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Dragonfly Engine Mount


12" spinner.





Ok,  don't freak out about the unusual landing gear.

This is a temporary jig which allows me to roll the fuselage around,  since the "real" landing gear is located on the canard,  which is in the hanger.

Notice too that the tire on the left of the screen seems a bit low.  I deflated that tire to get the fuselage level,  so I could use my digital level to lay out the lines on the firewall to establish the proper (per plans) thrust line.





Nest step is to lay foam blocks over the engine and start carving a new shape.

From that shape,  I'll make a female mold from which to make a graphite cowl.

















The portions which hang below the bottom of the
firewall will be attached to fittings which will be affixed to the under
side of the leading edge of the canard.  All this will be enclosed within
the confines of the stock cowl line.  There is a good 2"-3" of the botttom
of the firewall missing,  which is a part of the canard.



The mounting bolts are obviously too long.  New bolts
have been installed and tightened down since this photo.
Additionally,  the engine has been shimmed plumb and level.