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ODDS-N-ENDS Issue #7

In This Issue.....

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I want to apologize to Lisa for the last issue. I mistakenly typed her birth date as December 10th. It is the 20th. Lisa had also set up the back issues page and I forgot to include the link on the website. I could have sworn I did so. Perhaps I just forgot to save the changes on the website. Sorry, Lisa. Also want to aplogize to Ryan and Rocky WILKINSON for constantly mispelling their last name. Sorry to Jackie for forgetting to send a text only version of last weeks newsletter. Thanks again to all who have sent Cara donations– Midge

No Phillip The Fireman this issue again. All has been quite although while Phillip was at work yesterday there was a fire at Avocado Lake. When Phillip got home from work he went to cover the Piedra station for a few hours.

There will be no Reader Of The Week article because I have spent most of my time writing the backpacking article. There is also no Paul picture this week. That's because in the backpacking article you'll find plenty of Paul pictures.





Once a prominent Celtic festival known as Lughnasa (meaning "games or assembly" of Lugh, a Celitc deity), Lammas is a joyful celbration of the first harvest. In an age when crops can be imported all year- round, we tend to forget just how important this time was to our ancestors—the failure of the harvest meant starvation and death. Early August was a time to celebrate the fruits of the first harvest. ¨ Lammas: Celebrating the fruits of the first harvest ¨ by Anna Franklin and Paul Mason

The three sisters—beans, corn, and squash have traditionally been planted together by Native American gardeners throughout many regions of Northa America. This form of companion planting, where a beneficial mini-ecosystem is created, was invented by Haudenasaunee ("People of the Long House")

¼ cup butter
1 clove of garlic, grated
2 pt. stock or stock cube added to 2 pints
Pinch of salt, and black pepper
Pinch of nutmeg
3 cups. runner beans or French beans sliced finely
4 cups. squash, diced into small pieces
3 cups corn

Melt the butter on a large saucepan and add the garlic to soften. Pour in the stock and season with salt, pepper and nutmeg. Add the vegetables and bring to a boil. Simmer until vegetables are cooked.

6 cups bilberries, blackberries, blueberries, black currantes, cranberries, raspberries, red currants, or similar fruit
1 cup sugar
Good quality white bread, one or two days old

Wash the fruit and leave in a bowl with sugar oevernight. The next day, tip the contents into a saucepan and bring to a boil. Gently simmer for 2 or 3 minutes to lightly cook the fruit. The should be a fair amount of juice.

Cut the loaf into slices about ¼ inch thick and remove the crusts. Cut a circle from one slice of the bread slightly larger than the bottom of a 2 ½ pint pudding dish or similar bowl and place in position. Cut wedges of bread to fit around the sides of the bowl. If there are any gaps, push in small pieces of bread. Now pour in half of the fruit and juice mixture, cover with bread cut to shape, and add the remainder of fruit and juice. Cover the top with a couple of slices of bread, trimming off the excess.

Put a plate on top and weight it down with two or three cans of food. Leave it in the refregeratior for a day or two, or at least overnight. If, by chance there are any patches of bread not soaked the fruit juice, boil a few more berries and pour the juice over the white bits.

When the pudding is taken out of the refrigerator, run a thin, flexible knife between the pudding and the bowl to loosen it. Place a serving dish or large plate upside down, on top of the bowl. Quickly turn it over and remove the bowl. Serve with vast amounts of cream as this in an intensely flavored pudding.and a little goes a long way.



Last Thursday, the 25th, Aunt Rocky, Uncle Ryan, Rowan, their 2 dogs Allie and Chico, Mom, Paul, Phillip, and I went went on a 3 day backpacking trip. The total trip was 9 ½ miles (9 miles for mom and Phillip, you will see why later) and this article is about what happened on this trip.


It took a really long time to get to Mono Hot Springs. The road was really narrow and it was only one lane, by the time we got there it was really dark. Getting up to the campsite was also hard because the road was not paved anad mom’s car got stuck. It was pretty late when we got into bed and it was even later when we fell asleep.It was hard to go to sleep because Paul was wanting to run around, so it was hard to put him to bed there were also mosquitoes and noisy people. It didn’t help that my sleeping pad was uncomfortable. Later that night mom went to go sleep in the car since she was having trouble sleeping and at 5:00 am I went to sleep in the car for the same reason. That night mom went to go look for a good bathroom spot when she heard a loud growling sound. She got scared so I went with her. It turned it was this really loud snoring guy. The funny part was that mom got scared and in the morning it turned out the guy was sleeping pretty far away. Mom thinks his snoring sounded like a bear because he had an adnoid problem or sleep apnea or something.


