THE Vaquero FAQ

"Q:" Who are you?
"A:" Hi all.... I am Torrey Harris, a.k.a. Dona Torrey, a.k.a. leader of the Vaqueros, a.k.a. defender of Vachon, a.k.a. the lone Vaquero, a.k.a. founding member of the Vaqueros, a.k.a. defender of silliness on the FK list... blah blah blah

"Q:" Why are you making this FAQ?
"A:" The Vaqueros have become a popular faction and I get numerous letters asking about the different aspects of the faction. A lot of things about this faction are based on inside jokes and general craziness that has happened on the list. This is my way of letting everyone in on the meanings of the names associated with the faction.

"Q:" What is a Vaquero?
"A:" Vaquero is the name given to the faction for Javier Vachon, the immensely appealing 481 year old bad-boy vampire of Forever Knight.

"Q:" What is the difference between a Vaquero and a Vaquera?
"A:" A Vaquero is a male follower of Vachon. A Vaquera is a female follower of Vachon.

"Q:" What does Vaquero mean?
"A:" Vaquero is a Spanish word for cowboy.

"Q:" WHY are followers of Vachon called cowboys?
"A:" Ok, here we go.... Back in the beginning of the third season of Forever Knight when Javier Vachon first made his first appearance into the FK universe there was a lot of talk about him on the list. A member of the list (I believe it was Lisa McDavid) posted that Vachon should be called "cowsie" because the French translation of his last name is close to the French word for cow (vache). Well, one thing lead to another and, when it came time to pick a name for his faction, someone (sorry I can't remember who) posted that it should be cowboys. Sherri Campbell, our esteemed teniente (lieutenant commander) posted the Spanish translation (Vaquero) and it stuck.

"Q:" What is the deal with the "blink, blink" thing?
"A:" In the first couple of episodes we saw Vachon in, he would just sit there and blink when he was asked a question he did not want to answer. He seemed to use the blinking as a form of communication when he didn't want to talk. (See "My Boyfriend Is A Vampire" for good example of this.) There was discussion on the list about this habit of his. Some people said he was showing that he was confused or not smart enough to understand what was going on. After much debate, the majority of people concluded Vachon keeps many things to himself ... this is his way of not getting involved. Kind of like when someone says something to you and you give them a look like, "Do you really want me to answer that?" (G)

The "Blink, Blink" became very popular after War #5 when Sherri and I used it in our story.

"Q:" What's ... up with the Defender of Vachon and the lone Vaquera thing?
"A:" Back before there was a faction for Vachon, I called myself "the defender of Vachon" ... because I would adamantly defend him when he was put down on the list. When the name of Vaquero was given for the faction, the post said something like "Can you have a faction without any members?" in it. Well, I declared myself a Vaquera at that point but, because I was the only one, I was known as the "lone Vaquero". To say the least I was the lone Vaquero for a short time ... we have a nice-sized faction at the moment.

"Q:" What is the motto of the Vaquero?
"A:" "Because I Can!"

"Q:" What is the symbol of the Vaquero?
"A:" No, it is not a *cow*! It is a Conquistador helmet with the words "because I can" wrapped around it.

"Q:" Why do you put "Doña" in front of your name?
"A:" "Doña" is Mrs. in Spanish. It is my way of being identified as a Vaquera. If you like it you may use it also ... it is up to you. BTW, "Don" is the male form.

If you have any other questions, feel free to drop a line to Doña Torrey (

"Vachon? Can we go hang out at the church again?"