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The Civic Minded Five

The Civic Minded Five are The City's mighty group of protectors. Once, the five fought individually, but realized as a team they could get a joint bank account and tax breaks on a clubhouse. Wise choice.

Members (left to right from picture):

Jungle Janet

Jungle Janet is another member of the Civic Minded Five. Man, is she one mighty woman! Seven feet tall with arms like tree trunks, yet with a soft, feminine side.

Superhero-ness: Amazing amazon strength! Jungle Janet sports a snazzy little leopard-spotted number for her superheroine outfit. Nice!

The Carpeted Man

The Carpeted Man: amazing master of static electricity. I think we've all had a run-in with static electricty, and know the stinging pain!

Superhero-ness: The Carpeted Man has made an ingenious suit of carpet, with which he can build up a static electrical charge by walking over any surface. Any surface! And think- we walk over surfaces every day!

Notes: This fellow sure sweats a lot.

Four-Legged Man Four-Legged man is the leader of the Civic Minded Five, and does, in fact, have four legs, all working together in the fight for justice! And Four-Legged man can often be heard saying (and this is something we should take to heart), "With four legs comes great responsibility!" Yes, Four-Legged Man, it does.

Superhero-ness: Four legs! Wow! Four-Legged Man uses this awesome power to catch twice as much evil as a two-legged hero does.

Notes: Four-Legged man is the leader of The Civic Minded Five, and thus has to preform all the traditional roles that a superhero team leader must, such as taking roll call and shouting their motto, "Let's mak a difference!" Swell Motto!

Captain Mucilage

When crime gets sticky, the answer is glue! And glue is the weapon that Captain Mucilage uses in the war on crime. What more can be said?

Superhero-ness: Captain Mucilage wears a suit with a might, built-in glue deployment that shoots high-powered mucilage at his enemies.

Notes: Remember not to shake hands with Captain Mucilage. Greet him with a polite "hello," and avoid the handshake by petending something has caught your attention and distracted you. Avoid the handshake at all costs!

Feral Boy

Feral Boy is the bare-chested avenger, and requisite Civic Minded Five member who can barely control his savage side. That aside, he's a good Feral Boy. Good Boy, indeed.

Superhero-ness: He works that animal angle, and he works it well. He fights like an ape, and is hungry like the wolf. He drools up a load, too.

Of all the superheroes the Tick knows, he like playing 'fetch' with Feral Boy the most.

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