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Leo Strauss Has A Plan For Your Life

adrien rain burke

Leo Strauss Has A Plan For Your Life.

Well, for OUR lives - all of them, in fact. A philosophy of government akin to Machiavelli's, wherein wise, yet jaundiced, covert rulers, under cover of some useful front man, manipulate a trusting herd into war and complacent obedience.

And his followers don't stop at OUR borders. Even while we send our kids to die in the Iraqi Quagmire and the failed Afghanistan state or satrapy (not much in the news these days - a bit of an embarrassment, really), Feith, Wolfowitz, and Perle, apparently shrugging off spy scandals and exposes, are busily planning regime change in Iran, and god knows where else - they've got quite a list. It is good to be one of the elite. . . . .

The current trend in church/state convergence can't be understood without some knowledge of our modern Machiavelli, Leo Strauss:

Leo Strauss' Philosophy of Deception
By Jim Lobe, AlterNet. Posted May 19, 2003.

" Many neoconservatives like Paul Wolfowitz are disciples of a philosopher who believed that the elite should use deception, religious fervor and perpetual war to control the ignorant masses."
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But that's not all, because there is another aspect to this strange schema. Dominionism, Christian Reconstructionism, etc., and THEIR plan for our lives (you REALLY need to know this stuff):

Gary North in 1989 candidly described his mission: "The long-term goal of Christians in politics should be to gain exclusive control over the franchise. Those who refuse to submit to the eternal sanctions of God ... must be denied citizenship, just as they were in ancient Israel."

Marietta's Pastor Morecraft in 1993 proclaimed that the government he wants to create has this as its primary purpose: "Terrorize evil-doers. ... Bring down the wrath of God to bear on all those who practice evil."
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The real question now is which of these intriguing designs is really guiding our government now? Are the Straussians slyly using Christian Reconstruction to bring about Straussian's dream theocracy, secretly controlled by atheistic philosopher.kings? OR are the Dominionists cleverly using the neocons to get into power, after which it will be fairly easy to dispense with the pointy-headed bastards (possibly on the stake)?

And more importantly, which side is George Bush REALLY on? He seems to give the secret handshake to both camps. He's appointed more thn a score of Straussians to highly influential positions in intelligence and strategic planning. Basically, they made our last two wars, using what they once fantasized about as a fortuitous "new Pearl Harbor" (9/11) to stir up those cud-chewing masses. September 11 must have been a godsend for them - oh that's right, they don't really believe in God (in fact, Strauss thought the whole idea was silly) -they just think everybody else should.

But W speaks - when he isn't speaking to God - to the Reconstructionists and Dominionists, with whom he consults before making certain policy decisions - regarding Israel for instance. He is the first president ever to ignore the Council of Churches completely, in favor of those hoping for nuclear holocaust to bring about their post-apocalyptic Utopia, ruled by Jesus. Meanwhile their agenda for the US is pure theocracy. (I know I have no right to criticize, but I do miss that other old Jesus - the one who said stuff like "blessed are the peacemakers. . .")

Or maybe George II doesn't represent either side. Maybe he simply represents the ultra-rich of the world - the Saudi royals, for instance, or that other royal family with whom his family tediously boasts blood kinship. And don't forget that his father accepted a knighthood after his miserable term as the mere, so easily-replaceable, elected head of a drab old republic. Well, it is tiresome to be fired by a pack of commoners. . . . Of course Bush the elder ALSO went to work pitching for the Rev. Godhead Sun Moon, so maybe we shouldn't read too much into the knighthood. Maybe he just collects trophies. Then there's the sinister Skull and Bones bunch - with influence in government far beyond their numbers for decades, and now TWO candidates for our highest office. (Perhaps the Bonesmen are pulling ALL the strings!)

Or maybe the only cause our ruling class cares about is its own. . . . . .