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Cell #15

My Favorite things about Rubber Wallpaper...

My Favorite Web Sites

Angelfire - Free Home Pages
Find People of Common Interests
Bread and Water
Mail Call!
The Canteen
A little free time?
Hey warden, the little one is coughing...
Hide an iron file here
I'm in LOVE with the warden!
Little Voices in My Head
....more voices...
Seeing Double
Watching Over Me's the fuzz!
Visiting Day
Partner in Crime

I know why the caged bird sings.....the same reason she talks to herself and becomes addicted to her email! Welcome to CELL 15! I am "Geaver",a Stay-At-Home/Home schooling mom of four delightful children. I live in a cottage with a white picket fence. Tulips grow liberally from window boxes and there is NEVER a cloud in my sky... HA! You can probably tell by now that cell #15 is not part of a criminal institution, but that of a psychiatric ward; home of the perpetually exhausted and terminally exploited for the manufacturing of the hippest crockpot dinners, rainy-day activities and homemade solutions to remove magic marker and crayons off the walls...*sigh* I hope you can find something useful here. If not, be encouraged that you are not the only one "blessed to be at home."

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Thank you for visiting my cell...look around and enjoy!