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Stats on Lindsay Lohan

First Name: Lindsay

Last Name: Lohan

Middle Name: Morgan

Height: 4'9

Weight:The wonderful lindsay does not want to post her weight. MAN SHE IS CUTE!!!!!!!!!

Hair: Auborn Red <>Eyes:Blue

Birthday: July 2nd, 1986

Favorite Color: Blue ( my favorite too)

Grade: 7th Grade

roles: The two twins in 'The Parent Trap' Alli in 'Another World' and misc roles in various commercials.

Has signed contracts with: A three movie deal with Disney and a contract with DKNY

Friends who are stars: Michelle Trachtenburg and Andrew Keegan.

Matramonial State: Single

Favorite Movies: Grease, Scream, I know what you did last summer, Titanic and Good Will Hunting. ( I like scream and good will hunting too)

Real Life Friends: Rachael, C00LGirl

Favorite Animal: Dog (my favorite animal too)

Likes: Shopping, gymnastics, swimming, ice skating, roller blading, singing, biking, reading, writing, collecting beanie babies. ( my favorite swimming,iceskating,singing,biking,writing.

Best Subjects in School: Math and Science (science is favorite)
