given by WFS employees was fraudulent lending further credence to my allegations. All I wanted was to put an end to the undo harassment which would allow me to finally get on with my life.

Take into consideration this...

If those in charge of Enron knew what was to become of them due to the accusations of fraud and mishandling of assets made by one person, what do you think would have been the extent of thier efforts to avoid the disaster or the dollar amount they would have spent on an ounce of prevention or, if they could have, a pound of cure?

Let yourself be the judge... NOW!

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Evidence File - forgery.pdf

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