In the morning we all went to the little village. Mom, Phillip, and Paul went in the car and Rocky, Ryan, Rowan and I walked. In the town there was a general store, a resturant, and a bath house with showers and a massage place. We went to have some breakfast at the resturaunt, I actually had buffalo for breakfast. (which I thought was pretty cool). Mom was a litte upset because they ran out of potatoes so no hashed browns. They ran out of mushrooms for her omlette and they ran out of milk to drink. Later she overheard the waitress say they were out of sausage, too. After breakfast we went back to the camp, got our packs (Chico had one too) and started off on the trail. It was really hard at first, especially when we had to climb this big sandy hill. Rocky headed out in front off us because Rowan was getting fussy. Because we made a few stops we lost Rocky on the way to Tule Lake. We hiked about a mile to Tule lake and we hadn’t found Rocky yet. We were all a little worried because she had Rowan and didn’t have any water to drink. Uncle Ryan went back to find her and it turned out that she went up to Doris lake, where we were suposed to camp the next day. I went swimming with Aunt Rocky at Tule lake and we also ate lunch there (Eating lunch was pretty hard since we only had 2 spoons, one of which was a baby spoon). From there we hiked to the creek for water, all the water we had was taken to the creek to refill the bottles. The mosquitoes over at the creek were so bad that we ( Mom, Phillip, Paul, and I) continued on the trail—without our water (you would think we would have learned something after losing Rocky earlier). It was hard because we were going fast so we would not get bit. We were getting really thirsty and worried by this time but we kept on going, we finally made it to our campsite at Mono Crossing but still did not know where Rocky and Ryan were. Every once in a whille mom would whistle really loud so Rocky and Ryan would know where we were. After a little while Mom sent Phillip to go look for them, he came back about 10 minutes later with Rocky and Ryan. We all drank a whole bunch of water, it turns out we hiked about 2 ½ to 3 miles without water. We found out later that Ryan thought we had gotten lost, had back tracked to the creek leaving Rocky and Rowan to sit for an hour, he left us a note and two bottles of water in case we happened by. Looking back the whole situation was kind of funny. They were worried about having to camp with out food since we had all of it in our packs. We were worried about having to camp without water and we were really thirsty. Our campsite was really sandy, like a beach, mom was geting frustrated because Paul was throwing sand and getting all dirty. He also hadn’t slept much. He was very cranky. That night mom decided she wanted to go home because it was hard on Paul, so it was also hard on her.


This days hike was the hardest. We had to climb this really steep up hill part, and we had to go back almost all the way we came. We stopped for a little while at Tule lake so we could rest and eat lunch I also went swimming. After our break we hiked up to a half way point. Mom and Phillip went home on one trail and I stayed with Rocky and Ryan. After that we hiked a half mile to Doris lake where we would camp. Ryan took off his pack and went into the town (a half mile away) to get some water. He also brought back a lemonade for me and Rocky, I chugged mine in about 4 gulps because I was so tired of water. I went swimming at Doris lake and met some really nice people. I also jumped off this bag rock into the lake, it was really scary. The other cool thing about the lake was that when you stood still fish would swim around your legs. That night we all sat on a big rock and looked at the stars, we also looked at bats flying around. That night I slept in the tent with aunt Rocky and Ryan had to sleep outside.


After everybody woke up I went down to the lake to see how cold the water was, It was warm when I stuck my hand in so I got Aunt Rocky to watch me swim. I decided to jump off the big rock so Rocky could get a picture, I jumped and it was freezing! It took a long time for me to get out, and when I did it was even colder. I guess I forgot that the depth of the water makes it colder/warmer. After I got changed we packed up and were ready to go. It felt good to have to walk only a half mile. On the way down we saw a lot of lizards, I counted 21. When we got into the town we had breakfast in the resturant (once again I had buffalo). It was nice to know there were working bathrooms and we wouldn’t have to eat dehydrated food. After we ate we went to the general store and I was excited because I got to drink something other than water. I also got this really cool bandanna with a map of Mono Hot Springs. The drive home was pretty uneventful and it felt really good to take a shower when we got home.

Please note that the pictures below are in no particular order. However the very last picture was taken of Paul after mom put him in the carseat, buckled him, got in the front seat and turned around to offer him something to drink. She says that no more than 30 seconds had gone by.

Backpack baby
Cara at Doris Lake
Cara swimming at Doris Lake
Even the dogs carried something..
Rocky and baby Rowan
Doris Lake
Family picture
Rocky, Ryan, Cara, Paul
One of the few naps Paul got
One of the few naps Phillip got
Taking a break
Cara got stuck trying to climb over a log
Ryan and Cara at Doris Lake
Rocky and Cara swimming
Filthy, exhausted Paul not 60 sec. after he got in the car.