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The Angel Love Foundation has a vision:
Creating Heaven on Earth!

One way is to create fragrant gardens to
transform toxic areas in our world's cities.

Would you like to help? Do you share an interest in this direction? Read on...


What if we renovated the world around us into beautiful gardens? Creating Heaven on Earth is a choice we can make every day. Simplifying our lives with natural solutions and eliminating excessive chemicals is a great start. Aromatherapy has been used throughout the world for centuries to alleviate many health issues. Currently in Europe, lavendar and lemon oils are routinely used to disinfect hospitals. 'Getting back to nature' is an apt motto in the 'garden philosophy'. Organic essential oils and Feng Shui principles both contribute to this vision.

If you have ideas or related expertise,
please contact us and let's work together to
create a more beautiful planet for us all.

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