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Alien Dossier

Intelligence Database Active..Now displaying information gathered on alien species..


  • Physical Build: Average human

  • Special Abilites: Psionic powers, (telekensis, precognition, matter alteration) Dense skeletal structure with redundant body systems, night vision reported.

  • Physical Threat: High. Direct conflict with our Enforcers would prove hazardous, but warriors are urged to avoid combat with the units called "Psionic Monks". All warriors must respect their psionic abilites, as they are the most advanced we have yet encountered. Believed to be vulnerable to their own biological weapons.

  • Military: Advanced bio-ships are used. Fleet is formidable. Weaponry, plague-based.

  • Disposition: Peaceful
    Colony 37 And The Colonial Alliance:

  • Physical build: Human,Avg 5'6", Strong

  • Special Abilites: Advanced enviromental resistance

  • Threat: Medium. Normal tactics used against humans are not effective as they appear to have highly genetically manipulated bodies.

  • Military: Small but fierce. Colonial troops are well trained and aggressive. Plasma-based weaponry.

  • Disposition: Defensive

  • Physical Build: Reptilian, approximately 7 ft tall.

  • Special Abilites: Primitive Psionic abilities. Good strength.

  • Physical Threat: Low. The Starians impressive frame is hampered by their poor training and low resistance to extreme heat. Incendiary weapons recommended.

  • Military: Obsolescent, small-sized fleet. Weaponry is beam-based.

  • Disposition: Front-runners

  • Physical Build: Small, insectoid. Large, protruding, trap-like jaws.

  • Special Abilites: Subterranean tunneling. Hyper-reproduction. Undetectable.

  • Physical Threat: High. Semi-Intelligent species indigenous to various planets in the Amaru galaxy. Prone to sneak attacks. Jaws can penetrate all known personal armor. Bloodthirsty and unpredictable.

  • Military: None

  • Disposition: Voracious

  • Physical Build: Average Human.

  • Special Abilites: None.

  • Physical Threat: Medium. It is predicted that it would take approximately four or more Terrans to have a chance to incapacitate a single Amaru warrior. Human physical structure is fragile. Snap third vertabrae on spinal cord, death instantaneous.

  • Military: Large and Mobile. An expansive fleet and un-rivaled communications network makes up for their other deficiencies.Weaponry is comprised of beam and torpedo weapons.

  • Disposition: Power-driven.
    Soveriegn Nation Of Pacifica:

  • Physical Build: Average Human.

  • Special Abilites: None.

  • Physical Threat: Medium. Human physical structure is fragile. Snap third vertabrae on spinal cord, death instantaneous.

  • Military: Large and modern, but relatively immobile and handicapped by internal politics. Weaponry is primarily beam based.

  • Disposition: Power-driven.
    Ri'Chex Empire:

  • Physical Build: Slightly sub-average human.

  • Special Abilites: Above average cranial capacity, telepathy/empathy in small amount of population, flexible skeletal structure allowing swiftness and agility

  • Physical Threat: Medium. The Ri'Chex are diminutive. Their skeletal structure interests us. Possibly cartilage based, they would in theory be very flexible and able to contort their bodies to extreme lengths. The light nature of this skeletal structure would allow an impressive power to weight ratio.

  • Military: Ultra-modern ships make up a growing military force. However, their trained officer corps seem to be wanting.

  • Disposition: Peaceful.