Hi, welcome to my home page. My name is Desiree and I'm 18 years old. That's me in the middle. I'm a big LA Kings fan as most of you already know. If you have the time, please sign my guestbook!!
This is my puppy Twinkie....he's sooooo adorable!! :-)
My fave hockey player is Moose.
Well not that Moose!!
THIS Moose!!
#17 Matt Johnson, LA's former enforcer. He now plays for the Atlanta Thrashers, but I'm still his #1 fan no matter what team he plays for. (Click on his pic for a little surprise.)
He's a hotty if I do say so myself!
That's us, right before a practice at Iceoplex.
Ian Laperriere--da bomb guy on our team!!
Click on Lappy to see a page with other cool hockey players.
My new honey of the band Sugar Ray. Damn!!
Mark McGrath again....never can get enough of this guy!!
My fave band OFFSPRING!!!
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A Little Slice of Tree Stump
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