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Hi, to all my friends!
- Hillary Anne, my best girl.
- Bridget, shes got boobs.
- Kimmy, is that you?
- Tracie thats a good one!
- Larry, you dont know anything about anything.
- Byron, the nicest guy around with the hugest '67 Cadillac, check out his band SouthBound 151
- Ryan who hates me
- Jon
- Steben the mammys boy
- Simon the Aussie
- Mike, once sang to me in an 87 bronco II.
- Omar, Lindo, or Lindomar, we went to 1st grade together.
- Mike he's got the baddest 67 chevy nova in the iE.
H.R. Pufnstuf
Some cool places to visit
- Disneyland - Ride the tram of life and Rocket Rods of death
- Matts house? WHY??
- Hot Rods & The Flame Store
- Car Shows - with old cars, not new ones
- Any show where the naked guy is - He's like 25...where's his walker?
- Pauls house - hes got a Nintendo, AOL, a nice truck, some other cool stuff I'm sure too
- Falcon store, woohoo
- Freakdaddy SHOW!
- Hillarys work
Email: falkey63@aol.com