Dragonfly Builders and Flyers Newsletter
Renewal / Subscription  Form for Issues #107 Jan/Feb 2004 through #112 Nov/Dec 2004



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I would like to receive:

An electronic version only  
A mailed hard copy only  

Please make check payable to:

  Jeffrey A. LeTempt

Please mail check to:

  1107 Murry Lane Rolla, MO 65401

Subscription rates for 2004

Check or Money Order

"PayPal" Payments

Inside the United States .................... $21.00

Canada US funds only........................ $22.50

Overseas - Airmail US funds only...... $27.50

Inside the United States .................... $22.00

Canada US funds only........................ $23.50

Overseas - Airmail US funds only...... $28.50

Note: Canadian and Overseas subscribers need only pay US rates if "electronic only" is selected.


"PayPal" is perhaps the simplest way for Canadian and Overseas subscriptions to be paid. 
To find out more about "PayPal",  click HERE

Print this form,  fill in the appropriate spaces and mail it along with your check to the address listed. If you use "PayPal"  to pay for your subscription,  include the requested information in an e-mail. 
Jeffrey A. LeTempt letempt@fidnet.com



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