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Why Johnny Cash’s Life Changed
When June Carter Came Along

Sometimes a man has a lot of what it takes to get ahead, but still needs that special someone to complete his life. The Man in Black, for instance, despite his strong masculine image, was one of the most sensitive men in the music business. Just look at his chart.

He has his Sun in the sensitive emotional sign of Pisces. His compassion for others was legendary. It came out in the words of his songs, in his visits to prisons to lift the spirits of inmates, and in his many charities.

But this sensitivity and compassion is even more apparent astrologically when one notices that his Sun in Pisces was in the 12th house of his chart—the Pisces house. This is the area of one’s chart that rules all behind-the-scenes matters—prisons, hospitals, institutions, even the hidden side of one’s own being, the subconscious mind.

The good side of this placement of a sensitive Pisces Sun is the attunement to intuition, imagination, musical and artistic creativity, as well as to higher planes of understanding and spirituality. The down side to a 12th house Pisces Sun is that the same sensitivity could cause one to feel battered at times by the powerful vibes and emotions of others who are hurting, angry or in pain of some kind. Coming in contact with the feelings of clamoring crowds--as one does on tour as a performing artist--is not easy for many musicians with this fine Neptunian sensitivity. Pisces individuals must frequently retreat from the world to find themselves again.

When the demands of life or business make such retreat difficult, sensitive persons frequently seek the quick escape provided by drugs or alcohol. The potential for this would be especially strong in a chart like Cash’s where sensitive Neptune, ruler of Pisces, was directly opposite his natal Sun—in his case in Virgo in the 6th house of work and health. A triple Pisces influence comes into play here.

Fortunately, for his success in life and general good luck, Johnny Cash had his natal Moon in Scorpio in harmonious trine to his Sun, so he was resourceful enough, and with enough inner strength, to harmonize the sensitive Sun-in-Pisces-in the 12th-opposite-Neptune with the Moon in determined Scorpio. Trines, such as this, bring luck and ease to one’s life. When the Moon is involved in the trine, that luck may come through women.

The greatest luck in life, however, comes from a grand trine--three planets--or Sun or Moon--that form a triangle, each of these 120 degrees from the other. Johnny didn’t have a grand trine in his natal chart. But he gained one when June Carter came into his life.

They first met backstage at the Grand Old Opry in 1956. Later they became singing partners and by 1968 were husband and wife, blending beautifully in both areas. There are significant astrological reasons why they did.

June Carter, a member of the famed Carter family singers, was born June 23, 1929, with her Sun in early Cancer. This formed a grand trine from her very compatible Sun in sensitive, intuitive Cancer to Cash’s Sun in early Pisces and to his Moon in early Scorpio. Thus Cash gained a grand trine as their charts came together in relationship.

June’s nurturing Cancerian qualities of warmth, sincerity and deep caring were just what Johnny needed. Here was a woman who would not only bring the luck of a grand trine into his life and career, but would be benefited herself by being with him. His Sun- trine-Moon fit right into her chart like the missing pieces of a puzzle. The aspect brought not only the Sun-trine-Sun of friendship between them, but the Sun-trine-Moon that is one of the indicators of true marriage love between a man and a woman.

Each was completed by the chart of the other.

But there was at least one more factor that gave Cash help when he most needed it. June came along at a period in his life when drugs and alcohol had all but conquered him. He needed someone to give him true love and help him reconstruct his life. June’s Saturn, the planet we associate with discipline, structure and ambition to succeed was located at Johnny’s Midheaven of career, the highest place in one’s chart.

She was the strong force that helped him re-shape his career. And she was the warm, caring and understanding woman who completed his personal life.

Cash has been quoted as saying this about his beloved wife of so many years: “What June did for me was…lift me when I was weak, encourage me when I was discouraged, and love me when I was alone and felt unlovable. She is the greatest woman I have ever known. Nobody else, except my mother, comes close.”

June Carter Cash passed away in Nashville on May 15, 2003 (at 5:04 p.m.). Johnny followed on Sept. 12, 2003 (at 3:00 a.m.). She was truly his good angel in life—and will most assuredly be so in the world beyond.

(Chart data: Johnny Cash, 2/26/1932, 7:30 a.m., Kingsland, Arkansas—June Carter Cash, 6/23/1929, 12 noon used in lieu of actual time, Maces Park, Virginia.)

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