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Edwards Air Force Base, California



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Welcome. We are very excited to begin this new project and look forward to hearing from you. We are a non-camping troop but we know how to have a great time. This year, we visited the local pumpkin patch, participated in Make A Difference Day, had several sleepovers, attended the Cookie Rally and lots more. One of our favorite events was hosting a "Looking Your Best" Sleepover for our Sister Brownie Troop 183. The Juniors did makeovers, painted fingernails, gave new hairstyles, and set up a Fashion Show. We then had a talent show. This helped the Bridging Brownies to meet the requirements to Bridge and we earned our Junior Aide Badge. In March, we spent the night at Calico Ghost Town in a bunkhouse. We had so much fun with the Brownies that we invited them to go with us. It was a BLAST! and a little scary being in a Ghost Town.
In April, we held a Mother/Daughter Stamp Night. A D.O.T.S. demonstrator showed us the techniques in rubber stamping and we made lots of great stuff. For our end of year trip, we went to the Mammoth Lakes area to stay in our council's scout house and play in the snow - in June. It could only be El Nino! We were suppose to hike to Rainbow Falls, however, it was buried in 14 ft of snow. We had lots of fun cooking our own food, making foil dinners, making beadie critters and jewelry boxes. We made ice cream in a baggie, which we found out you aren't suppose to double the recipe because it won't set up. It tasted great anyway. To close our year, we held our court of awards. This year we earned the following badges: First Aid - we have a dad who is a nurse to help us, GS in the USA, GS Around the World, Arts & Media, Pet Care, Swimming, The Cookie Connection, Math Whiz, Photography

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If you would like to contact us, please click on the mail girl to the right.  Or, e-mail us at:

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Our visitors

Last updated: 19 Sep 98
Designed by: Robert Lucier

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