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My internet picture posting site I'll be posting screen shots of my pk'n. Well so far these are some people who have attacked me, and I killed. I'll post more when I actually remember to take a screen shot in game. I'm not spending a lot of time working on this page as of yet.

Game: Asheron's Call 2
Name: Lactose
Level: 40 oz.
Date: Jan.5.2003
Kingdom: Shadow
Monarch: LoD

NEWS:(I'm level 29) Zofo (level 39 human mage) and Galadriel (level 25 human archer) attacked me in toad keep. Killed Zofo first then Galadriel. Kagetsu (level 40 feral) came in and finished me off. All guilded together.

NEWS: (I'm level 32) Zaaf a level 41 tumerok feral (i think)stonecutter thing attacked me at the crystal mines. Now this was a big misunderstanding. After killing a gurog lacky i accidentally threw a spear at him, but quickly stopped. He thought I called him a nerd, so threw a spear at me. at this point I jumped at him, hit him with SU, vict, rampage, vict and basically he took a tube ride back to the ls. I asked him to leave us alone, we argued a bit but cleared it up as a big misunderstanding. Either way, he came back and killed another person in here (the first person he was actually after) and went on his way.

NEWS: Fuzzie Panda level 39 human mage. (I'm level 33 at this time) Now I really didn't want to kill this person. We have both been in Crystal Mines hunting getting along until she joins the stonecutters. Now I wasn't going to attack, since we had a mutual friend named Zen. Well she taunted me, laughed at me with the emotes and called me chicken, so I said I'd give it a shot. I creamed her in 5 seconds or less. Well she came back, I bowed thinkin things were all good, and she gives me a tube ride back to the ls, calls me a jerk and puts me on ignore. Life goes on and I level to 34 ;)

OK THESE ARE STRAIGHT GANKS no getting attacked first bs

January 10, 2003

Click Hurrrrrr