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Biography/Autobiography Book Report Format

Write your book report as four mini-essays on the following topics. Each section (I, II, III, and IV) should consist of a short introduction, a body, and a short conclusion. Select your biography or autobiography from the English 9 Medical Reading list, available at

Include quotations from the biography/autobiography in your report. Use quotations marks correctly.

This report is due on Monday, June 4.. It will absolutely, under no conditions, be accepted late. You may turn it in early. If you are absent on Monday, June 4, make arrangements to have it turned in for you. If the report is not turned in on Monday, June 4, you will receive a "0" on it. (It's worth 300 points).

Don't delay in obtaining the book and starting to read. You won't be able to do an adequate job if you want until a few days before the due date to start trying to locate the book.

You will need a cover page for your report. Have the title of the book and the author centered on the title page, and in the lower right hand corner, have your name, period, date, and instructor's name (Mr. Chilton), each on a separate line.

The second page of your report must be a photocopy of the cover of your book (to verify that you actually read a book and did not just find information on a person in the encyclopedia).

The body of your report must contain these sections, in this order:

  1. Main Events of the person's life (1.5 - 2 pages). Describe, in chronological order, the main events of the subject of your biography/autobiography's life. Include only the main events.
  2. Struggles/Problems. (1-2 pages) Explain in detail two obstacles or problems the subject had to overcome in the course of his/her life. Try to select the two most significant obstacles or problems to describe.
  3. Achievements. (1-2 pages) Explain in detail the two most significant achievements in the subject's life. At least one of these achievements should be related to medicine in some way. For both achievements, explain both the achievement itself, why it was significant, and why it's important to us today.
  4. What of it? (1 page) What can you learn from this person's life that you can apply to your own life? What can people in general, and people involved in health care more specifically, learn from this person's life?
  5. Your opinion. (.5 page) What is your critical judgement of this book? Is it worth reading? Is it interesting? Why or why not? Would you recommend this book to a friend of yours? Why or why not? (Do not say "it's boring" without explaining why "it's boring." Usually when students say a book is "boring" they mean they are lazy and don't like reading in the first place, so anything that requires them to make an effort is offensive to them.)