ZuZu's Wonderful Life
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ZuZu's Wonderful Life

click to see my REAL picture

click for a voice message from me!!

Welcome to my cyberhome - I live in beautiful sunny California and I DO love the beach - can you tell?? (as much as I love this internet!! *LOL*) Besides the beach, we also have a beautiful colorful custom-designed speedboat that we take to the lake in our town (Lake Castaic) as well as to the Colorado River between Laughlin, NV and Lake Havasu, AZ so I go there more than the beach these days! But I am still a beach bunny at heart! It's a wonderful life!


words of wisdom to live by

Our lives would improve if we would make it a point to love one another and always talk to God about our concerns. He does listen, He does care, & He does respond.Try it & see! He loves us ALL! NO ONE ELSE will ever be as steadfast!

I will also dedicate a special part of this webpage to my adoring husband Bill whom I am deeply in love with and committed to for a lifetime!

My True Love

I will also honor and memorialize my Mother who passed away last year. She was my best friend and the wind beneath my wings. I will include the beautiful eulogy written by my brother for her funeral.
In Loving Memory

My Favorite Links- LETS GO SURFING!!

Chat House, I used to spend too much time here *S*

Blue Mountain Arts Electronics- virtual greetings

Send a Virtual vacation

Send an E-mail kiss

Send Virtual Flowers

Draac's Gifs (fantastic for making web pages)
Join the Draac Fan Club!(a site by my webpal wickedwanda!)

Mail a Virtual Gourmet Meal

Se nd a Virtual Present

Ri chard Simmon's site- love him!

Nutriti onal products I use and endorse

Mar tha Stewart's site- what a wonderwoman!

John Denver's Fanclub- how we miss him!

My employer- GTE CALIFORNIA INC.(special mention to my union CWA)

Weight Watchers- the new 123 plan is ingenious!I have lost 50 pounds!I also met Fergie!
Click to see my best pic (in person!) of Sarah the Duchess of York, the official Weight Watchers Spokeswoman

How to create a webpage

Adopt a virtual dog

Good Internet References!

Tired of bad news? Try some GOOD NEWS!

An excellent self-help legal resource
CAREGI VING -a great site for support when caring for an elderly parent- as I did! I am interviewed in the March newsletter!

My Church and inspiration- THE HOUR OF POWER

Enter your email address in the box below for daily jokes.


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Shop for clothes on-line

Shop for a car (AT COST!!!) on-line

Get your handwriting analyzed on-line

Mayo clinic medical info on-line

A prayer chain

Make travel arrangements on-line

Take psychology tests on-line

Freeb ies on the net

See our boat

Gourmet cuisine on-line

Tick etmaster On-line

Bank On-line

Sig n My Guestbook (it's fixed!)

Vie w My Guestboo
zuzup etals@webtv.net

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