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By Jim Townsend
Chapter One
It was one week after the Pokémon League Tournaments. Ash Ketchum stood in the middle of the arena, victorious. After a long and gruesome battle
with his rival, Gary Oak, Ash was given the coveted title of Pokémon Master. Misty and Brock, his best friends, stood by him as he accepted the title
with pride. As they walked out of Indigo Plateau, Ash was brimming with pride as he talked to his friends all the way back to Pallet Town.
"Wow! I can't believe I actually did it! Yahoo!!" he yelled.
"We're proud of you, Ash." said Misty lightly.
"You did great." Brock said.
As they walked home, Ash was happy. He was the Indigo League Pokémon Master.
Meanwhile, on the Orange Islands, Jason Weedle (Yes! Don't laugh!) was declared the Orange League Pokémon Master. He gladly accepted the title and
went home. Seeing as he had already beaten the Orange League, he was desiring a challenge. He had heard about the Indigo League Tournament, and decided
he would check it out. He told his friends he was going to the Indigo Islands, said goodbye to his parents, and took a ship to Indigo Island.
Ash was sitting at home, playing Pikachu in a game of chess. Misty went back to Cerulean City, and Brock went to take care of his ten brothers and sisters.
"Pika-Pika!" (Checkmate!) cried Pikachu.
"Awww, Pikachu! You win again!" Ash groaned. Mr. Mime was sweeping the floor, and Ash's mom was fixing dinner. Gary had gone home too, right next door to Ash. Gary and Ash had patched up their friendship since the tournament. Ash could hear a boat coming in to port. He went back to the game with Pikachu.
"Finally, I'm here!" cried Jason as he got off the boat. He wasn't sure where he was, seeing this was his first time on Indigo. He read the sign.
"Welcome to Pallet Town, home of the Indigo Pokémon Master!" The sign read, seeming to be just recently placed. Jason couldn't believe his luck.
Another Pokémon Master! I could ask him to show me around! He thought in his mind. He walked through town until he came across a mailbox that read "Ketchum Residence." Jason knocked on the door.
"Ash, could you get the door?" asked Ms. Ketchum. (I said Ms. because we don't know where Ash's dad is. Duh.) Ash got up and opened the door.
"Yes?" Ash asked.
"Hello, I'm Jason Weedle, Orange League Pokémon Master. Would you happen to know where I could find the Pokémon Master of this island?"
Ash grinned. "You're lookin' at him! My name's Ash Ketchum! Pokémon Master! Um...did you say you were a Pokémon Master too?" "Yes." Jason said. "I was just named Pokémon Master on Orange Island. I was hoping to do the same here. Could you tell me a little about this island, if you have the time?"
"Sure! I'd be happy to! How about tomorrow I take you to Viridian City and show you around?"
"That sounds great! Um...do you know of any hotels around here?"
"Not in Pallet. Hey! Do you want to stay here tonight?"
"Well, I don't want to bother you all. In fact, I had a tree picked out to sleep under..."
"I won't allow it! Come stay! Hold on! MOOOOOMMMMM!!!" Ash yelled.
"Yes, Ash honey?"
"Mom, can he stay with us tonight?"
"Well, I don't want to be a burden..."
"Nonsense!" said Ms. Ketchum. "I already have dinner ready. Come in! We have a guestroom you can stay in! Go and get aquainted with Ash while I get dinner ready!"
"Sure, Mom. Come on, Jason!" Ash grabbed his arm and introduced him to Pikachu.
"Pikachu, meet Jason!" Ash said. Jason shook Pikachu's hand(?).
"Pleased to meet you, Pikachu."
"Pika!" (Likewise.)
"Hey, Jason! What kind of Pokémon do you have?"
"Well, meet them! Come out, Hitmonchan!"
Hitmonchan came out of one of Jason's Pokéballs.
"Hiiiittmonchan!" (Hi!)
"Hi, Hitmonchan!" Ash said.
"Chu!" (Yo!) said Pikachu.
Ash's mom called from the kitchen. "Dinner's ready!"
Now, knowing Ash, he darted into the kitchen full-speed. Jason followed behind him. This should be a fun stay, Jason thought as he walked into the kitchen.
Chapter Two
Ash, Ash's mom, and Jason were sitting at the kitchen table eating dinner. Ms. Ketchum had cooked
spaghetti and meatballs. (I ran out of ideas, so sue me.)
"So, Jason. Where are you from?" asked Ash's mom.
"Um...from the Orange Islands, ma'am." Jason replied.
"Call me Ms. Ketchum."
"Okay, Ms. Ketchum."
Ash wasn't saying anything, as he was stuffing his face at that moment. Pikachu was enjoying a bottle of ketchup.
After dinner, the three went to bed. Ash went to sleep quickly, with Pikachu cuddled up at the foot of the bed. Jason, however, stayed awake for a while. "Hmm...what were the chances I would meet the Pokémon Master of this island so soon? Oh, well. He'll show me around tomorrow. I'll rest up then." And he went right to sleep.
The next morning, Ash and Jason got up, got dressed, and left.
"So, Jason." Ash said. "What brought you to Indigo Island?"
"Well, I had already became the Pokémon Master of Orange Island, and I heard they had League Tournaments on this island, so I curiously decided to try my luck here."
"Interesting. Look! There's Viridian City! Let's go!" Ash yelled as he ran towards the city.
"Hmm, for a Pokémon Master, he sure seems eager to go some place." Jason thought to himself as he tried to keeep up.
As they reached the Pokémon Center, Ash wondered what became of his friends. Did Brock make it back to Pewter City? And Misty... He stopped on that thought. Was Misty okay? Would he ever see her again? Just then, Jason interrupted.
"Hey, Ash! Are you all right? I was thinking I would head towards these two towns first..." he said, pointing to two towns on the map. Oddly enough, they were Pewter City and Cerulean City!
Ash then excitedly said, "Hey, Jason! I'll go
with you! I, um...have some buisness up there! Come on!"
"ASH! WAIT FOR ME!!!" Jason said, running after Ash. They headed into the Viridian Forest.
To be continued...
So, how was it? Jason was my idea, but Ash and them don't belong to me...yada yada yada! Part 3 coming up!
-Jim Townsend