Practically Pokémon!
Hey guys! I don't know if anyone still visits this website, but as of March 9, 2004, I am busy working on my own personal website called A Box of Glazed. Check it out for CD reviews of my vast music library and rants about nearly everything. I've matured a lot since I started this page at 10 years old, so if you want to see what I'm like now, please visit. I still like Pokémon - I bought Pokémon Ruby and thought it was great! But I no longer have the time or energy to maintain a fansite, which is why I'm directing my efforts to my own personal site that I can update at my own leisure. This site will still stay up, since I put a lot of work into it and am very proud of what I've accomplished. Thanks for being so faithful throughout Practically Pokémon's 5+ years, and remember to support your local Team Rocket HQ!
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