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Fairness In Child Support

F.I.C.S Goals

Second families shouldn't be treated as "second class" citizens. As anyone who has dealt with the family courts knows, the current laws are unfair to the NCP's(especially NC fathers who are often remarried and have new families to support). We would like to see these laws change! While we believe NCP's have an obligation to support their children, we also believe this includes ALL THEIR CHILDREN--not just the ones from past relationships. We would like to see "child support" be child support and not ex-wife(or girlfriend) support by eliminating "guideline" support amounts based on the NCP's income. Instead, we would like to see a reasonable set amount based on what it really cost to raise a child. Currently CP's often feel they are better off if they take lower paying jobs or don't work at all because then they get more money from the ex. Why should the NCP have to work overtime or take on a second job just because the CP refuses to work? The answer is they shouldn't! Children have a right to BOTH PARENTS--not just their paychecks!

Stand up for what you believe in!

I am sad to report that the Women For Fatherhood membership group is no longer operating. Thanks to everyone who helped out in the past and please continue to fight for what you believe in. You can still visit the WFF website by clicking on the Women For Fatherhood link below.

Together WE can make a difference!!!

*For more information on Fathers Rights, Child Support, Divorce, etc...Please make sure to visit the links at the bottom of this page

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F.I.C.S. Forum--Share your thoughts on our message board
Father Magazine
Alliance For NCP's Rights
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Fathers Right To Custody
Justice First Homepage
Divorced Dads Should Be Heard
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United Fathers of the Southern Tier
Self Help Law Center with CA Child Support Calculator