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Today's News

1/1-There seems to be a growing movement within the galaxy to regulate roleplay and to introduce more realistic elements. The Warlord staunchly supports this.

1/2-Two "Lurker" class escorts stumbled upon a unknown ship while patrolling sector 11 of the Amaru system. We were about to engage when the offending ship identified itself with the "Insatian" empire. The aliens offered a Trade Alliance and the Warlord accepted, with the goal of strengthening our economy through foreign trade.

1/5-The SE3 Universe Ladder is now active.

1/7-After numerous discussions with the Warlord a pact of Trade Alliance was formed with the "Aquilae Federation". Known as one of the more popular merchant peoples in the galaxy, the Aquilae will be a valuable ally.

1/9-Busy day today, The Warlord made another move to strengthen our economy accepting the "K'Star Republic's" bid for a Trade Alliance. A Military Alliance was also signed with "Colony 37". The Commonwealth and Commander Danjel Judj hold many similar ideas and we forsee a strong alliance.

1/11-Emperor Doombug of the "Ri'Chex" empire proposed a Trade and Research Alliance to the Warlord and we accepted. Warlord Adamus commented that he had a great respect for the Ri'Chex/Arcturan fleet designs.

1/13-A Trade Alliance was formed today with the "United Federation" empire. The Federation seems to be a outgoing and impulsive group, we know they will be useful.

2/3-Our treaty with the Federation has been upgraded to Military Alliance.

2/4-A Trade & Research Alliance has been agreed to by the Warlord at the request of Calisto Shipyards. We envision a profitable partnership.

2/5-Our treaty with Calisto was upgraded to partnership, as was the one with Colony 37. The beings of the Calisto yards are very trustworthy and Colony 37 is one of the Commonwealth's strongest allies.

2/20-A Trade & Research Alliance was formed with Emperor Silver of the Arcturan Empire. We have great respect for their technological prowess.

2/21-Tension between the Draken and Tyrian empires are rising, both are rallying their allies for war.

2/24-An initial treaty of Non-Agression with the RamTam empire was upgraded to Trade Alliance status. The RamTam seem to be a very ruthless people, much like our own..

2/26-Emperor Priest has conditionally surrendered to Draken and her allies. The Tyrians backed down after gaining little support and are now subject to the word of the Draken.

3/3-The Warlord proposed an idea for the upcoming SEIV to Malfador Machinations. Malfador informed us that a very similar version to our proposal was already in the works.

3/5-At the request of Emperor Silver our treaty was upgraded to Military Alliance. The Arcturan's are a valuable ally and we have the utmost confidence in them.

3/6-The RamTam empire declared war today against the Star Nation Of Grand Fenwick. We will continue to monitor. Also,a Non-Agression treaty was agreed to by the Warlord with the Soveriegn Nation Of Pacifica. Though many of our ideas are in direct conflict with each other we hold no malice towards them.

5/5-By insulting our gesture of good will in extending a trade proposal to the Altarak, they have enraged Warlord Adamus himself. Military forces have been mobilized and a state of war with them now exists.

5/6-The Altarak are turning out to be more timid than expected. They sought the aid of Commander Judj who is on hiatus. Colony 37 and the Commonwealth have close ties but we will not be intimidated. The Altarak are now fleeing from the frontiers rather than fight, their bases undefended. The 1st Occupation fleet is en route.

5/6-Our Trade Alliance with the RamTam has been upgraded to Military Alliance. We believe their aggresiveness will contribute much to the integrity of our borders.

5/8-A new Empire, the Pyrochette sought us out. After conferences with the Warlord a Trade Alliance was forged.

5/10-Our treaty with the Arcturans has been upgraded to Partnership. Emperor Silver has contributed much and we believe this union will be strong and long-lasting.

5/18-Adamus decided to downgrade the standing Military Alliance with the United Federation Empire to a Trade Alliance. Contact with the Federation has been lost for some time and their assistance in our military ventures is doubtful.

5/23-Wargaming with the RamTam empire has begun. The Altarak still appear to be in hiding. 6/7- Altarak Territory has been captured. 1st Occupation fleet in position. 6/14-Altarak has enlisted the help of Grand Fenwick against us. This was a devious move and Fenwick's aggression will not be forgotten. A number of our allies have shown support in this war. Altarak and Fenwick's fleets are now out of hiding and heading to the disputed territory.