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Book Report Format for English Medical



This report must be typed. The questions in each section are to guide you. This is not to be written as a series of responses to those questions. You have to organize your ideas and information in logical, coherent paragraphs with topic sentences and supporting evidence.

Include a cover page with your report. On the cover page, include:
1) the title of your book
2)Your name
3) the date
4) The teacher's name (Mr. Chilton)


I. Setting (1/2 page) Where and when does the story take place? What historical period is the story set in? What were some of the major events during that historical period that are reflected in some way in the story? Give some historical background on major events of this time period. In what ways does the setting affect the story?

II. Characters (2 pages) Pick four major characters from the literary work. For each character, write a one/half page character sketch. Include a physical description of the character, as well as an analysis of the character's personality and motivations (what kind of person is he/she, and why is he/she like that?)

III. Plot (1 page) Write a summary of the main events in the literary work. Include an analysis of the main conflict, and how that conflict is resolved.

IV. Theme (1/2 page) Discuss two main ideas or issues dealt with in the literary work. What does the author seem to be saying about these ideas or issues? Use evidence, including quotations from the work, to support what you're saying in this section.

V. Medical Issues. (1 page) Discuss any health-care related issues in the novel. These could include illness (how are sick people portrayed in the work?), mental health (are any characters mentally ill? what happens to them? how do the other characters react to them?), health-care (are any of the characters involved in health care? if so, how are they portrayed?). This section can include anything in the novel that is related to medicine or health-care. Almost all of the literary works contain some issue related to health-care. Look for this as you read the work.

VI. Your opinion. (1/2 page) Would you recommend this book to a friend? Why or why not? What is good about the book? What isn’t good about the book? Out of five stars, how many stars would you give it?

VII. Two sentence summary of the book (if it’s not already on the list on the webpage)