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The rules will be simple, this will be a freedom fantasy role-playing game. what's that you ask??
Well what that basically means is that you can do what you want when you want, within reason
I reserve the right to the final decision on your move weather or not its feasible.

General Overview

We will cover this in more detail later for now you just need to know that after you initial character
is sent to me, I will take my turn to add my comments and revisions and send it back to you. At any
point in this process you may add/delete/or change anything you want. But once the game is under
way it will be harder to change aspects of you character. The first turn will be sent out after all the
Players have been contacted

Game Play
Simple Just write your turn as you want your character to perform it (using the third person format)
since this is a totally freedom role-playing game the outcome of your move depends on the quality of your turn instead of dice rolls. The better thought out and/or explained the more likely you odds of success
are. I'm not a English major so I don't expect you to be if there are spelling mistakes in your
turn or mine sorry were only human

Writing of turns

My Turns
As you will come to see after the first few turns I will usually post the entire rewritten previous turn
with the current one. Also this give me a chance to organize everything everyone has sent in their
separate posts and give a chance to compile it into a story like format.
As I add old post to my post, so may you if you feel it relevant clip old post any way you want just
do so in the following format

Old post
Your Comments here

Your Turns
The most important think to think of when writing your turn is keep it in third person format. For
let say Dexter is your character and he wants to pick bill's pocket write

Dexter picks Bills pockets

NOT I pick Bill's pocket
also remember this when in group messages for example if you as bill if he's missing anything write
Dexter asks bill "Are you missing anything??"
Also consider your actions. Actions that could have more than one out come write on both for
example let say your looking for Kar the mighty, include what you do if you find him fight? Talk?
follow him like a little lost puppy just what do you when you find him. what do you do if you don't
find him? how long do you look for Kar?? all these things speed up turn time I don't have to go and
do a thousand private messages with one person to find out what they do when the find or don't find
what there looking for. Lets talk about the format of your turn now. If you have something you don't
want anyone else to see the subject should be in the following format.

Dexter(characters name):P(private)(1/29)(date)
so if Dexter was your character the subject would look like the following if you wanted to send a
private message


if in a group put all the peoples name in the subject line

Dexter Bill Sue John: (1/29)
No matter what make sure the turn date you are replying to is in the subject line
Lastly I don't care who you send any info to, go ahead have a conversation per E-mail with each other
but keep me in the loop then when you decide on your actions send me a formatted turn


Since this is a freedom role-play game spells are up for grabs. If your character can cast magic you
may do so, and you may cast whatever you wish you just need to have enough magic points.
all magic users start out with ten(10) magic points. It takes one magic point to cast one spell. You
will gain more magic points through out the game. Ideas for spells may come from any source.
when casting tell me the name of the spell and a brief description of what it does. For example
Dexter casts a fire ball. Creates a ball of flames. Not Dexter casts a fire ball 90ft in diameter
dealing 1d6 damage per level. The stats are not important as the more you use a spell the better you
get at that spell the first time you use a spell it may do no damage or it may only function at half
but the more you practice you will get better at it. One last note on spells be creative create your own
spells to deal from situation to situation. I not saying don't use any set spell just don't be a brain dead
zombie and use only those spells EXPERIMENT.

So if your ready to start let create your Character


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