The Creep Examined

2493.05-The 3rd Ranger Division reports heavy fighting on numerous planetary hops in the Beta quadrant. Our forces seem to have taken the initiative.
2493.23-The enemy seems to be learning somewhat..When our large occupation fleets move into infested territory they react by completely dissapearing. We are uncertain as to how they do this. All life signs register negative when scanned for.
2493.126-Disaster has struck as multiple colonization teams landing on previously "Creep-free" planets have been torn to pieces, no survivors in all six vessels. It appears that our suspicions have been confirmed about the Creep. We cannot detect them..
2493.132-One terraformer specialist from colonizer four survived the creep onslaught. After hiding out for two nights in Creep territory he managed to get a small shuttle operational and escaped the planetoid. Communications was established with Outpost 3, rescue parties in route.
2493.134-The shuttle pilot has sent startling news. He has inadvertently captured one of the creatures when it was found trapped in an engine nacelle. The creature was only lightly wounded, and it will be the first live Creep caught by our forces. The rescue party is under strict orders to deliver captive to Outpost 3 where it will be taken by AON Observers so that it may be examined at an undisclosed locale.
2494.01-The creature has been under observation for many months now. Xenological warfare board has learned the following information:
*Subject has advanced subterranean tunneling ability. They literally dive in and out of solid ground as if it were water. It is believed that along with their appendages, the skin has millions of tiny muscles  which give them this ability.
*Subject has extremly high reproduction rate. Based on calculations with the single captive female it is believed that they reproduce up to ten times a year. Average nest size is approximately 8 offspring per birth.
*Subject's undetectability has been discovered. The Creep use some organic natural barrier that shields all vital signs. This stealth ability has been a tremendous advantage for them.
*Creatures have interlocking vertical jaws. They move in large packs like and attack like piranhas, wearing out their enemy with short, violent attacks.
*Subject's intelligence has not been fully determined. They are extremely smart when on the attack but have failed simple intelligence tests.Testing will continue..